The slightly more official timeline seems to confirm some of the way I’ve seen it, based on the things I’ve read and seen
Raleigh mass shooting leaves 5 dead, 2 injured; 15-year-old suspect in critical condition
Raleigh Police Department said a 15-year-old was responsible for the mass shooting that killed five people and injured two others Thursday night.
The shooting started around 5 p.m. in the Hedingham neighborhood near Osprey Cove Drive and Bay Harbor Drive. Raleigh Police Chief Estella Patterson said Friday morning that the crime scene spanned around 2 miles across the neighborhood.
The suspect first shot a relative of his inside their home. Then he went outside and shot two women in the streets of the neighborhood before running toward the Neuse River Greenway Trail. Before getting to the trail he shot Officer Gabriel Torres, who was on his way to start his shift with the police department.
“He’s an off duty Raleigh police officer. (The shooter) shot him for no reason. He’s bleeding from his chest,” a caller told 911.
Next, the teen made his way onto the greenway trail where he opened fire, killing two more people.
That house was the one I mentioned yesterday, where the police had it taped off and were searching it. They had a huge section of Hedingham blocked off for much of yesterday. And the police were sitting on my road all night down near the curve, where there’s an entrance to the Neuse River greenway.
See where the yellow car is? That's the access to geenway. Fire dept was hosing it down earlier. You can guess why #raleigh
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) October 14, 2022
They were there till around 2 or so. That greenway runs north and south of that spot, so, he would have accessed it south of there (to the right), and probably shot the two ladies near that access point. Hence why so many overhead shots were of my road, focusing on that access point. And why there were so many cops when I tried to get home. At that point, he would have kept going north. There’s a bridge that crosses to the other side of the river maybe 200 yards from that access point. Then he would have had lots of access to the woods for pretty far. My theory is he cut through the woods almost immediately, which would have taken him to the Hidden Cove Mobile Estates, then to Tarheel Clubhouse Road and up to the where he was caught. He might have stayed on the road or cut through, because there is not much over there
Eventually an RPD K-9 officer tracked the suspect to a shed where he barricaded himself after the shootings. During the standoff the K-9 officer (handler) was wounded and taken to a hospital where he was treated and released. Shortly after 9:30 p.m., the teen was taken into custody at Old Milburnie Road and McConnel Oliver Drive. He had life-threatening injuries when he was brought in — investigators said he was in critical condition at WakeMed.
Investigators have not said whether the suspect injured himself or was injured by officers taking him into custody. His identity has also not been released, although ABC News has confirmed that he was a relative of one of the victims he killed.
There were different, and, unconfirmed reports, that brain matter was showing. And, based on info I was given, I knew the last name was Thompson. Their house was being searched, and, that was the name of the 16 year old who was killed. Just didn’t know the shooters first name. Eventually they released it, probably because a lot of people were figuring it out. The name is Austin Thompson. He’s 15. And going to be charged as an adult.
And, of course, lots of hot takes wanting to ban assault rifles, including this jerk, who couldn’t even wait till the bodies were cold
Biden Again Calls on Congress to Pass Assault-Style Weapons Ban in Wake of North Carolina Shooting
President Joe Biden urged Congress on Friday to pass a ban on assault-style weapons, which he called a “commonsense action to get weapons of war off our streets” in the wake of a shooting in Raleigh, North Carolina.
“For the lives we’ve lost and the lives we can save, I took historic action to stop gun violence in our nation, including signing the most significant gun safety law in nearly 30 years,” Biden said in a statement Friday, pointing to a gun safety package that passed on a bipartisan basis in June. “But we must do more. We must pass an assault weapons ban.”
Biden noted that the North Carolina shooting, where at least five people were killed and others were injured, is just the latest in a string of mass shootings this year that have shaken the nation – from Uvalde, Texas, to Buffalo, New York.
“Enough,” he said. “We’ve grieved and prayed with too many families who have had to bear the terrible burden of these mass shootings. Too many families have had spouses, parents, and children taken from them forever.”
Except, every eyewitness report says it was a shotgun. It might have been a regular long gun. If it had a been a scary looking assault weapon someone would have said so. They’re rather distinctive, right? I’ll tell you what: I’ll consider a 10 year sunset bill if all the law enforcement who protect Biden, Harris, Congress, and federal agencies are all restricted from using “assault rifles”, many of which are fully automatic. Why should they have them when Citizens don’t?
Anyhow, hopefully the kid lives, so we might find out the answer to “why?”

Why? Because our culture has always solved any type of problem with a gun
A few years ago, my hot water heater started leaking. I went to my gun cabinet and didn’t have the right gun for that problem so I went to LOWES and their tool department didn’t have it either because some Democrat politician made those illegal years ago.
If only we had some reliable evidence about banning assault weapons to see if it would work. Like maybe a pilot program on a small scale, or statistics from a previous attempt, something like that. If only we had ever tried this before and knew with certainty how it would turn out.
Last I checked, killing people or attempting to was still illegal everywhere. So, having a law on the books doesn’t seem to stop that. In some neighborhoods, the murder rate is spiking even though it is very illegal. Maybe they should make it double plus illegal.