This was almost worse than his Dark Brandon speech in Philly
President Joe Biden on Wednesday delivered a stark warning to Americans that the future of the nation’s democracy could rest on next week’s midterm elections, an urgent appeal coming six days before final ballots are cast in a contest the president framed in nearly existential terms.
“We can’t take democracy for granted any longer,” the president said from Union Station in Washington, blocks from the US Capitol where a mob attempted to interrupt the certification of the 2020 election.
It was a sharp message to Americans considering sitting out next week’s congressional elections that the very future of the country was at stake. Biden suggested the preponderance of candidates for office at every level of government who have denied the results of the last presidential contest was red-flashing warning signal for the country.
“As I stand here today, there are candidates running for every level of office in America – for governor, for Congress, for attorney general, for secretary of state who won’t commit to accepting the results of the elections they’re in,” Biden said. “That is the path to chaos in America. It’s unprecedented. It’s unlawful. And it is un-American.”
Biden’s speech placed blame for the dire national situation squarely at the feet of his predecessor, Donald Trump, accusing the former president of cultivating a lie that has metastasized into a web of conspiracies that has already resulted in targeted violence.
So, Trump Derangement Syndrome on display. Nice. Is Biden saying that Stacy Abrams is un-American? How about all those Democrats who denied the 2016 election results for 4 years…heck, they still deny it. All those Democrats who say Bush stole the 2000 election? And the 2004 election? CNN and the other Big Credentialed Media were enthused by the speech. How about
(Breitbart) However, in warning voters against voting for Republicans, he mentioned “democracy” nearly 40 times.
Biden claimed that “democracy itself” is at stake in next week’s elections and added that democracy is “at risk,” “under threat,” and “under attack.” He said several hundred Republican candidates this cycle embody the “appetites of autocracy” for their views on the 2020 election.
Biden implored voters to make “the future of our democracy” an important part of their voting decision.
So, an unhinged, utterly deranged and political speech, demonizing Republicans, and we don’t actually have a Democracy, but, that’s the moonbat talking point. If people don’t listen to enough heavy metal music, that’s a threat to our democracy, right? Mussolini, Hitler, Mao, Chavez, and others would be proud.
(Breitbart) A Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll confirmed shortly after the speech that a full 60 percent of Americans found the speech divisive and unhelpful, with the other 40 percent believing that the president’s speech “united the nation and moved it forward.”
56% opposed the address, while 54% said it was simply fear-mongering. It probably didn’t play too well with independents. John Podhoretz, who’s no fan of Trump, wrote
He seemed exhausted, spent — so much so that even in the course of making an argument I find repellent, he didn’t even get me mad.
Instead of being roused to rage by his cagey effort to turn the horrifying violent act of a paranoid schizophrenic into an implicit indictment of the very idea of voting Republican, I felt almost paternal toward Biden, who is 18 years older than I am. It was like he was one of my kids and he was showing signs of having stayed up too late and it was past time for him to go beddie-bye.
It’s almost always past his bedtime.
Biden Calls MAGA Republicans "Violent," "Extreme," "Dangerous" While Ignoring Leftist Violence
— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) September 2, 2022

If a MAGAt wins, the election was legit. When a MAGAt loses, the election was fraudulent. The only legitimate outcome is when the nuGOPher wins! If a Democrat wins, it was because of fraud! Rinse and repeat ad nauseum.
With that belief system firmly in place, why even have elections? They will become window dressing as in Russia or any other authoritarian regime.
Yes, the nuGOP will continue elections once they are firmly in control but nuGOPhers will start receiving 90% of the vote!
So yes, democracy is under attack. Start the Steal!!
Pure projection.
Evidently, your head hasn’t changed location. Maybe the Dems should try actually running an honest election for a change. The fact that they haven’t in years, but Republicans still manage to win sometimes, tells us all we need to know about how rancid “liberal” policies are.
Teach typed: Is Biden saying that Stacy Abrams is un-American? How about all those Democrats who denied the 2016 election results for 4 years…heck, they still deny it. All those Democrats who say Bush stole the 2000 election? And the 2004 election?
Stacy Abrams did not try to overturn her loss. The Democrats and others who recognized and investigated the role of Russia in the 2016 election did not try to overturn the election (HebeDon was not impeached over Russian interference). Bush won the 2000 election by a few hundred votes in Florida which was never resolved except by the Supreme Court who said “enough”. Mr Gore conceded and did NOT spend the next two years denying the election and recruiting others to the cause. The 2004 election wasn’t close. tRump and his minions, Eastman, Mr Pillow, Powell, Rudy, Flynn etc, etc worked behind the scenes attempting several different approaches to keeping tRump in office including a physical attack on Congress.
Geez, fantasize much?

Rimjob is as big a liar as Brandon.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Next Tuesday remember what you are voting for.
The Democrats have systematically unraveled the criminal justice system and use it now for their own political agenda. They deny bail to anyone who would attack a leftist politician (The Pelosi attacker denied bail and is facing 60 years in prison) While releasing Murders and rapists with minimal bail back onto the streets.
VIOLENCE, Encouraged by the left, rules Americas streets.
Rene Boucher must also serve six months in home confinement, U.S. District Court Judge Matthew Leitman said Monday. Boucher will receive credit for the 30 days in prison he has already served.
Boucher had initially been sentenced to 30 days in jail for the attack, as well as 100 hours of community service and a $10,000 fine, but prosecutors said that sentence was too lenient and won the right to argue for a harsher sentence which ended up being 8 months in jail with time served.
Lets see no bond and life in prison for attacking the husband of a politician vs 30 days in jail and community service for attacking and hospitalizing a Republican SENATOR.
Stacy Abrams did not try to overturn her loss.
You’re so dumb you can’t see past your partisanship. If anyone was trying to “overturn” anything they would have been carrying AR-15’s instead if flags and banners. You are a stupid repeating parrot for an unscrupulous media and a group of treasonous left wing communists wearing Democrat skin. Just stupid!
tRump and his minions, Eastman, Mr Pillow, Powell, Rudy, Flynn etc, etc worked behind the scenes attempting several different approaches to keeping tRump in office including a physical attack on Congress.
This entire statement has been proved a lie by the Mueller Investigation and the fact Trump was never indicted. STOP LYING!
Mega MAGA. On Tuesday we take the next step to Make America Great Again. Keep the leftists talking about Trump, 1/6 and abortion! Nobody cares!
Lucifer (aka The Mega MAGAt) typed: tRump and his minions, Eastman, Mr Pillow, Powell, Rudy, Flynn etc, etc worked behind the scenes attempting several different approaches to keeping tRump in office including a physical attack on Congress. This entire statement has been proved a lie by the Mueller Investigation and the fact Trump was never indicted.
So, you believe the Mueller investigation (report delivered March 2019) absolved Dementia Don of responsibility for his treasonous actions of 2020 and 2021?? Presidents are not indicted for high crimes and misdemeanors but ARE impeached. As president, tRump WAS impeached for the insurrection but was rescued by his nuGOP toadies in the Senate. As an ex-president he may yet be indicted for his crimes against America as have been many of his brown shirts who attacked Congress on Jan 6.
The Mueller investigation looked into his campaign’s dealings with Russia during the 2016 campaign. Mueller’s clear signal was that it was up to Congress to discipline the president.
Next Tuesday the nuGOPhers should sweep into the House and Senate and statehouses!! Of course, they’ve nominated a rogue’s gallery of lunatics and miscreants so their sweep will be less than if they had nominated normal people. Mastriano, Greene, Walker, Boebert, Bolduc, Lake, Budd, Laxalt, Masters, Oz, Johnson, Finchem, Vance, etc… And President Biden will still be President Biden and can veto any of the MAGAts proposals. In 2024, besides an uphill battle for candidate tRump, Senators and Representatives will be up for re-election. Can the MAGAts suppress enough voters to get old man DonJon re-elected? Stay tuned!
MAGAts love power more than they love America. MAGAts hate democracy. MAGAts have no interest in governance, they are monumentally aggrieved and butthurt by those libs who look down on them. They only want to own the libs, even if it destroys the nation.
They’ve terrorized their white, christian, rural and exurban following into believing that black murderers are coming after them. That gay and trans teachers are grooming their children for sexual assault. That white, christian men need high-powered weapons to protect women and children from black murderers AND the government. That Democrats will force women to abort babies even AFTER birth!! That America is overrun by filthy Mexicans. And of course, every bit of information from the government, scientists, medicine, military, judges and the media is a lie.
J-you are charging Trump for living rent fiee in your head, correct? How much do you charge? This is hilarious….
What Joey-boy means is that fraud-free voting is a threat to democratic politicians.
“Warning about political violence..”. That’s rich, coming from the party that gave us country-wide violence in the form of antifa and blm for about 2 years running. Pedo Joe must not have had his fill of touching and sniffing young girls lately…
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for supper.