They just can’t give up, because they’re too invested in the scaremongering when most people have mostly moved on. Do they think they’ll be able to get more mandates at this point? No one will allow it
How bad will flu and Covid be this winter? Hospitals brace for rough season.
Hospitals nationwide are preparing for another winter with Covid — the first one that’s also expected to include high levels of influenza and other respiratory illnesses that have simmered quietly in the background for the past two years.
Flu cases are already rising in parts of the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Pediatricians, too, are seeing a growing number of children sick with respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, and enteroviruses.
And despite a downward trend in Covid, tens of thousands of new cases are still being diagnosed every day.
The convergence of viruses is hitting health care systems as they’re forced to reckon with staffing shortages that worsened during the pandemic.
Staff shortages? You mean like from terminating doctors and nurses and assistants for refusing to take the unproven, emergency use vaccines? Which, sadly, have shown to be not as good as positioned, and are causing a lot of problems, such as strokes (including in young folks) and messing up menstrual cycles?
“If you go around the nation and ask hospitals how busy they are, every single one of them will tell you: They’re busy,” said Dr. Carlos del Rio, an executive associate dean at the Emory University School of Medicine and Grady Health System in Atlanta.
Really? Weird that I do not see that in the local news around here or any of the other outlets I hit for whatever reason.
Health care workers are quitting at rates 23 percent higher than when the pandemic began, mirroring a larger nationwide trend of workers leaving their jobs, according to Health System Tracker, a joint effort between the nonprofits Peterson Center on Healthcare and Kaiser Family Foundation to monitor how well the U.S. health care system is performing.
“Nurses were on the front line, and some of them burned out and quit,” said Dr. James McDeavitt, executive vice president and dean of clinical affairs at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. “Others that were in their 50s and 60s who maybe thought they’d be working for another five years took an early retirement.”
Some are leaving because they refuse to take the mandated vaccines. Some refuse to take a booster, because we now know more. The COVID cultists really want to make this happen, as they are too invested in doom. And, speaking of vaccines
Federal employees have more paid time off from OPM to get COVID-19 booster shots
The Office of Personnel Management is making it a little easier for federal employees to get their booster doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.
Employees now have up to four hours of paid administrative leave, after OPM authorized the time off on Oct. 6. Feds can also use time off to take family members to get their doses of the vaccine. And any employees who are not yet vaccinated against COVID-19 can use the time off toward getting their first dose.
Why? They have days off. They have after work time. It barely takes any time to get a shot. Even in the depths of COVID, with all the social distancing, it took less than an hour to drive to the center, wait in line, get jabbed, and get home. Why are We The Taxpayers footing the bill for federal employees? They surely won’t take advantage of this, right?
Additionally, federal employees are eligible for up to two days off if they have an adverse reaction to the vaccine. Beyond the initial two days, employees can use their own sick leave to take additional time off until they recover.
Adverse reactions, eh? Huh.

Teach any idea why Japan where masks were universally worn had only 1000 total deaths from covid?
In the USA vaccination was associated with a 90% reduction in death from covid.
Scaremongering ??? You mean like using that term to describe the less than 3% average yearly rise in the price of electricity?scaremongering? You mean like predicting the downfall of Western Civilization after Target went to gender neutral bathrooms?
Mask and all the efforts of the CDC did nothing and likely caused more problems.
Dear H:
“Teach any idea why Japan where masks were universally worn had only 1000 total deaths from covid?
Uh no. Japan’s death total is 45,538.
And yes, I believe that masks worn universally early on could have saved lives in the US and other non-mask centric countries. Why?
Deaths per million – US 3250
Deaths per million – Japan 363, S Korea 559, Taiwan 486.
You are correct in the vaccines reducing symptoms, particularly of the elderly, but I know of no source for 90%. Can you share?
The problem is simple. When Trump was pushing to get the vaccines done, Democrats and anti-vaxxers were screaming the the vaccines were bad. When the vaccines became available, starting 1/2021, Democrats started screaming that they were good.
People were confused.
In December 2020 the CDC said that the vaccines were not perfect but had an efficacy of around 90%. (Efficacy is how well performance is under controlled conditions.) Actually effectiveness, performance in the real world, is around 80%. They had no idea as to the length of immunity and said so.
But the talking heads just kept screaming that the vaccines were a magic bullet.
And when real world results started showing otherwise… guess what. People become more confused.
And when Facui admitted to having lied about not needing masks the hoped for 100% support collapsed.
It was also recognized very early on that COVID was deadly for the elderly, obese of all ages, and other immune compromised people, but NOT for the healthy young. But the early emphasis was on First Responders, who are mostly young and healthy, instead of the group really needing the vaccine.
You close with, “You mean like using that term to describe the less than 3% average yearly rise in the price of electricity?scaremongering?”
My electricity comes from TVA. It has increased about 33%.
Post false information much?
Lewis typed: When Trump was pushing to get the vaccines done, Democrats and anti-vaxxers were screaming the vaccines were bad. When the vaccines became available, starting 1/2021, Democrats started screaming that they were good.
That’s an oversimplification. It’s true that people did not take tRump’s word for anything, but once the vaccine clinical trials were reported non-MAGAts were largely satisfied. Once medical scientists started recommending the vaccines, MAGAts became opposed – and still are (see Teach’s quip about adverse reactions). MAGAts still claim vaccines dangerous, masks don’t work, vaccines do not slow the spread of Covid etc.
Just because youngsters usually survived Covid, we still needed to protect them. It’s sad when an 80 yr old dies, but 100 times worse when a child dies.
Dear Elwood:
You don’t make a lot of sense, it just seems you want to disagree.
“It’s true that people did not take tRump’s word for anything,”
Obviously a generalization that falls in the category of the lady in NYC who said, “He couldn’t have won because I don’t know anyone who voted for him.”
“but once the vaccine clinical trials were reported non-MAGAts were largely satisfied.”
Who are “non-MAGAts?” Would that be RINOS and other members of the swamp plus Liberals??
My point was “People became confused.” People is an all inclusive word noting that various sub groups reacted differently.
not thinking coherently or rationally; bewildered; perplexed:
My attempt to explain was met with confused stares and shrugging shoulders.
Hopelessly confused, I just tossed my trash into what I thought was the right receptacle.
incorrectly differentiated, identified, or associated:”
You wrote, ” Once medical scientists started recommending the vaccines, MAGAts became opposed – and still are (see Teach’s quip about adverse reactions). MAGAts still claim vaccines dangerous, masks don’t work, vaccines do not slow the spread of Covid etc.”
A rather broad brush that is obviously incorrect. Teach and I would likely disagree on the effectiveness and safety of the vaccines but would agree that the it isn’t the government’s place to mandate treatment. That is the basic difference between the Left and Conservatives.
“Don’t fuck with a Biden” managed to take a world class opportunity to introduce and manage a new vaccine with great abilities to save lives and piss it away by telling lies, changing stories, threatening people, destroying the economy and other highly stupid actions.
You write, “Just because youngsters usually survived Covid, we still needed to protect them.”
I don’t have national figures but in TN there have been 42 deaths out over 533,000 cases of people between the age of 0-21. How many of these had other diseases contributing to their death I do not know.
A more logical approach would be for the parents to make the decision. After all, if Johnny is not vaccinated he is not a threat to Vaccinated Suzy.
Very good reply. And you are right Jeff just throws out shit to get people upset.
The distinguished Mr Dowd wrote:
Except, of course, in the minds of Mr Dowd and the Democrats, if that child dies before he is born. Not only do they want such children to die, but they want to force other people to pay for killing them.
The medicine man from Missouri wrote:
I would point out here that Mr Teach has willingly been vaccinated, and though I don’t recall all of the details, I believe that he has also said he has taken the boosters.
But it is also true that there have been adverse reactions, as there have been with every medication known to man, and, while I won’t put words in Mr Teach’s mouth, I’ll state here that people ought to have the right to choose whether they prefer the risk of serious illness from COVID or the risk of serious, adverse reactions to the vaccines.
The federal government has told us that the masks most people have used don’t work, that the N95 or equivalent is needed, yet before that, any old mask would do, or even a bandana tied around your face.
In January, acting Food and Drug Administration head Commissioner Janet Woodcock told the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions committee that she expected that, eventually, almost everyone would contract the virus. On July 25th, The Wall Street Journal reported that “most people” have been infected at some point with SARS-CoV-2. In testimony to the European Parliament, a Pfizer representative admitted that the vaccines were rushed to market without any test results on whether the vaccines actually slowed the spread of the virus. Now we know that the vaccines do not prevent people from contracting or spreading the virus if they do contract it, though they may, may! reduce the virulence of the disease in those who do contract the virus.
Since the initial outbreaks, the virus has mutated, to become much more easily transmissible, but seemingly less severe in the sickness caused. In a way, that makes sense: a virus which kills its host is a virus which is, itself, doomed.
As far as health care workers very very few quit. At Houston Methodist Hospital required it’s 25000 workers to get vaccinated.
153 quit.thst is less than 2% hardly a significant number
The Conversation
Jack J Barry et al
Sept 24 2021
Teach what percentage did you believe would quit rather than get vaccinated?
153 quit.thst is less than 2% hardly a significant number
It’s pretty significant if they are you.
Most of the people who refused to get vaxxed were black. The fact is blacks don’t like it when the government Tuskegee’s them with experimental drugs. The left is always trying to murder blacks. Either in the womb, in ghettos full of crime, with fentanyl and other drugs or refusing medical treatment and cutting their Medicaid. Dems just love blacks in prison, in bondage or in the grave.
You white people may be dumb enough to let the leftists fill you full of deadly untested drugs but we’ve seen that lie before.
Mr White,
It seems your gripe is with white people not just liberals. You claim liberals are always trying to murder blacks. You use abortion as an example of liberals murdering blacks, yet no one is forced to have an abortion as the liberal position is to allow a woman to choose.
The case that liberals created inner city ghettos is weak. Liberals do not promote fentanyl or opioids any more than libertarians or conservatives. And it’s certainly not liberals who oppose Medicaid and other medical treatments.
So you claim Dems love blacks in prison but are also pro black crime by turning feral black criminals lose?? Makes sense if you don’t think about it. How would you and the Republicans reduce black crime?
There is no evidence at all that the Covid vaccines are any more dangerous than other vaccines. Hundreds of millions of shots have been given. After all, over 1 million Americans died from Covid and it’s estimated the vaccines saved at least another million. And recall that PedoDon tRump developed the vaccines; and he’s no liberal. Is he?
We get that you appear to hate liberal Americans.
No Jeff, mostly wrong.
Jeff is attempting to get a series of arguments going. You might compare it to a child kicking over an ant bed and watching the ants run around, that gets him pleasure for some reason. As noted, his comments are mostly wrong and formulated along liberal talking points, which are lies.
david7134 Elwood is at the point of hysteria realizing his party had screwed the pooch with the people so he has been striking out more and more with silly, completely false comments. We all see it and enjoy the show. I see on TV the left is doing the same thing. They all sound like mentally retarded clowns with their preposterous projections.
I love it when a white cracker like Elwood who has lead a life of wealth and privilege tells me about black people, spouts off about who caused it and refuses to take responsibility for the carnage they created among us blacks from keeping us as slaves to allowing illegals to invade and take our jobs. It’s just like when a devout atheist quotes the Bible or when a believer in AGW claims we Christians believe in fairy tails all while they believe in fairy tails and are science deniers.
I figure Elwood has no choice in the depth of his racism. He is a communist as L.G. points out and as such divides people into classes, races and religions. Sadly at his age he’ll learn no new tricks and will maintain the path of despotic collectivism till death. And do it while spewing unadulterated superiority. What a maroon as Bugs would say.
Our esteemed host began:
There will be no attempts to impose any mandates before November 9th.
You can reduce your risks for Covid and influenza by getting vaccinated/boosted, wearing masks in crowds, washing your hands often, watching who or what you touch and social distancing.