In fairness, it’s a rather small sample of voters, but, this poll just keeps confirming that the economy is always the number one issue
Voters are more worried than ever about the economy — and they think Republicans can fix it
The midterms are looming over the halls of Congress, and the economy might prove to be the issue that pushes Democrats’ razor-thin majority into the arms of Republicans.
A new poll from the New York Times/Siena College, which ran from October 9 to 12, asked 792 voters across the country how they feel about different parties and issues. Among those voters, one issue stands tall above the others: The economy. According to the Times, 44% of the likely voters answered that “economic concerns were the most important issues facing America.” That’s a big jump from 36% in July, and echoes other recent polling.
In September, economic concerns ranked first as the “most important problem facing the country today” among Americans surveyed by Gallup. That’s consistently between the most important problem throughout the summer and fall, but ticked up yet again in September.
When citizens see the continued issues with the cost of food, housing, energy, and so much more, they become concerned. When gas prices start ticking up again, and are already way higher than under Orange Man Bad, they’re concerned. When they see interest rates jumping up, they’re concerned. When it costs a whole heck of a lot more to feed their families, they’re concerned. When those Fall/Winter clothes for the kids are more, they’re concerned.
But the Times poll also shows that dour views on the economy may spell trouble for Democrats and wins for Republicans. The voters they surveyed who were the most worried about the economy also “overwhelmingly” leaned Republican. Broadly, 49% of all the likely voters surveyed said they were more likely to vote Republican, with just 45% saying they would vote for Democrats.
Some Democrats have been sounding on the alarm on how important it is to rally around the economic issues facing Americans, especially with inflation still sky-high. In an opinion piece for the Guardian, Sen. Bernie Sanders said that Democrats should put focus on the economy in the lead-up to the midterms.
Even if Democrats wanted to start talking about it, they’re aren’t doing anything about it, and, their record shows they’ve been working against it. Do you think the talking points about the IRA bringing down the energy prices of working and middle class folks if they spend tens of thousands on solar panels and they spend huge on an EV works well? Or shows Dems completely out of touch? Dems have been focused on abortion on demand and class warfare.
The GOP will retake the House. Whether they can get to 51 in the Senate is the question. Regardless, they can stop the insanity of the Democrat agenda with control of the House, refusing to pass the Dems agenda. If they’re smart they’ll avoid tax cuts and other legislation, and simply focus on basic legislation to enable energy and measures that help reduce inflation, ones that free up business sectors.

The foolish sheeple. The GOPis the gutless spineless foil to the evil Demonrats. They have had multiple chances in the past to do things that will help Americans, they ALWAYS piss away those chances. They will do the same this time. The GOP is nothing but the Washington Generals to the lefts Globetrotters. The hired paid and CONTROLLED faux opposition.
No tax cuts !! Wtf
The richer are getting richer. Without tax cuts they are going to have to pay more in taxes
Is that even fair for them?
We have one of the most progressive tax systems in the world, Johnny-where a small number of people pay most of the taxes.
Latest figures I saw were that the top 1% earned 21% of all income, while paying 40% of all taxes. The bottom 50% of wage earners pay only 3% of all fed income taxes. How unfair, right, John?
The old and nuGOP plans to “fix” the economy have always been to cut Social Security, cut Medicare, cut Medicaid, increase defense and cut taxes, especially for the wealthy.
But,they are campaigning against Bidenflation, black crime and Ukraine support.
Behind the scenes nuGOPhers are working to rig the elections at the state level. It’s an effective if unAmerican approach.
The GOPhers have been much better politicos than the pollyannish Dems. Republicans have taken over the legislatures of red and purple states
Sorry, J, but the last tax cut saw all brackets receiving about the same 2% cut. So negative on the “especially for the wealthy”
We’ve got a new unsupported assertion from J! “Working to rig elections at the state level”. Evidence of that assertion is…what?
The socialist from St Louie wrote:
Yet, shockingly enough, despite Republican ‘trifectas’ from 2002-2007 and again 2017-2018, that never happened. The younger President Bush suggested allowing workers to direct 2% or their 6.2% Social Security withholding into private retirement accounts, but that went absolutely nowhere.
The “libertarian” from Lexington implies the Repubs are not actually serious about cutting federal spending, yet still supports their socialist ways.
Behind the scenes nuGOPhers are working to rig the elections at the state level. It’s an effective if unAmerican approach.
Do you NOW believe the elections are rigged DOWD? SAY IT AINT SO!!!!!
Yes, nuGOPhers are attempting to get individuals in positions to decide the outcomes of elections.
Should state politicians be allowed to overrule the voters of their state?
Dear Elwood:
Will you just hush about the election? Hillary Inc complained and complained about the 2016 election, so what’s your point? That the losers complain???
Wow. That is sooooo shocking.
Will you just hush? PedoDon tried to overturn the 2020 election. Hillary did not. PedoDon encouraged his brownshirts to attack the US Capitol at exactly the same time that Congress and the VP were to certify the election. What a coincidence.
A failed coup cannot be excused any more than attempted murder can.
Note that Jeff always responds as a child and makes up a good amount of shit. His main reason for being here is to run off readers and discourage their considering the merits of the climate hoax. But anytime he addresses his favorite topic of climate change, understand that he is fabricating and lying, as you see in this comment.