…is a lake that will soon disappear from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Not A Lot Of People Know That, with a post on a Massachusetts wind farm project no longer being viable.

…is a lake that will soon disappear from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Not A Lot Of People Know That, with a post on a Massachusetts wind farm project no longer being viable.
The developer if that wind farm has put it on hold, asking for a 1 month suspension while scrambling for new financing because of the current high interest rates. The Cape Wind project is still going ahead on schedule.
In 2022 offshore wind gave the USA 10% if it’s total electricity. That was provided at a fixed contract cost NOT subject to manipulation by fossil fuel companies not the Saudi/Russian cartels
No Carbon Offset, offshore wind didn’t give us 10% of trial electricity, all wind combined gave us that much.
I don’t believe it was even that high.
Will Rogers in the St. Petersburg Times on November 27, 1932.
They saved the big banks, but the little ones went up the flue
You mean like Democrats did in 2008?
Mr. Hoover was an engineer. He knew that water trickles down.
Yes but the 3 republicans who were elected leading up to the great depression were trying hard to get rid of TEDDY ROOSEVELT(R) progressive policies which were hurting the rich. As a result the Democrats became republicans and the Republicans that led us to Depression were Democrats.
FDR in 1932 took over Teddy Roosevelts Bull Moose Platform and made it his own and as a result the democrats became republicans and vice versa during this stretch from 1880-1932.
We are seeing a very similar thing happening today as the left now is embracing Corporations, the Military and War, while the GOP is shunning Corporations, Becoming anti-war and struggling with a woke military.
This flip-flopping of positions happens roughly every 80 years and aligns with the 4 pillars of the fourth turning. Hence in 1932 we had FDR take over a popular Bull Moose segment of the GOP and now 80 years later would put us at 2012 where we saw the left and right begin switching what and how they believe.
Remember the left used to be angry with the RIGHT for wanting illegals to work for the cheap. Now the RIGHT wants a border wall and the Democrats want as many free illegals as they can get.
The Fourth Turning? That explains a lot.
The authors
That hardly makes any sense from a scientific or historical perspective.
Starting around 1500 AD, in England, we humans have experienced just 6 saecula, happening at approximately 80 yr intervals. According to the likes of Steve Bannon the US is overdue to a major crisis followed by a Great Awakening! Wingers use this kind of babble to justify their desire to tear down America and rebuild it as a white nationalist ethnostate!
Not very inquisitive are you.
Going back over five Anglo-American centuries, Strauss and Howe discover that within each saeculum, or 80-to-100-year period, there are four dramatic shifts in the mood of the nation, with each lasting roughly 20 years
Stage 1 These four turnings of the saeculum include a “high” marked by an upbeat mood, conformity, and trust in institutions,
Stage 2
an “awakening” marked by increased spirituality and rebellion,
Stage 3 an “unraveling” in which institutions become distrusted and individualism is strong,
Stage 4 an “unraveling” in which institutions become distrusted and individualism is strong, and a “crisis” in which a revolution of some type occurs and the old order is destroyed.
A new order emerges during the high era of the following saeculum, and the four turnings repeat themselves in the same order.
Go back 80-100 years and you have World War 2.
1861-1941 equals 80 years and you have the start of the CIVIL WAR.
1775-1861 is You guessed it. 86 years.
80 years earlier was 1695 and the massacre of Billerica in the Americas with a bunch of Indian wars fighting for dominance of the future of the nation.
Sorry to disappoing but it is one of the notions that history often repeats itself just as the GOP was once Democrats and vice versa. So every time you try to take credit for things that happened from 1880-1932 just know that it was the GOP that first flirted with Progressivism before FDR stole the platform in 1932 and made it his own effectivly forcing each party to adopt the other parties stances.
Yes, the complex history of man on Earth is beset with coincidences, especially if you pick and choose carefully.
“History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.” – attributed to Mark Twain
Do these major events fall in the 80-year saeculae model?
Extinction of dinosaurs
First civilizations in Mesopotamia
Fall of the Roman Empire
Mount Tambora
first humans
moon landing
Martin Luther
Martin Luther King
Vietnam War
The Enlightenment
DNA discovery
Germ theory
First computer
Roentgen and Becquerel discovery radioactivity
Sounds like a supernatural cult. Halley’s Comet comes around every 75 to 80 years. 1835, 1910, 1986, ~2060. Mark Twain was born in 1835 and died in 1910. The last Chinese dynasty ended in 1911 with the Sinhai revolution. Is that related?
Perhaps that lake will overflow from glacial melt.
Brandon, like Rimjob, keep spouting the same spiel over and over again and nobody listens or cares.
But they are doing their part to ensure a red tsunami next Tuesday.

Bwaha! Lolgf
If this doesn’t motivate you to vote D then nothing will.
Our DEMOCRACY is at stake!

Bwaha! Lolgf
It takes over 330 windmills to replace a single typical power plant. Assuming a constant 20mph wind. The proposed windfarm is just about the size of a single power plant. It’s just a tax scam.