If he was smart, he would have told them that the government would start prosecuting the climamoonbats to the full extent of the law, because this will simply entice the wankers to ramp up their climate crazy
German leader urges climate activists not to endanger others
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz urged climate activists Monday to show “creativity” and avoid endangering others after attacking art works and setting up road blockades that allegedly delayed the arrival of a specialist rescue crew at an accident scene.
Germany, like several other countries, has seen a string of high-profile protests in recent months against what activists say is a government failure to properly address the threat of climate change.
Actions by the group Last Generation have included blocking streets, throwing mashed potatoes at a Claude Monet painting at a museum in Potsdam, and an incident Sunday in which two activists glued themselves to a dinosaur display at Berlin’s Natural History Museum.
On Monday, the group blocked several roads in Berlin, including a major highway. Fire service spokesman Rolf Erbe said the blockades resulted in officers with special rescue equipment to get stuck in traffic as they rushed to help a seriously injured cyclist who got stuck under a cement mixer. The crew informed first responders and “there was no alternative but to use other methods” to help the woman, he said, without elaborating.
They should have been dragged away in handcuffs, thrown in jail, and charged
“We must accept critical positions and critical protests,” Scholz added, though he noted that the blockades and art stunts “obviously aren’t meeting with very widespread applause — they’re not getting mine either.”
“I think there are other ways in which people can expression their opinion, and perhaps a bit of creativity would be useful,” the chancellor added.
That really will entice the nuts to increase their stupid, causing more traffic issues, attempting to ruin more art and such.

They should protest like American leftists do, burndown cities, set vehicles on fire, loot small and large businesses, shoot unarmed civilians, murder cops in the street, tear down statues of historic figures and beat and rape females on the “autonomous” streets. Then they’ll get some attention, become a charity/NGO and receive millions in donations from woke fools and businesses.
ISIS fighters destroyed much of the culture of Iraq and Syria and they were basically rubbed out of existence.
The very fact that these Art Treasures are not protected from lunatics who would throw soup on them without even so much as a guard standing in their way is ludicrous.
Perhaps not just SAYING they will be prosecuted but actually prosecuting them to the full extent of the law might be in order. Just saying. Civil disobedience is not a guaranteed right in Germany like in the USA.
Just like good old Greta had best never show back up in INDIA because she will find her enlightened arse in jail for inciting rebellion as the Indian government see it.
If only the chancellor of a whole nation like Germany had some resource at his disposal to enforce the laws of his nation. Oh, well. Maybe in a few years.
The woman caught under a cement truck was rescued by having the truck drive over her legs again, because the required pneumatic pillow device was blocked on the road by a self-glued anti-oilite. The gluething said “shit happens” when informed of the effects of its actions, which strangely echo what will happen if an anti-oilite happens to manifest itself in my presence. There are worse things than dying, when dying is actively prevented…