Cancel culture hasn’t disappeared: it’s just not making the news as much with all the other bad news. This one is rather ironic
Texas Wesleyan Cancels Play After Students Say Use of Slur Is Harmful
Texas Wesleyan University halted its production of “Down in Mississippi,” a play about registering voters in the 1960s, after criticism from students who said racist epithets in the script could contribute to a hostile, unwelcoming environment. Its author said he was using that language to represent the reality of the period.
The play by Carlyle Brown, a Black playwright based in Minneapolis, focuses on the efforts of a movement that led to passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which outlawed racial discrimination and protected Black voters. The plot, which is set during the Freedom Summer campaign, centers on three student activists as they travel from New York City to the South to register Black voters.
In telling that story, the playwright included a scene in which a white character used a racial slur, repeatedly, to refer to Black people, opening up a controversy on campus that also spotlighted a larger rift in American society over discussions of race and the portrayal of the struggles of people of color in media and the arts.
That’s right, this was written by a Black playwright, who was trying to capture the spirit of the time, the language of the time, the interactions of the time, to give it authenticity. Leftists will often say that art should be provocative, like when they’re burning the American flag or putting Jesus in a urine jar. Leftists will often use negative epithets towards whites. Blacks will use those same epithets constantly in their music, videos, and interactions. Here’s the kicker
Two students who were not part of the production, and were described as a Latinx woman and a Black woman, heard about the scene through word-of-mouth and submitted bias reports to the university’s administration Sept. 23, said Chatashia Brown, the university’s assistant director for student diversity and inclusion programs.
So, they weren’t even part of it and hadn’t heard it? Huh. BTW, most Latinos find Latinx to be offensive. Cancel the NY Times for using the word.
Their complaints prompted administrators of the university, in Fort Worth, Texas, to host a “listening session” Sept. 29, which had been previously scheduled as the opening night of the play. Students, actors and members of the university’s faculty and staff joined the open forum, as did Carlyle Brown.
Black students said that the explicit language in the play would further aggravate problems on a campus that they said did not cater to the needs of its significant population of students of color. As of fall 2021, 58% of students at Texas Wesleyan identified as Asian, Black, Latino or biracial.
“They wanted to kind of come in and be able to see the story and understand its impact without being triggered by it,” Chatashia Brown said.
They hear and use the words themselves. It’s just a play. A representation of the time. SJWs can’t abide by people Offending them.
The students who expressed their concerns said that the repetition of the racial slur, spoken about a dozen times in the play, would have caught them off guard and negatively affected their mental health. They worried that the play could lead other students who are not Black to feel more comfortable repeating the slur.
So, don’t go see it. If a few words offend them like that, they are too soft to be in adult society. Further, as many have noted, this kind of idiocy reduces the notion of real mental health issues.
The playwright said that his intentions were for the performance to be historically accurate. To him, the past shouldn’t be sanitized — and he said that the racial slur was used provocatively, for audience members to feel the impact it has had in real life. The scene portrays one of the play’s three students, who is white, showing the Black student how he would be treated on their journey. Training sessions like the one portrayed were common at the time and were intended to help people understand the severity of the behavior they could face.
So you have an activist being cancelled by other SJWs. And, the school simply cancelled the play. Period.

The university should have told the complainants, “Thank you for your concern, but the show will go on as planned. You are entitled to protest, but peacefully”.
Stop giving in to the whiners.
Before you know it, school whiners will start banning books in schools. Or telling teachers they can’t mention global warming, the age of the universe or why little Carlie has two moms.
I lived in Mississippi during that period. We did not refer to blacks by what people call racial epithets. The only time I can remember hearing really abusive language of that nature was 2 years ago in Seattle when I went to a pro football game and the Yankees were yelling really horrible language that a Southern boy would never dream of uttering.
I was in elementary school in the Missouri Ozarks in the early 60s and was called a “nigger-lover” for walking home with my black friends. My father told me once that there were good niggers and bad niggers and that my best friend was a good nigger. We also heard ‘jungle bunny’, ‘coon’, ‘jigaboo’, ‘spade’, ‘spook’, and then ‘pickaninny’ for youngsters. Back then, acceptable was Negro or colored.
Geez, Rimjob, could you be any more narcissistic?

Guess you consider yourself some kinda hero or something.
Better yet, it’s another story you probably made up.
Thanks, dumbass.
Well, I was in elementary school, a segregated elementary school, in Kentucky, and I heard the word nigger many times myself. But, surprisingly enough, when the school was integrated as I started the sixth grade — the black school mysteriously burned to the ground — there were no problems that I can recall. Perhaps some of the parents had problems, but the kids mostly did not.
Our schools in our town were integrated from at least 1958. We had few problems, but one girl in the 6th grade, the cute Brenda, claimed the Bible said Negroes were intended to be slaves. It caused a bit of a kerfluffle.
We have identified you as a low life, no doubt and there is no way to predict what low life’s will say.
Now, if you were in the Missouri area it was likely segregated, so how did you walk home from school with your black friends. If this was the time of forced interrelation, then the emotional tensions of that period would explain crude language, again mostly by low life’s.
But you are such a wonderful guy having black friends and making sure that the community knew of such a wonderful person you were, just as you make every effort here to show how great you are.
I was talking about those times with neighbors and the currently adult women told tales of how they were constantly sexually assaulted at school by the “good” niggers. And how the boys were constantly beaten by the oh so “good” niggers.
I went to school in the 50s-60s in suburban Detroit. We never even saw black people, at least in town. But I did hear all of those insulting terms except the last one. That came from transported southerners who came up to work in the auto industry.
There was no racism of any type in Southland in the 50s and 60s
And if there was, it of course it was all done by Democrats.
Any of you who still have find memories of the South in the 50s or 60s can have them easily. Refreshed by watching YouTube videos of the Freedom Rider,’s Greyhound bus bring attacked with rocks and then burnt by Molotov cocktail before being arrested. A warm Southern welcome greeting in the local vernacular !!!!
The only political party in the South was Democrat. I order to vote, you had to be a member of the Democrat party. I did remember instances of use of racial expletives in the day. At election time the Democrat politicians would call each other nigger lovers over the radio. Now, things were separate at that time, and did you know that blacks were ok with that, and still are. The black community in my state refuses to integrate school systems, imagine. Numerous other instances can be related, but you and Jeff would refuse to believe. So, screw you.
Conservative, white supremacist southern Democrats became conservative, white supremacist southe.rn Republicans when the Democratic Party inexplicably started supporting civil rights under Truman, JFK and LBJ.
No that is not right, come up with another fable.
Dear Elwood:
“Before you know it, school whiners will start banning books in schools. Or telling teachers they can’t mention global warming, the age of the universe or why little Carlie has two moms.”
Actually the only protection free speech has is: “Congress shall make no law….. or abridging the freedom of speech,…..”
Private entities can speak as they please, subject to legal action against them.
Various social media corps, Twitter, FB, et al, have claimed the right to censure participants they disagree with. They also claim to be protected by US law, see 230. IOW, they can censure you but you cannot take legal actions against them. They are just bulletin boards…
Of course that is hypocritical to the max.
In this we find two groups each wanting to censure the other.
I support both. They deserve each other.
However, care should be exercised. Books teaching children the joys of anal sex should be banned just as surely as books teaching blacks are inferior to whites should be banned.
Both violate the social contract that we all live under.
You should try it.
Certainly, if political contributions are speech, what isn’t?
But actually, the role of facebook etc is a legitimate discussion to have. Facebook is nothing but a sales vehicle for ED drugs! twitter is a cesspool of BS. “Social” media is anything but.
Both violate the social contract that we all live under.
You should try it.
Dear Elwood:
Political contributions via PACs have been ruled as POLIITICAL speech and this protected under Amendment 1.
Whatever social media is it is over very very very biased.
“Before you know it, school whiners will start banning books in schools. Or telling teachers they can’t mention global warming, the age of the universe or why little Carlie has two moms.”
School whiners already started banning books like the Bible. Some ban Uncle Toms Cabin, Catcher in the Rye among others. They already FORBID teachers from mentioning creationism claiming that talking about religion is tantamount of establishing same. Global warming is not an issue until you put “Man Made” in front of it. Then it becomes a religion, not a theory. And nobody knows the age of the earth let alone the universe.
You, like Hairy keep pitching fallacy after fallacy in the hope we won’t connect. At this point we bat them all out of the stadium.
Lying and obfuscation, fibs and gaslighting do not prove your points. Just like refusing to recognize the election anomalies does not mean the election wasn’t stolen.
BTW, we on the right believe in God, family and country. If you find those to be a moral problem or in some way objectionable we suggest you move to N. Korea they, like you don’t believe in those either.
So, I should move to N Korea because I don’t practice your religion? How American of you. It’s the nuRight who have lost their love of America. And I’ve been married to the same woman for over 50 years with three wonderful grown children and several grandkids, you know ‘family’.
BTW, how’s your nuclear family? I’ve never impregnated one, let alone two teens, with both ending in abortion. Did you pay for the abortions like forced-birther Herschel Walder did?
Luther typed: And nobody knows the age of the earth let alone the universe.
Scientists have a good estimate, don’t they. What is your estimate?
So ignorant Rimjob doesn’t even realize he just got owned.
So, I should move to N Korea because I don’t practice your religion? How American of you.
No, my religion has nothing to do with it. You should move to N. Korea because they, like you, are godless filthy hateful communists who bully and abuse people they don’t like. You would fit in there. I’m a lot more American than you’ll ever be. At least I can identify people who love our country and you ain’t one.
It’s the nuRight who have lost their love of America.
Really? Wanting to Make America Great Again shows loss of love? Believing in God, country and family shows loss of love? Wanting smaller and more local government means we hate America but wanting perverts grooming our children somehow in your warped brain is very American?
Does being married for 50 years and having grown kids somehow make you special? Even as you undermine the families of other Americans with CRT, BLM trans grooming? So you got yours screw everyone else, is that it? Another red herring? Stay in your lane dope.
BTW, how’s your nuclear family? I’ve never impregnated one, let alone two teens, with both ending in abortion. Did you pay for the abortions like forced-birther Herschel Walder did?
A filthy hateful statement like that isn’t even worth a response other than fuk you. Even when its another logical fallacy called a red herring and even when we thought you endorsed abortion.
Scientists have a good estimate, don’t they. What is your estimate?
No they don’t. There you go again with your logical fallacy: Appealing to authority means nothing especially when THEY ARE GUESSING!!! So my GUESS is as good as theirs. My estimate is 2 Trillion years, what’s yours idiot?
MAGA, commie.