Why are they surprised and upset? This is what they vote for
Connecticut residents grapple with sticker shock of home heating oil prices
Vincent Ukleja orders heating oil for his Quaker Hill home when his tank is down to half full, and when he saw the price for a delivery Monday, he was shocked. With oil at $5.19 per gallon, he spent $601.
“We’re on a fixed income, and last year, when the prices were sky-high, we barely made it through,” said Ukleja, 68. He and his wife are both retired, with Ukleja retiring as Quaker Hill fire chief earlier this year due to medical issues. With rising fuel costs, he’s looking at cutting back on food and entertainment.
“It’s just going to be a rough winter,” he said.
Jim Harmon of Montville said he and his wife ? both in their 80s ? “managed to make ends meet until the increased price of heating oil changed it all.” He said in an email they shop at Walmart to save money on groceries, started canceling magazine subscriptions, and stopped visiting family members elsewhere in the state.
“Clean energy will not heat our homes next winter, and the costs are uncertain,” he wrote in the spring. Harmon said this week his home uses about four gallons of oil a day when it’s cold ? meaning at current prices, heating costs could average out to more than $23 on a winter day.
Well, let’s see, I fee bad for some of you, the 39.2% who voted Trump in 2020. The other 59.3%? Pound sand. The last Republican senator was Lowell Weiker, who served from 1971-1989. The current ones, Richard Blumenthal and Chris Murphy are massive Warmists. The state hasn’t had a Republican elected in the House since 2009. Governors are a little better, but, do you think a Republican will get elected these days? The general assembly is controlled by the Democrats. You’re getting what you voted for.
According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the average price of a gallon of residential heating oil in Connecticut was $5.79 for the week of Oct. 17, up from $5.48 last week and $4.64 the week before.
It was $3.28 this time last year.
Richard Funaro, spokesperson for the Connecticut Office of the Attorney General, said the energy price instability caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine triggered an Abnormal Market Disruption that allowed the office “to investigate and civilly prosecute price gouging related to home heating fuel and gasoline.” But he said the AMD ended a while ago and the office “does not have the statutory authority to investigate this type of alleged price gouging.”
Of course they’re blaming Putin. But, the price was going up prior to the war. This is what Democrats/Warmists want, and have been working towards.

The Russians and the Gulf Arabs set the price of oil.
Both want Trump and the GOP to win.
Teach they are your friends and allies. They are restricting supply forcing the global price to go up. Own it.
US oil production under Trump averaged 11 million bpd. Last week it was 11.8 bpd under Biden. Please explain to me how Biden has caused the price to go up world wide. US oil production has no significant effect on global price. The US must still import 5MM + bpd. The US is currently exporting 4MM bpd. Should Biden stop the oil companies from doing that and restricting their profits and driving the price of gasoline down? Should Americans pay the global gasoline price on oil drilled here on Federal lands?
It must be fun living up there in the nether regions H. No understanding of markets and no desire to learn. You are the typical ignorant leftist.
Mega MAGA, moron.
The Russians and the Gulf Arabs set the price of oil.
A LIE. The market is set by the amount of oil/natural gas that hits the market. As with anything. Right now the Saudia’s have cut production because?????
WORLDWIDE RECESSION begs them to do just this in order to keep the price of oil/natural gas because guess what? There is a LIMITED amount of oil and natural gas in the ground of these nations who will become beggar nations once fossil fuels is gone.
Both want Trump and the GOP to win.
The Democrats have handed both the Saudia’s and the Russians a huge boon in oil/natural gas prices and have no desire for the GOP to win which will spur investment in Oil and natural gas fracking in the USA.
This is a basic conundrum in that banks and financial institutions have QUIT lending money to all but the 3 or 4 largest oil corps in the world who have basically quit looking for oil.
The GOP in charge of the house and senate will not insure anything based upon drilling and producing oil/natural gas. What will happen is that the GOP can contain the damage that the left is willing to do to our economy by preventing them from passing ludicrous legislation designed with one thing in mind.
Cloward and PIVEN the USA into bankruptcy driven by agents of CHINA and RUSSIA all working with PACS whose intent are clearly to hand fossil fuels to CHINA while the USA flounders with ever-dwindling fossil fuels to heat, cool and most importantly produce FOOD and fuel for not only our people but our military.
VOTE GOP to get rid of these communist Democrats.
Mr H wrote:
And here we have the typical Democratic meme: if you vote Republican, you’re supporting Vladimir Putin and Mohammed bin Salman!
Me? I care far less about Vladimir Vladimirovich and the Crown Prince than I do about our bank account, our daughters, our family, our church, and the poor people who live in eastern Kentucky.
So according to H the Russians and Saudis love Trump because pedo joe caused the price of oil to spike making them billions? That makes no sense. And I’m not including the bribes, payoffs and 10% grift.
Mega MAGA.
The Russians and Saudis love PedoDon because he sucks their schlongs, metaphorically. PedoDon loves them because of $$$ and flattery.
PedoDon does not care about you, MAGAts or America. He cares only about himself.
PedoDon is merely a vehicle for Russia, China and the Saudis to attack America.
Another untrue nasty little comment from the kiddie-diddler himself.
Well. It was nice while it lasted.
Good job! Now, show us proof of that!
Remember January of 2008, when Senator Barack Hussein Obama (D-IL) said, “Under my plan … electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket”? His ‘cap-and-trade plan never went anywhere, but that the liberal Democrats — and Mr Obama was nowhere as far left then as today’s ‘progressives’ — were more than willing to make people poorer to push through their agenda.
And people have voted for them anyway.
Oh, well, that’s on them. The Democrats have been telling us that oil is evil, evil, evil, yet here we have a story about liberal New Englanders — perhaps not the couple in the story, but across the area — in an area where heating oil usage is common, combitching about the price of heating oil!
In our previous home, we used heating oil to run the boiler which fed the steam radiators which heated the house. It was several years before we installed the wood stove, something I regretted in 2002, when the sparktricity went out at 11:00 Christmas morning and didn’t come back on until around 6:00 PM on Boxing Day. Yes, the boiler was fueled by heating oil, but the pump required electricity!
While the woodstove had a fan to circulate air from the back of the stove, it would still support a fire without electricity! Our current propane fireplace uses electricity to power a circulating fan, but uses batteries in the control to turn it on and off.
Translation: “We screwed up and are desperately trying to find someone to blame.”
John-put down the bong. Do you have proof that the Russians and Saudis want Trump to win? And more importantly, win what? Earliest he could run for anything would be 2 years from now-so is the stuff really good?
Nyquil with a cough syrup chaser.
Even if they did elect a Republican, he would be a warmist Republican.
Dear H:
“The Russians and the Gulf Arabs set the price of oil.
Both want Trump and the GOP to win.”
So they wanted Obama to win in ’08???
The Wall Street Journal has an article this morning:
There’s more at the original, and I’ve deleted the internal links, because there are too many for a posted comment. If you’re a WSJ subscriber — and you really should be — you can easily see the entire article. If you are not, you can normally access a few WSJ articles for free every month.
More interesting than the article are the comments, which mostly hate heat pumps. Commenters — and remember, these are Wall Street Journal subscribers, so few are as poor as me — note that heat pumps simply don’t do well in extremely cold or extremely hot weather. Geothermal heat pumps are very good, because they gather energy from the stable, in-ground temperature, but you have to have both the land and the money to install such a system.
Of course, you’re still dependent upon the electric grid, and with the Democrats trying to force everyone into Teslas and Chevy Dolts, there’s already going to be increased stress on electricity production.
Heat pumps don’t work well at all when the air temp gets to freezing and below.
Most systems have electric heater strips built in that kick in when needed….which is almost all the time.
After my experience I would say, DON’T.
Modern heat pumps are a very efficient way to heat and cool you home, within a very broad temperature boundary. Electric back up isn’t your only choice, you can also get gas heat as your backup. In my area, wood is plentiful, cheap, and renewable.
If your choice is heat pump or all gas or heating oil, or central electric heat, heat pump is the most reliable and efficient. Not recommended above the arctic circle nor in dry deserts, but for most of North America, they are the best choice.
Do your own homework and pick a backup that uses a different source so that if something runs out, you are still warm.
Worst case, indoor kerosene heaters still work fine. Just don’t wait till the last minute to stock up of fuel.
In many locations the only back-up is propane or wood. Wood is not practical as anything but a very short and very expensive, if you don’t live in the woods, short term back up. Propane requires a tank and is expensive.
OK. You have just eliminated all of the known solutions from consideration. Good job. Invest in sweaters.
Sometimes there is no practical solution. Heat pumps in cold winters are in that category. So you’ll just have to keep paying through the nose because the idiots on the Left want you to “save the world.”
My solution? Vote Trump/DeSantis.
Increase insulation, windows/doors, and yes, buy some sweaters.
It makes me laugh, these northern liberals crying over the price of heating oil. I hope you MF’ers get frost bite, and loose a few fingers. Maybe it will help you figure out that your repeated voting for Democrats has brought your suffering with oil and gas prices, supply chain issues, crop loss due to drought etc.
The first thing Mr. Icecream cone did is cancel the Keystone pipeline. In retrospect that was a not so wise choice was it. When your sitting in your home freezing your ass off with limited supplies of food, that would be the perfect time to start a discussion on global warming.
Stupi is as stupid does!
Heat pumps don’t work well at all when the air temp gets to freezing and below.
Most systems have electric heater strips built in that kick in when needed….which is almost all the time.
After my experience I would say, DON’T.
Well of course OPEC+ controls the price of crude. You all know this. Why OPEC+, led by Russia and the Saudis, cut production is not a mystery. They want the price of crude to increase so they will make more money and also to hurt the west.
And yes, countries like China, Russia, Saudi Arabia support the tRumpists, because any issue that destabilizes the US and NATO helps them.
Didn’t seem to have that problem when President Trump was in charge.

Real leaders solve problems.
Brandon mumbles.
Bwaha! Lolgf
people who constantly bitch about “tRumpists” are who destabilize the country. Do you people realize Trump is not running in this election? He’s not a candidate and he can’t be for another two years, if he chooses at all. You are all insane with Trump and you don’t even realize it.
Looks like the DNC is about to launch an October surprise to destabilize this midterm election. Do you think they will call out their rioters and start burning shit down again? Or send out their paid assassins to shoot at Republican Congressmen? Maybe just have all their minions squawk about White supremacy and how we hate trannies that groom kids.
You can be a tRumpist even without that dolt in office. Duh. tRumpist’s claim that the 2020 election was stolen. That Liz Cheney is a communist traitor. That global warming is a commie hoax to make you drive an EV. That Covid was a hoax for commies to gain more control. That women are aborting babies after they are born! That gay and transexual men and women are flocking to elementary schools to “groom” your children to be gay and transexual. In essence, all the stupid in the universe is distilled down to a few sound bites.
PedoDon is laughing at YOU all the way to the bank (unless he loses tRump Inc or goes to jail). His SuperPac is paying his legal fees, estimated at $4 million a month! His donors are paying for his transgressions! Anyway, PedoDon has to keep the scam alive to keep the donations flowing
Why do you believe all this silly crap? Because PedoDon told you to. LOL. tRumpism is the largest cult in history. Don’t drink his Kool-Aid.
Tell us. If PedoDon had NOT claimed he was still president – had not claimed that fraudulent votes cost him – would you still be clinging to the Big Lie? The Big Lie is a lifeline for the ignorant. Cling tight or you may go under.
So, are you charging Trump any money because he’s living rent-free in your head?
Your mental breakdown is almost complete. You actually believe everything revolves around Trump. You have completely internalized all the commie propaganda spoon fed to you between the lies since you were a child. There is no way to save you now. You are an immoral, baby killing commie machine determined to erase White people, God and America. The three things that hold up truth to your lies.
You are a very good little foot soldier.
Actually, Jeffty believes everything revolves around him.
Come to think of it, he’s so dense it might actually be true…
Sorry, J. The largest cult in history is the cult of global warming. Pro-Tip that I mentioned before: the folks predicting the end of the world are always the cult.
Dear Elwood”
” tRumpist’s claim that the 2020 election was stolen.”
Actually the tRumpists are years late. Check this out:
Dear Elwood:
Here’s the real cause and real solution to man made global warmi.