…is a field that would be perfect for a solar farm, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Greenie Watch, with a post on more COVID hypocrite doctors going maskless after demanding everyone wear one.

…is a field that would be perfect for a solar farm, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Greenie Watch, with a post on more COVID hypocrite doctors going maskless after demanding everyone wear one.
Brandon erroneously said that his son, Beau, “lost his life in Iraq” during a speech in Colorado on Wednesday.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Now we can all see again where all these leftists e.g. Elwood and H get their propensity for lying, gaslighting and their love of the fake, the fraud and those who produce such things. They come by it honestly from their lying pedo rapist commie junta.
Biden said. “Just imagine, and I say this as a father of a man who won the Bronze Star, the conspicuous service medal, and lost his life in Iraq. Imagine the courage, the daring, and the genuine sacrifice — the genuine sacrifice they all made.”
[So-called quote-unquote “president”] Biden’s son Beau joined the Delaware National Guard in 2003, and served in the Judge Advocate General’s (JAG) Corps, deploying to Iraq for a year in 2008. He passed away in 2015 after a battle with glioblastoma.
For some reason, the liberal media rarely acknowledges when a patriot uses their AR-15 to defend their homes, as happened in Bristol Ct when 3 armed men showed up at the home of patriots, Nicholas and Nathan Brutcher.
Unfortunately, Nicholas was murdered by the attackers but was able to take out two of the intruders and wound another before he was murdered. His brother Nathan was wounded. The dead attackers were Dustin de’Monte and Alex Hamzi. The third attacker, Alec Iurato, was wounded in the attack. It wasn’t disclosed if the attackers were in the country legally.
Now the twist! It turns out that the attackers were reported to be government employees! Is this the tip of the spear where the Deep State starts attacking patriot-citizens!!
Again Rimjob tries to make a relevant point and again fails miserably.

Is this the tip of the spear where the Deep State starts attacking patriot-citizens!!
You’re a few years behind the curve. The progrom has already begun.
PedoDon is pissed that “his” Supreme Court said F.U. to his request to step into the DOJ investigation of Pedo’s theft of classified documents.
A Mar-a-Lago worker now says trump asked them to move the documents after the Archives asked for them and there is surveillance video to back up the claim. Any other American who had stolen classified documents would be under arrest.
Also, in further Pedo news, Congress has subpoenaed Pedo (he’ll refuse to testify). In further, further Pedo news, Pedo is transferring funds to a shell company formed outside NY.
That’s the ticket you white cracker keep yamming about Trump while the Repubs annihilate your party and DeSantis is elected. Man you crackas are stupid as a senatorial candidate in PA. and twice as f’d up.
Active shooter in Eastern Raleigh NC!

Shooter identified as a disgruntled democommie pissed that the dems will get their asses kicked in November.
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