Well, hey, what else is he going to talk about?
Biden stumps on job growth, as voters dread inflation
President Joe Biden has notched an envious record on jobs, with 10.3 million gained during his tenure. But voters in Tuesday’s midterm elections are far more focused on inflation hovering near 40-year highs.
That’s left the president trying to convince the public that the job gains mean better days are ahead, even as fears of a recession build.
Presidents have long trusted that voters would reward them for strong economic growth, but inflation has thrown a monkey wrench into the already difficult probability of Democrats’ retaining control of the House and Senate.
Economic anxieties have compounded as the Federal Reserve has repeatedly hiked its benchmark interest rates to lower inflation and possibly raise unemployment. Mortgage costs have shot upwards, while the S&P 500 stock index has dropped more than 20% so far this year as the world braces for a possible downturn.
Biden is asking voters to look beyond the current financial pain, saying that what matters are the job gains that he believes his policies are fostering. The government reported Friday that employers added 261,000 jobs in October as the unemployment rate bumped up to 3.7%.
What few stories mention is that most of the jobs gains are simply a rebound from the 25 million lost during the Chinese coronavirus, a goodly chunk lost because Democrats shut things down, closing businesses, picking winners and losers, deeming some non-essential, locking people down. I can say, my industry has not recovered. Employment is down by about 30-40%. There’s no point in having that many in sales. I won’t blame Joe for it, though.
“If you have a job, it’s small comfort to know that the job market is strong if at the same time you feel like every paycheck is worth less and less anyway,” said pollster Kristen Soltis Anderson. “Inflation is such political poison because voters are reminded every day whenever they spend money that it is a problem we are experiencing.”
Few in the national media are asking Joe, his people, and Democrats running for an elected position what Democrats have done and what they will do to ease inflation, food costs, clothes costs, and so forth.
Pizza for Thanksgiving? It might be a dinner option due to inflation
The higher cost of living right now is making many Americans question whether they’ll be able to afford the traditional Thanksgiving dinner this year.
The demographic that is feeling the most financially pinched, according to a new survey, is Gen Z — “who are opting for meals of soup, salad and pizza” this year, as an “Outnumbered” panel noted on Thursday.
One in five Americans doubt that they’ll have enough money to cover the costs of the usual Thanksgiving meal this year, according to the study by Personal Capital.
The survey found that young people with limited incomes may be celebrating a “friendsgiving” this Thanksgiving — featuring pizza, not turkey, as a top choice.
Butter is up 37%. The average cost of turkey is up from $1.19 a pound to $1.99. Travel costs are way up. Eggs are way up. And, no, you cannot blame this all on Biden: there are other factors in play to go with Biden and the Democrats ignoring the economy.

Would you agree that most of American inflation is caused by the cost of fossil fuels?
Remember that under Trump from April of 2020 to Feb of 2031 when Biden took over the price of gas went up from $1.94 to $2.94.
This was a direct result of the Saudis cutting production as requested by Trump
The USA has been pumping more now than the average pumped under Trump
No matter how much or how little the domestic production is it will always be sold at the global price set by Russia and the Saudis as they are the biggest exporters.
Teach do you have a problem with that?
I do
How about you Dana? Do you like paying what the Saudis demand?
the stoned buddhist: Would you agree that most of American inflation is caused by the cost of fossil fuels?
Um, where did you get that idea, johnnie boy?

Bwaha! Lolgf
H the Bot says: Would you agree that most of American inflation is caused by the cost of fossil fuels?
NO>>NO>>>>AND HELL NO!!!!!
H the BOT says: Remember that under Trump from April of 2020 to Feb of 2031 when Biden took over the price of gas went up from $1.94 to $2.94.
H is a BOT. This has been repeatedly DEBUNKED it went to 2.24 per gallon and not 2.94 per gallon.
H the BOT says: This was a direct result of the Saudis cutting production as requested by Trump
Russia and The Saudis were in an oil war. Trump requested the cuts in production to SAVE AMERICAN COMPANIES.
H the BOT says: The USA has been pumping more now than the average pumped under Trump
TRUE because Under trump the average dropped because of COVID AND LOCKDOWNS. When the Fascist democrats finally ended lockdowns the people were raging to GTFO of their lockdowns and back to LIFE.
H the BOT says: How about you Dana? Do you like paying what the Saudis demand?
While I cannot speak for Dana I can say. How about you H? Do you like paying what Mcdonald’s demands for a Big Mac? How about what Walmart Demands for a pound of Hamburger? How about what Tesla demands for a Plaid?
Let us see if H the BOT responds.
What the inflationistas ignore is that Americans are still spending like crazy.
The poor ARE suffering from inflation; the poor that Cons and nuCons have always ignored except to goose their fear of black guys.
Unemployment is still low, stock market up, pay up, job growth good – the recession keeps hiding. Gas, rent, food, cars cost more – mostly from demand vs supply issues, some from corporations taking advantage of the market. The rich get richer, the poor poorer. Same as it ever was.
Your ability to be divisive and racist on every topic even inflation is inspiring. To nazis.
Have you nothing of value to add to the Pirates Cove conversation?
Mega MAGA.
Mega MAGAt,
Do YOU nothing of value to add to the Pirates Cove conversation? Your anger, hatred, ignorance and frustrations don’t count. There’s already too much of that.
We would all love to see your value!! No one can be as consistently ignorant and mean-spirited as you, all the time.
I find Brandon’s comments have value. You add nothing, zero. Everything you say is a lie and you rarely understand any issue. I perceive Brandon is frustrated, like most of us that can think. You are the one filled with hate.
If you actually believe I’m consistently ignorant and mean-spirited then I have achieved my goal. In no way do I want to say or represent anything a person like you would agree with.
You are an evil person from your support of the genocide of prenatal children to your denial of the beauty and goodness of God. You are the refutation of all that is good, wholesome, patriotic and decent and the manifestation of all the dark and evil in men.
I am honored to have you hate me. Thank you. It means I’m doing something very, very right.
I remain,
Mega MAGA. God Bless the USA.
AQ rather unusual comment from the distinguished man from Missouri:
Yeah, well when the necessities of life — food, fuel, electricity, rent — see cost inflation in double digit percentages, yeah, Americans will be spending like crazy. When they are losing money in their savings accounts due to inflation, it makes more sense to spend it now rather than later.
By the way, Kentucky defeated Missouri 21-17 today!
I know my first duty after the election and the GOP wins is to go buy me some slaves.
Secondly I will round up a herd of children and eat them.
Thirdly I will march on Washington DC and demand that all Democrats be hung.
Fourthly I will join the Nazi Party and pledge allegiance to Hitler.
Fifthly I will demand that the constitution be destroyed and replaced with a manifesto written by the proud boys.
Sixthly I will surely buy a dozen machine guns and 1 million rounds of ammunition.
Seventhly I will burn down all-electric cars and declare war on all teachers. Even my wife who teaches. I think she is secretly teaching her kids behind my back that it’s okay to vote for a Democrat if that’s really what they want to do.
Maybe I’ll eat her too. Snicker.
Perhaps we should go burn down some cities and kill some police and destroy the economy and send 100 billion dollars to Ukraine and try to force Russia into firing off some nukes cause you know, the ones we got are getting old and we are itching to try them out to see if they work.
As if elite MAGAts care one iota about the poor.
BTW, Land O Lakes butter at Walmart is $5.48/lb. Great Value butter is $4.48/lb.
Three pounds of Blue Bonnet margarine will put you back $4.89.
If butter was 37% cheaper a year ago, this means we spend another $1.66 a month on butter!
The shopper from St Louis wrote:
It was a few months ago, but I protested the firing of the
Indianindigenous American girl from the Land 0′ Lakes butter by buying a different brand, Challenge butter. Alas! Land o’ Lakes butter was simply better, so I had to return to it. However, my concern was somewhat lessened when it was pointed out to me that Land o; Lakes might have killed off theIndianindigenous American girl, but they kept the land. That’s how American conquerors are supposed to behave!Most Democrats ARE hung! Did you mean they should be hanged?
Conmenter: Perhaps we should go burn down some cities and kill some police and destroy the economy and send 100 billion dollars to Ukraine and try to force Russia into firing off some nukes …
The US economy has been pretty resilient of the past several decades. Reagan and Volcker engineered a recession to end inflation in the early 80s, followed by record deficit spending to stimulate growth. We recovered. Remember President Bush’s Great Recession in 2008? It took several years to recover, because Congress was reluctant to authorize necessary spending, resulting in several years of unnecessary suffering. The tRump Plague and Recession was largely beaten back by President Trump signing huuuge spending bills (which has contributed to our current inflation). Employment has recovered. The economy is resilient but not without problems.
Is it worth 1% of federal spending to enable Ukraine’s defeat of Russia? MAGAts now say no (since PedoDon hates Ukraine and luvs Putin). Can the West allow Russia to run roughshod over Europe?
China’s Xi just warned Putin that nukes would be a huuuuge mistake.
Would love to get into a discussion about macroeconomics with the Rimjob but it wouldn’t be meaningful since his own company has pissed away over two hundred million dollars of investors money in the past three years.
What could anyone learn from him?

#Galera GRTX
Bwaha! Lolgf
Dear Twitter employees-Just go find another job, like you told us to do.
Sincerely, Keystone pipeliners
Fortunately, twitter firees will find other jobs, just as the pipeliners did. In the mean-time twitter will have to deal with lawsuits.
After all, the unemployment rate is only 3.7%, down from the 2020 peak of 8.1%.
Mercurial Musk wanted to appear to “buy” twitter but painted himself into a corner and was forced by law to honor the contract.
And how would you know what Musk is doing? Does it ever occur to you that you do not get a full picture from the media? Or that you are one of the dumbest people I have ever seen. And we need pipelines, we do not need Twitter.
david7134 you should know by now that dowd knows everything about everything. Billionaires like Musk call him for advice on business. Even scientists contact dowd about vaccines, scamdemics and the big one: Climate Change.
I wouldn’t be surprised of old man dowd even could tell the future. Go ahead, ask him what his chances look like for Nov. *. Go ahead, ask.
Pups and I have been putting up with Jeff for over 10 years. He has doxed himself several times, I think intentionally. But we have accumulated a bunch of information about the little turd. Without getting into specifics and putting up with his threats of civil action, just know that he had a major position in a listed drug investigating corporation. Yes, you read that right, he was a part owner in a corporation which he finds evil. From what I understand, his corporation started out with a value of about $60 per share. But our man Jeff spent so much time here calling us names that he did not evaluate the specifics on their major drug that was set for release. Wall Street did read the study and found major errors in the stats. The stock now sells at $1 and change. Jeff does not work there now. Of course this is just my opinion, but you get the idea of the ass.
Both of the mentally ill con-boys at once!! What a treat! Of course, neither have any substance to add.
Physician! Heal thyself! Anyway silly, you are not the proprietor of the blog. Porter is responsible if his minions violate his terms, not you.
It was a member of your menage et trois that posted a business address he/she thought was mine. Now why would an honorable man or woman do that? LOL.
We get it. You are MAGAts and mimic your unprincipled spiritual cult leader, PedoDon.
It’s been reported that Musk put in an offer to buy the FBI from the Clintons….