Oh, good, they’re trying to help with the problem they helped make worse post Chinese Coronavirus. Also, it’s a cute little bribe
Harris to announce over $13 billion in assistance to help cut energy costs this winter
Vice President Kamala Harris on Wednesday will announce new steps the Biden administration is taking to help lower energy costs for Americans this winter.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is providing $4.5 billion in assistance to help cut heating costs for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), according to the White House.
“In addition to covering home heating costs this winter and unpaid utility bills, the program will help families make cost-effective home energy repairs to lower their heating and cooling bills,” the White House said in a statement.
If people cannot afford their heating, how do they afford weatherization? For one thing, these are low income Americans. As a baseline, you cannot make more than $20,385 a year as a single person.
The U.S. Department of Energy will also allocate $9 billion in funding from the Inflation Reduction Act to support up to 1.6 million households nationwide in upgrading their homes to decrease energy bills. This will be separated into two rebate programs: one for whole home energy efficiency retrofits and another for highly efficient and electric home appliances, according to the White House.
Except, there are no standards, no income guidelines, nothing. When will we know what this covers and who can get it? Next spring? Winter is coming on pretty quick.
Nearly half of U.S. households rely on natural gas for heating and their bills could jump 28% this winter, compared with last winter, while bills for heating oil are projected to be 27% higher and electricity 10% higher, according to a recent analysis from the U.S. Energy Information Administration, an independent agency within the U.S. Department of Energy.
Democrats have been trying to wack natural gas and heating oil well before Wuhan flu, and their policies have made the cost worse through various manners, including creating shortages. And giving people money makes them more reliant on government, more beholden to government, forgetting that government is partially responsible for creating the problem.
Oh, and you know what happens when government subsidizes something? The cost goes up.

Teach natural gas production in the USA is at a record high.
How did the Dems wack it?
And oil export ? Remember that the Keystone XL was going to be built for the sole reason to export Canadian oil away from the USA to the world market.
Natural gas is being converted to LNG and exported giving companies extra high profits. If that was prohibited or tariffed our domestic prices would decrease at the expense of profits. Should that be done?
In April of 2020 gas was $1.94 Trump thought it was too low and asked the Saudis to cut production to increase the price. By Feb 2021 when Biden took over gas had gone up to $2.84 and now is at $3.75
The USA is now pumping my ore oil per day than the average pumped during Trump’s presidency
Own it
Regardless of how much or how little domestic oil production the price paid for oil is set by your good friends the Saudis and the Russians, not by Biden
Tell me that you don’t know what you are talking about without saying you don’t know what you are talking about:
The Keystone XL Pipeline was to transport Canadian crude oil to American oil refineries, to be processed into usable products. Yes, some would be exported, but some would also be made available on the American market.
Without the pipeline? Not only were thousands of American jobs, “good-paying union jobs,” as the Democrats would put it, in both the construction of the pipeline and, eventually, at American refineries, lost, but the Canadian crude oil and oil sands are being shipped west to Vancouver, all for export across the Pacific.
The environmentalist whackos somehow thought that if Keystone XL wasn’t built, the Canadian oil would stay in the ground, but of course they were wrong; the oil is still being used, but none of the profit is going to American corporations or American workers.
The late, great Rush Limbaugh was pretty good at coining terms for stupid people, and I always thought that “environmentalist whackos” wasn’t really up to his standards: no rhyme or rhythm to it. But if it tripped off the tongue a bit less well than some of his others, it was still 100% accurate as far as describing them. Did the whackos think that refining and using Canadian oil in the United States somehow released more greenhouse gasses than if it was refined and burned in China? Did they think that American corporations and American workers making more money was somehow worse than the Chinese government and corporations making more money?
Well, in that last, they probably did!
Tell me that you don’t know what you are talking about without saying you don’t know what you are talking about:
Due to the war in Ukraine, which the United States under the dummkopf from Delaware has helped to extend, Russia, on which much of democratic Europe depends for oil and natural gas, has forced an increase in the price of crude oil and restricted the shipment of natural gas to Europe, and, in case you hadn’t noticed, as Ned Stark said, “Winter is coming.”
A lot of people believe that supporting Ukraine as we have is the right thing to do, but doing so has come at a cost, and one of those costs is the necessity of keeping our European allies from freezing to death this coming winter.
So, to you, President Biden imposing sanctions on Russia as a whole, on Vladimir Putin and his allies more specifically, has nothing to do with the Russian decision to force production cuts? So, to you, President Biden telling Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, to his face, that the United States holds him responsible for the killing of Jamal Khashoggi, and then, after the Crown Prince denied it, calling him a liar, in public, has nothing to do with the Saudis pushing production cuts to increase the price of crude oil?
Hairy you continually Misinform and disseminate false information.
We have been over your distorted facts multiple times and yet you keep repeating them.
The keystone XL pipeline was never intended to shift oil to the world market.
From an ANTI Fossil fuels website which I am sure Hairy and Dowd get all their news:
The takedown of the notorious Keystone XL (KXL) tar sands pipeline will go down as one of this generation’s most monumental environmental victories…..blah…blah…blah to……… It was expected to transport 830,000 barrels of Alberta tar sands oil per day to refineries on the Gulf Coast of Texas. From the refineries, the oil would be sent chiefly overseas—not to gasoline pumps in the United States.
So there you have it. The truth as the left perceives it.
Operating since 2010, the original Keystone Pipeline System is a 3,461-kilometre (2,151 mi) pipeline delivering Canadian crude oil to U.S. Midwest markets and Cushing, Oklahoma. NOT THE REFINERIES IN TEXAS.
SECONDLY: The Keystone XL pipeline segments were intended to allow American crude oil to enter the XL pipelines at Baker, Montana, on their way to the storage and distribution facilities at Cushing, Oklahoma. Cushing is a major crude oil marketing/refining and pipeline hub.
SO the huge oil strike in MONTANA/North Dakota was to put their oil into the pipeline and send it to the Midwest for refining. This would have done two things, Dilute the dirty oil with the cleanest oil in the world from Montana and North Dakota where it would be used to make gasoline/Diesel/jet fuel.
Additionally, another pipeline was to be built from Oklahoma to the refineries in TEXAS where only about 450,000 of the 900,000 BBLS of oil reaching there would have been sold overseas. The rest was indeed destined for United States consumption.
What you have is a very clear attempt by the Environmentalists led by BILL GATES and Warren Buffet to defeat this pipeline.
BUT WHY? Bill Gates Railroad would lose billions by not being the sole transporter of oil from the Tar Sands in Canada. Warren Buffets BNSF railroad which primarily made all its money transporting oil from North Dakota and Montana blocked the permitting through Nebraska…Headquarters of Berkshire Hathaway…..for the sole purpose of not losing billions per year in oil transport.
Nothing to do with environmentalism and everything to do with deceiving the people with lies about the intended truth behind the Pipeline.
Now you know the real truth, behind the keystone XL pipeline. AGAIN.
Thank you for clearing that up, AGAIN. But it will be ignored. That is the lefts new paradigm. They start with a lie (Jan 6 was an insurrection), when the people refute their premise they call them deniers (election deniers), when the people pull out facts they ignore them ( refuse to see the evidence of vote stealing and corruption), call those people names (election deniers), get them banned from social media and ignored or ridiculed on MSM (censorship on Twitter and YouTube etc.), and when the dust settles no one can actually figure out the truth because it’s been turned into mud. Yet they expect people to believe every word they say.
I can point out this pattern with the 2020 riots, transsexual nonsense, BLM, education, racism, the corruption of the fake pedo junta and more.
All they have is lies and in their panic going into Tuesdays impending slaughter they are making shit up at the speed of light. They are quite literally calling for violence against whites, conservatives and Trump supporters and at the same time decrying violence. Figure that?
The democommie party has been taken over by radical anti white, anti American, anti Christian bigots, racists and fascists. Nothing can save them except a complete reformation of their party. I favor it’s total elimination just like the Nazis. Allowing it to continue will just breed more hate.
MORE distorted and false information spread by the left and Hairy.
In April of 2020 gas was $1.94 Trump thought it was too low and asked the Saudis to cut production to increase the price. By Feb 2021 when Biden took over gas had gone up to $2.84 and now is at $3.75
The Russians and the Saudias were having an oil war after covid hit driving the price of oil into the gutter and threatening the stability of the world. He told Russia and The Saudias to stop and they did. They cut production. A result of cutting production was that gasoline rose about 30 cents per gallon and oil went back up around 40 dollars per bbl to the mid 50’s per bbl.
Gasoline was 2.26 per gallon when Biden took office….and not 2.84. This 2.84 price is just a fabrication by Hairy in an attempt to rewrite History. Something they continually blame the right for doing is ignoring established facts. Well just go to EIA.Gov and you can find out for yourself what the price was nationally based upon the Governments own posted information.
The dummkopf Dana typed: the war in Ukraine, which the United States under the dummkopf from Delaware has helped to extend
By helping Ukraine defend themselves from that MAGAt fav, Putin? It’s true that if left to their own defenses Ukraine would have been overrun by Russia in short order.
Of course, nuCons pilloried President Obama for not taking stronger actions against Russia for annexing Crimea! So much for nuCon steadfastness.
The Chamberlain from Chintucky would cede Ukraine to Putin and ignore that bin Salman had WaPo columnist Jamal Khashoggi vivisectioned. Mr Khashoggi graduated college just 100 mi north of Kentucky. The hebephiliac from Hell also sanctioned Russia (2017), including sanctions against the Nord Stream II pipeline (2019)!
Khashoggi criticized the Saudis and was murdered by bin Salman. HebeDon considers that a model for dealing with critics. The US is dependent on the Saudis who, with Putin, largely control OPEC+. The Saudis have many-fold more barrels of “our” oil under their parched sands than does America. And they can produce it cheaply.
Rimjob hypocritically casting aspersions upon others when his own company has chiseled away 100s of millions of dollars from investors over the past 3 years.
That’s rich, dipshit.

Bwaha! Lolgf