The hell you say!
Climate Change Diplomacy Has an Authoritarianism Problem
Climate change is here to stay: heat waves, flooding, and wildfires have become noticeably more frequent and severe. After years of inaction and despite decades of advanced notice by scientists, there is no longer a possibility of preventing additional changes from occurring. Scientists predict that enough greenhouse gases are already trapped in the Earth’s atmosphere to guarantee that the impacts of climate change will continue to worsen over the coming decades. When international climate negotiators gather for their next summit in Egypt in November, the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27), they will try to avert the most catastrophic scenarios and mobilize enough resources to help vulnerable populations adapt to the already inevitable impacts. Achieving these worthy goals, already behind schedule, will require unprecedented global cooperation in the near term.
Democratic and authoritarian regimes alike have much at stake and have participated actively in international climate negotiations. But it is becoming increasingly clear that authoritarian regimes are using their seat at the table to greenwash their reputational standing in the global community, potentially undermining the climate change commitments that will be announced at COP27.
Huh. That’s an interesting way to put it. Because the whole scam is based on authoritarianism. One simple definition says “the enforcement or advocacy of strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom.” This is by a centralized government, and requires the suppression of Wrongthink and forcing citizens to do what they’re told. And you have plenty if Useful Idiot cultists who have been indoctrinated to believe they should give up their liberty and freedom
Vietnam is an emblematic example. For years, the government has imprisoned political dissidents but sent clear signals that people could speak up on a number of environmental issues. The open civic space around environmental issues yielded positive results — Vietnamese civil society worked closely with the government to adopt ambitious climate change goals that paved the way for the country to potentially receive billions of dollars in financing from the G7 during COP27.
Civil society organizations worked for over a decade to educate the Vietnamese public about the harm climate change will cause to rice production in the Mekong River Delta and other core parts of the economy. They also worked closely with the government on its commitment to phase out coal by 2040 and reach net-zero emissions by 2050, which the government announced at last year’s climate summit to widespread international acclaim.
Just a few months before announcing its 2040 and 2050 climate goals, the Vietnamese government began to close the door for civil society participation in environmental issues. In June 2021, police arrested the country’s top public interest environmental lawyer, Dang Ding Bach, and two other climate advocates. Bach’s arrest and detention are notable in that he was charged ostensibly with tax evasion yet investigated by a national security agency and detained before any charges were filed. He has been held largely incommunicado ever since. Bach was repeatedly refused access to his lawyer, unable to see his wife, and unable to spend time with his infant son, who was born two weeks before his arrest. Earlier this year, he was sentenced to five years in prison, a punishment far beyond the typical sentences in Vietnam for tax evasion and the three years requested by the State prosecutor. Despite this harsh and unprecedented sentence, Bach has maintained his innocence.
Let’s be honest, getting people to adhere to “green” policies and politics reinforces putting more power in the hands of government. Anyhow, despite the U.S., EU, and UN whining to Vietnam
But during the same period, the United States, UK, and EU governments rushed to secure climate deals with the Vietnamese government in the run-up to COP27. In September, the U.S. Embassy in Hanoi published a statement about the Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry’s visit to Vietnam, announcing several new climate change initiatives and investments that made no mention of the very same civil society members detained in Vietnam who worked for over a decade to lay the groundwork for these deals.
Remember when Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, said she wasn’t worried about the human rights abuses in China, she was just worried about getting some climate deals? John Kerry has taken the same position.
Yet even when the human rights violations are crystal clear, the international community has not always been sure how to respond. In 2021, several media outlets reported that China was trying to use climate change diplomacy to weaken U.S. pressure on its human rights record, especially after the U.S. government placed sanctions on China’s solar industry for its links to forced labor of Uyghur people. U.S. government agencies reportedly struggled internally when China’s actions created confusion between offices charged with reducing global greenhouse gas emissions versus those focused on stopping genocide, leading to allegations that senior Biden administration officials were lobbying against the forced labor protections.
The climate cult leaders are less concerned about human rights abuses, because Doing Something about Hotcoldwetdry is more important, and they know what’s best for the little people. And know that, at best, they will have to apply soft tyranny to push through their agenda. It’s a very long piece, ending with
The United States, UK, and EU need to collaborate with authoritarian regimes, but a successful global response to climate change also depends on civic participation. It is important to remember that the ultimate goal of international climate negotiations is to provide current and future generations with the opportunity to live safe, healthy, prosperous, and dignified lives. That’s also the goal of the human rights movement.
Interestingly, words like freedom and liberty are absent.

The whole purpose of the climate religion is to establish a central authoritarian world government. Even the green people acknowledge that any efforts will not stop climate change, but something must be done. Why must something must be done if it will not significantly improve any situation? Climate change is occurring as it has ever since the earth was formed. Is it accelerating, who knows or cares. There is nothing that will significantly change the situation and it is foolish to think that a trace gas in the atmosphere is having a significant influence. Jeff and the Z people always blabber about the fact CO2 absorbs light at the infrared spectrum. Ok, big deal. Does CO2 in the form of a heated molecule actually provide residual heat that can not be nullified by the surrounding cool atmosphere, likely not, no evidence of the fact has been produced. Then, is the CO2 in the atmosphere actually from man. The earth produces far more carbon gases than man ever thought of.
An example of using carbon credits has already been used. I do not remember the details but about 10 years ago a South American country was having internal issues that horrified central authorities at the UN and they withheld carbon credits until the issues were resolved. Thus the desire of Hillary and Kerry for pushing a carbon agenda.
You’ve decided to discuss! Great!
d: The whole purpose of the climate religion is to establish a central authoritarian world government.
Well, of course not. That’s just another conspiracy tale. Most religions depend on supernatural underpinnings including belief in a supernatural supreme being.
d: Nothing can be done. Foolish to think etc
Since CO2 is responsible for the warming, reducing CO2 emissions will slowly reduce warming. CO2 at 200 – 300 ppm has kept the Earth warm for millennia.
d: CO2 can’t warm…
Middle schoolers do the experiment all the time. A balloon containing a heating element (infrared) with an attached thermocouple is filled with either air or air + added CO2. The heating element warms to 45C and is turned off, and the temperature is measured over time comparing the rate of cooling between air and high CO2 balloons. The element (Earth!) in the CO2 balloon loses heat more slowly.
Yes, the increased atmospheric CO2 is from burning fossil fuels. How is that known? The isotope ratio of carbon differs between fossil fuel carbon (millions of years old) and the carbon in the Earth’s carbon cycle. The isotope ratio in atmospheric CO2 has been becoming more like that of fossil fuel carbon.
I don’t discus with nut jobs. And your heating element thing is foolish.
You and Lucifer are the two mentally ill con-mentors here.
You foolish nutjob, you.
Rimjob: Since CO2 is responsible for the warming, reducing CO2 emissions will slowly reduce warming.
You have absolutely no proof of that.
As you’ve been shown before the empirical evidence historically points to a rise in atmospheric CO2 after a rise in temperatures, not the other way around.
You’re dishonest and stupid.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Dear Elwood:
The lack of control over the balloon “experiment” is so staggering that I now understand why some high school science teachers “believe.”
Check back with me when you have information that meets the criteria of scientific tests.
The average carbon footprint of an American has declined 25% since 2005
Has this made you personally feel like a victim of authority ?
Or do you feel more victimized by being a victim of price gouging by Big Oil, the Saudis and Russia?
The USA is pumping more oil under Biden (average bpd) than under Trump. Yet you pay more. In April of 2020 under Trump it was $1.94, when he asked the Saudis to raise their price. By Feb 2031 when Biden became POTUS it had gone up to $2.94.
Today it is $3.75
Google it yourself
Check primary sources not partisan blogs that may wish to mislead you, again
Congrats John, that was a long comment that made zero sense and had nothing to do with what I wrote.
Carbon Offset- and the Saudis cut production by a whopping 2.5%. And Mr. Carbon still continues to ignore the Dems blocking an effort by Trump to fill the SPR at a very low price of 24 dpb. Don’t worry, we won’t let you forget…
Carbon Offset-What’s “big oil”? Does that mean there’s a “little oil”?
Dear H:
Given that the oil industry was essentially shut down for 25% of Trump’s presidency it follows that the current BPD might be higher.
The problem is that, due to the Biden’s admin policies, a future shortage is expected.
I just watched the fake pres pedo give a pre-election speech telling Americans that regardless of the results if the democommies don’t win the count “will continues for several days” and that only anti democracy conspiracy nuts will have a problem with that. What a liar. He’s setting us up for another steal!
I’ve also spent the days jumping from blog to blog and seeing the left go absolutely batshit crazy about Republicans wanting to make ALL abortion illegal coast to coast, that R’s want to “overturn elections” when all we wanted from day one was an honest count and an audit of all those pop-up ballots and suspicious videos, and how Trump caused the gay illegal alien to hit Crash Pelosi with a hammer.
The nightmare leftists live in is of their own creation. They believe other people suffer from the same nefarious hateful psychoses they do. Failing to understand we don’t think like that, we love America, we do believe in fair elections even when we loose but man, don’t steal it then call us insurrectionists because we want an audit. IT’s our right!
Mega MAGAt,
You believe in elections that your team wins.
Your team’s attempt to overthrow the election is what qualified as an insurrection. It wasn’t just the words (we demand an audit!, Stop the Steal!) but the actions (fake electors, coercing Sec’s of State to find more votes, the attack on Congress to delay or pre-empt the certification).
America has put up with this lying cult’s BS for two years. What are the GOPher plans when they take the House and Senate? Tax cuts for the super wealthy and corporations? Greater subsidies for oil drilling? Cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid?
When was the last time Republicans reduced the debt?
Rimjob: When was the last time Republicans reduced the debt?
Look it up, dipshit.

Bwaha! Lolgf
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