…is a wall that looks like it was flooded from carbon fueled Bad Weather, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on a report stating that COVID most likely came from a lab.

…is a wall that looks like it was flooded from carbon fueled Bad Weather, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on a report stating that COVID most likely came from a lab.
Ok. I have to admit, I don’t really know what I’m looking at here. Buzz Lightyear and Woody cosplay? I’m thinking Pixar is owed some royalties over this.
The Intercept: Government — the FBI, In Particular — Is Pressuring Social Media Platforms to Push Official US Propaganda on Origins of Covid and Even the Afghanistan Withdrawal, and Censor Anything that Contradicts It

Bwaha! Lolgf
“They racist yo!” –“Tank” Abrams–
Stacey Abrams, the Democratic nominee for governor in Georgia, declared during a debate with Kemp on Sunday night that 107 sheriffs had endorsed her opponent, incumbent Republican Brian Kemp, because they “want to be able to take black people off the streets.”

Bwaha! Lolgf
In 2018 Abrams had an opportunity to win in Georgia and fell short. Her response was the ELECTION WAS STOLEN. A position she and her followers have taken since that fateful election 4 years ago.
The Washington Post said Abrams “played up claims the election was stolen until such tactics became untenable for anyone who claims to be an advocate for American democratic norms and values.”
Yet she received ZERO backlash for her tirade.
Clinton claimed 2016 was stolen.
Hillary Clinton accuses GOP of scheming to ‘literally steal the next presidential election’
Clinton’s claim comes as the Supreme Court hears a case about state legislatures’ ability to govern elections
From Yahoo News:
Hillary Clinton claims the presidential election was ‘stolen’ from her
May 6, 2019
The left has been accusing the right of stealing elections for decades and certainly since GORE/BUSH in 2000. The Jim Crowe election laws in Georgia claimed by the left have actually led to RECORD TURN OUT in Georgia. Even the left began to realize that having an ID to vote was not a crime since their voter fraud has nothing to do with voting in person.
Trump Cried Wolf for too long. However, his purpose was served. His anger at the 2020 election shined a very bright light on Election integrity that both sides secretly behind closed doors have harbored for a long, long time.
Now that States are dealing with this it is time for people to move on. Abrams didn’t. She is Donald Trump 2.0 and it is why she is losing to Kemp by 10 points in a state where Blacks are begining to realize that the GOP is not that bad after all and Kemp is certainly an establishment Politician that stood against Trump having felt the sting of Abrams accusing him of stealing an election. Something everyone forgot about when Kemp would not play ball with Trump in 2020.
Old style conservative Tom Nichols on Musk buying Twitter:
Pretty sure Elon Musk has just a little more insight into the inner workings of Twitter than either Tom Nichols or Rimjob.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Have someone read it to you!
The break-in at Chez Pelosi was caught on video… but the police weren’t monitoring.
We know, we know… there’s a conspiracy that involves the Pelosi’s, WaPo, the Capitol police, the SFPD and Hollywood who staged the “break in” after the fact to cover up what really happened.
from WaPo:
Do Covians still believe that this was a gay tryst that went wrong?
NuCons say “woke” because it sounds more insulting than “enlightened”. Plus, they can’t spell “enlightened”.

There is nothing “enlightened” about cutting the dicks and balls off little boys to make them “girls” not cutting the boobs off little girls to become “boys” and if you think there is you’re a fiend, not enlightened.
NuCommies are just twisted old commies trying to sell the same old repackaged shit Stalin and Mao did. Nothing enlightened about that either.
Plus, all that remains of the left today are a bunch of liars, perverts, crossdressers, grifters and carney folk. Everything they touch they ruin.
Meta MAGAt,
Is someone cutting the dicks and balls off little boys? Are boobs are being cut off little girls?
You be crazy.
Putin has backed down on his plan to blockade Ukrainian grain shipments.
Remember when Dems claimed old-style Republicans like Mike Pence, Mitt Romney, Chris Christie, Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio were craaazy!
Marjorie Taylor Greene, JD Vance, Blake Masters, Mehmet Oz, Herschel Walker, Don Bolduc said “Hold my beer!” LOL MAGAts all!