…is the need to live in the mountains to escape fossil fuels driven sea rise, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is American Greatness, with a post on a Christian teacher fired for refusing to read hyper-sexual LGBT books to young children.

Re: Christian teacher being fired.
They warned us. They warned us when Obamacare forced nuns to carry birth control insurance. They warned us when they forced bakers to bake wedding cakes for gay “couples”. They warned us when they insisted on zero religious exemptions for COVID vaccinations (but not for Measles, Mumps, Polio, or smallpox).
Don’t say we didn’t see this coming. The Democratic party has always insisted on 100% compliance unless the exemptions benefited one of their own subgroups. Whenever the democratic party achieved dominance in an institution, all notions of tolerance end.
Bwaha! Lolgf
On this day in history:
1979 — The Department of Education Organization Act is signed into law creating the US Department of Education and US Department of Health and Human Services, both of which go on to ruin the very services they attempt to ‘regulate’.

Bwaha! Lolgf
US was number 1 worldwide in education in 1979. After due diligence from the Federals, we are now 29th. Then one million people died from a minor virus with the help of the Feds.
If you can overlook all 47 years of Biden and Democrat corruption and still vote for them you are a special kind of stupid.

Bwaha! Lolgf
I just got back from Berkeley. I have never seen such utterly stupid, narcissistic, rude jackass in my life. That is the face of the Democratic Party.
Republicans are already planning their early moves when they take over the House. First, they’ll impeach President Biden and open an investigation of Biden’s son. But they plan to block raising the debt ceiling to force the Dems to support cutting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Announcing their plans is an unforced error.
Every election the left rolls out the GOP is gonna throw grandma off the cliff, and cut Social Security and Medicaid.
Here’s one for you. How about we FUND medicare and SSI….as in everyone needs to pay like 3 percent more SSI and Medicare Taxes and voila it is funded. So everyone pays like 3 dollars to 25 dollars per week to fix it. 25 is for those making LOTS of money. 3 buks for those making not so much money.
But no. The Dems won’t do it and the GOP won’t do it. Sounds like the Dems who are in charge RIGHT NOW and could fix SSI and Medicare have DONE NOTHING.
So they can keep spreading the lie that the GOP wants to defund SSI and Medicare.
There are several ranking systems for education systems by nation. Some have the US #1, some #2, some lower. Some have Russia ranked ahead of the US!! LOL.
The US has great inequality when comparing our best to our worst. Other nations value education more than do we in the US.
The greatest research universities on Earth are in the US.