There are still a bunch of police cars on my road, I guess securing part of the scene? I still haven’t heard an explanation of why my road is so involved, when it happened on a road a couple hundred yards away. Perhaps because of the access point to the Neuse River Greenway? It’s all still a bit confusing. Some reports say the shooting was on Osprey Cove, some say on the greenway between Osprey and Bay Harbor. I can hear and see the news choppers over the area (photo from WRAL story)
After mass shooting, police investigate home in east Raleigh neighborhood
Investigators on Friday were searching a home about 0.5 miles from where a Raleigh police officer and four others were shot and killed Thursday afternoon.
At 6 a.m., investigators were searching a home on Sahalee Way in the Hedingham neighborhood.
The home is close to Osprey Drive, wherefive people, including an off-duty Raleigh police officer, were shot and killed, and two people, including a K-9 officer, were injured.
The investigation appeared to be centered on one particular home, although officers were searching other homes in the area. Police were there throughout the night and into Friday morning.
The garage door to the home was open, and police were walking in and out of the house, which was surrounded by crime scene tape.
If the juvenile lived at that house, someone will most likely identify him. There’s a lot of people that live in the golf community. And, you never know if the parents are charged.
I’m also seeing a lot of this dumb stuff
No. Every official report seems to have it being a shotgun. Stop using your unhinged politics, especially when you do not know.

Is it too easy for any citizen to get his hands on a weapon that can easily kill many people ? There is NO MINIMUM age to possess a shotgun or rifle in NC. Should kids be allowed to bring guns to school? Certainly they too have a right for self defense
You keep asking this as if it is not a well established principle in American and common law. If I answer your question, will you accept that there is an answer and stop presenting it as if it is some sort of irrefutable Zinger rhetorical question?
Yes, children have an irrefutable right to self preservation. Legally, they are entitled to all of the constitutional protections that are afforded to all citizens of the USA. In every country where there is such a thing as a natural right that is supported by law, there is also the concept of legal majority. Until such time as a child reached legal majority, the rights of the child are protected and upheld by those in positions to do so. Mostly, it is parents who exercise those rights on behalf of their children, but it can also be anyone acting in Loco Parentis such as a teacher, a court appointed guardian, and even the state in some rare circumstances. The same is true for all individuals who through incompetence cannot exercise their rights on their own behalf. These are long abiding legal principles and it is astonishing that you would not have heard of it or figured it out for yourself before now.
What part of, “…the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed…”, do you not understand?
So, you’re admitting our rights are dependent on the interpretations/opinions of the Supreme Court justices. Congress or states submit laws, citizens can question those laws all the way to the Supreme Court to determine if they are legal.
Age restrictions, location restrictions, state of mind restrictions all infringe “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms”, correct, but ARE Constitutional. Yet, restricting machine guns, AR-15 style rifles, ammo, open carry are all un-Constitutional? Got it. Good talk.
It sounds as if our rights depend on who the President and Congress can get installed on the Supreme Court. Got it. Good talk.
After the Professor explained it in the most understandable terms the Rimjob apparently still doesn’t get “it”.
“Comprehension”, little guy, you might want to “get” that.

That is the real danger of a true democracy and why the USA was established as a Republic whose authority was STRICTLY limited and had systems of checks and balances. It was never a problem that individuals might have too much power. The fear by the founding fathers was about governments growing in power. Under our system of government, the President and congress are never to have so much power that it matters who gets elected. The fact, as you stated, that is does matter and that you believe they are empowered to strip free citizens of their natural rights, is proof that congress and the president have taken too much power unto themselves.
Again, it feels like I shouldn’t have to be reminding you about things you should have learned back in the 6th grade. I understand people under 30 learning nothing in school, but you are old enough to know better.
Consider this, when I was at school in the 60s, kids did bring guns to school. The guns were in a rack in their truck. Yet we did not have this crazy shooting going on. Why? Likely because we don’t have a rule of law. That is what seems to be missing.
When I was a student at Mt Sterling (KY) High School, there were several pick up trucks in the parking lot with gun racks in the rear window. Some of those trucks had weapons and ammunition in them.
Most of the boys had pocketknives, and they were even traded on the front steps by the principal’s office, with the usual arguments as to whether Buck or K-Bar made the better blades.
Oddly enough, no one was ever shot at school, and no one was ever stabbed.
You really are a bird brain. Do you really think your silly and completely stupid questions are relevent or even logical? Or are you just trolling we suspect since no 70+ YO adult could be this daft.
I likely speak for all of us, we’re grateful you’re OK!
Thank you, Elwood. It was a beyond f**d up experience.
Was it legal for a 15-year old boy to walk the streets of Raleigh carrying a shotgun?
No. It’s also posted no open firearms on the greenway. I used to open carry my pistol when I’d go for a periodic walk on it, since there are rarely ever anyone on it, and very secluded
Mt Sterling, Kentucky, where I grew up has a festival known as October Court Day, the third Monday of the tenth month, but really including the previous weekend days. Rural folk would come to town, bringing their wares to sell of trade, and some of those wares included firearms.
I twice bought firearms, a .22 rifle and a 20-gauge shotgun, from the traders down on Locust Street. I then walked up Maysville Avenue to where I lived, passing the Montgomery County Courthouse and within direct view of the Mt Sterling Police Station, with a long gun over my shoulder. The years escape me, but both times were between when I was in the 7th and 10th grades.
And nobody cared. Of course, this was the 1960s, a time in Kentucky much more sensible than today!
Alas! The Court Day festival has gone very much downhill, and is now just a huge festival of traveling flea market vendors. Court Day is this weekend, and rather than going to Mt Sterling, we’re going to the Court Day festival in Preston, Kentucky, which is far closer to how Mt Sterling’s used to be.
We’re planning on this trip Saturday, so I might, might! go to Mt Sterling on Sunday or Monday.
I grew up in rural Mississippi, got my first gun when I was 8, a 410 shotgun. Still have it. We would go all over populated areas with a gun as we traveled to a target area. No one ever considered pointing a gun at another person or carrying the gun not broken. Now you would get killed by the cops. Oh, we moved to Louisiana and still could carry the gun.
I grew up in semi-rural Missouri and we had .22 rifles for plinking and squirrel hunting. We could walk or bike with our .22s without a problem. As Jethro on the Beverly Hillbillies said, “He could shoot wings off flies at 100 yards!” Getting older we’d shoot 20 and 12 g shotguns for squirrel, rabbit and quail hunting. Rarely saw any pistols, although even as kids we were on good terms with the police, who would stop and visit with kids, visit the schools etc.
I might point out that you are one who has eliminated that freedom and seek to abolish what is left.