…are trees changing late due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Weasel Zippers, with a post on a VP who used to jail people for small marijuana infractions saying no one should go to jail for marijuana infractions.

Quelle surprise.

Bwaha! Lolgf
How is child porn a mistake? Making a mistake hiding it? If you are a perv it is a life decision. Take Jeff, obviously a perv.
david porter is obviously a pervert. Many men (e.g., pedoDon tRump, david porter) find girls 12-15 yrs old, sexually attractive, and some even act on their desires either physically (pedoDon) or online (david).
Mx david porter‘s idol, pedoDon, was even sued for raping a 13 yr old girl in Epstein’s Manhattan mansion. PedoDon didn’t get his nickname for nothing.
Ask david about his ‘missing’ 6 years, LOL.
Funny. Coming from a little guy accused of raping his grandson.
Too bad Rimjob keeps spreading misinformation.

Maybe he just can’t keep up.
Funny, coming from a little bottom accused of having sex with dogs.
And thank the gods that neither GOPhers nor christians ever commit child sexual abuse, except pedoDon trump, Dennis Hastert, Roy Moore, “Gym” Jordan, Tim Nolan (KY trump campaign), Matt Gaetz, Ralph Shortey (OK trump campaign), Barrett Riddleberger (Trump.dating), George Nader (trump liaison), Pastor Harry Thomas…
Actually, there are hundreds of GOPhers, federal, state and local, guilty of child sexual abuse, child porn possession or judges who let offenders off with a pat on the derriere.
The truth is, it is almost unheard of to prosecute anyone for weed possession or personal use unless there are other complicating circumstances, like dealing in a school yard, and the sentence gets reduced to merely possession. Once again, Democrats take on issues that don’t matter to anyone while they ignore huge issues like the Recession that they are causing.
Olympic champion and cheater Marion Jones served 6 mos in a TX prison for lying to investigators about steroid use.
Contrast that to white criminals guilty of lying to investigators. GOP Rep Fortenberry: none. Papadapoulus: 12 days, but pardoned. Roger Stone: 40 mo, but pardoned. Paul Manafort: plea deal for assorted crimes, voided for lying, but pardoned. Michael Flynn: pardoned.
I don’t know who Jones is, nor do I care but I do care a lot about prosecutor and investigator misconduct. It seems a telling issue when you prosecute for “lying to investigators” when your case falls apart from lack of evidence as if the accused has an obligation to assist in their prosecution.
Even if you hate Trump, you should still care that our system is honest and that police are not using law enforcement powers to hunt political enemies. For the same reason, I am against Plea deals. Prove cases in court if you have the goods, or let the accused go. Society does not benefit from punishing innocent men. Remember, in the cases you cite, there was no underlying crime being investigated, only a baseless accusation that investigators knew were baseless from the start. Or do you believe burning down the entire system of justice is worth it if we “get Trump”?