Democrats think they own your kids
Please tell me what I’m missing here. What are we doing next? Putting patients in charge of their own surgeries? Clients in charge of their own trials? When did we stop trusting experts. This is so stupid.
— Rep. Eric Swalwell (@RepSwalwell) November 10, 2022
When it comes to the basics, yes, the schools are rather in charge. When schools start playing their games in teaching stuff like all the white kids are racists, telling kids they are trans (and don’t tell your parents), hiding what they are teaching from parents, it’s a problem. Parents have always been involved, and should be
‘Vote Like A Mother’: Parental Rights Groups Notch Key School Board Wins Across The Country
Grassroots organizations, focused on parental rights in education, are celebrating key victories in school board races across the country.
Moms for Liberty, a coalition of parents working towards transparency in education, and the 1776 Project PAC, a political group that helps school board members against Critical Race Theory get elected, saw many of their endorsed candidates win seats on school boards. Their wins in states such as Florida, Maryland, Indiana and Michigan flipped several school boards, the organizations told the Daily Caller News Foundation.
“Last night was a disappointing night for Republicans in many parts of the country, but we’re happy to say we were very successful in key races in Florida, Oklahoma, Ohio, Maryland, which were by far the biggest places we targeted,” Aiden Buzzetti, head of coalitions and candidate recruitment for the 1776 Project PAC, told the DCNF. “We also officially flipped our 100th school board since our first election in November 2021.”
Results of school board elections from Nov. 8 are still being reported but the 1776 Project PAC is beginning to see victories; in Brandywine, Michigan, four 1776 Project PAC candidates won, flipping the school board to a conservative majority, according to the 1776 Project PAC. All three 1776 Project PAC candidates running for Carroll County school board in Maryland won, shifting the majority of the school board.
If you are a parent who doesn’t want their kids exposed to Moonbattery, this is great news. They need to keep it going.
Conservatives also made key pick ups on two state’s board of education; the Texas State Board of Education will hold a Republican majority, 10-5, after all 15 seats were up for grabs, the Dallas Morning News reported. Conservatives won all the open seats on the Kansas State Board of Education making the majority of the board conservative, 7-3, KCUR News reported.
See, too often Conservatives ignore key positions, allowing Democrats, including the wackjobs, to take over.

?? If that is correct shouldn’t parents have the ultimate right to decide on sex reassignment surgery? Why is that BIG GOVERNMENT should decide that? Why should the state be able to overrule parent(s) if they decide a child should have an abortion?
TX State Board of Education eas responsible for allowing decades of fictious education from history books trying to defend slavery and the Civil War
And what do you think you know of slavery and the War of Northern Aggression? For that matter, what is wrong with slavery? It has been part of our civilization since pre-history. Or would you prefer that people captured in war be executed, that would have been the fate of the poor blackman if he had not been sold by his tribe, family, and enemies. Perhaps you desire for the Northern scum to foster terrorist activity in Southern states and then invade our land after we had legally established a free country. Then the Yankee came down here, killed the slaves, raped all women, killed children and families showing they are total puke.
Parents should have the most say in their child’s rearing. That is a no brainer which the Democrats want to erase with laws giving more power to an 8 year old and the government than the parents.
The GOP wants a say in one thing. Aborting a live child and or preventing a stupid ass parent from mutilating their child.
The right to mutilate ones self has always been against the law. Think Suicide. Harming ones self usually ends you up in the psyche ward. Think about someone attemtping suicide or cutting themselves or doing dangerous things.
Yet for some reason when it comes to sex the left is trying to convince the world that an 8-10-12 year old should be allowed to harm themself by going into drug therapy and other things simply because they have issues with being a boy or a girl.
That choice should lie with a fully grown adult and not some parent who we all know is not GOD and not all knowing and rarely always makes the right choices for their children. Thats part of parenting but Mutilating ones body is IRREVERSIBLE. That is a lot bigger of a decision than what to wear to the prom or no you can’t date that kid cause he has ms-13 tats on his body.
Context matters and its why we don’t turn our kids lose on the world at 5 years old and hope they make it.
Is it finally time to just end public education? Get gubmint out of the education business. It’s clear that gubmint doesn’t have the balls to protect kids. Private and church schools can lock down their facilities and have guard towers and armed patrols.
No more public K-12, no more public community colleges or state universities. No more Dept of Education. This would save hard-working patriots billions in state, local and federal taxes, enabling moms to stay home and teach the kids what they need, not liberal gubmint indoctrination.
Parents can do a better job of teaching than the so-called “professionals”. And if they need outside help, they can send little davey to private or church schools or hire a tutor.
The state needs to step in to prevent parents from letting their children make “wrong” choices!!
the left is trying to convince the world that an 8-10-12 year old should be allowed to harm themself by going into drug therapy and other things
choice should lie with a fully grown adult and not some parent
Shouldn’t the local government be involved in this decision?
8-12 year olds cannot decide to go into drug therapy and “other things” on their own. Puberty blockers effects are reversible. The decision to use is between the child, parent and medical group.
That’s just sad Dowd if you think its the government’s responsibility to micromanage every child in the country …………….. as you posted: The state needs to step in to prevent parents from letting their children make “wrong” choices!!
Local governments should not be involved in the medical decisions of a parent and child. Turning to the government because you are pissed your folks dont know what they are doing is why we reach adulthood and move away so we can make our own mistakes.
Asking parents to ceede that responsibility to the government is the exact reason Transgenerism is a huge issue for both sides of the aisle.
You believe the government can better raise your children than the parent can. I disagree as do a couple other parents in this country.
So, who should step in a prevent the parents and doctors from harming these children??
Children 8-10-12 years old do not have access to puberty blocking drugs on their own.
You claimed: That choice should lie with a fully grown adult and not some parent who we all know is not GOD and not all knowing and rarely always makes the right choices for their children.
What is your definition of “a fully grown adult”, if not the parent??? A random neighbor? A teacher? A preacher? Aunt Karen?
You typed: The GOP wants a say in one thing. Aborting a live child and or preventing a stupid ass parent from mutilating their child.
That’s two things, but more to the point, how do you propose the GOP will prevent abortion or preventing a stupid ass parent from mutilating* their child if NOT through gov’t action.
Do you propose a government ban of gender reassignment surgery and medications? Or should the government limit the procedures to patients over 21? Or over 25?
A real bright spot for the GOP is that there are about 600,000 votes left to count and these are ALL same day voting. IN Maricopa county the race is about 52 for D and 46 for R with about 200,000 of these votes still to come from the rest of the RUBY RED areas of the state.
Kari Lake will win in Nevada and there is still a strong possibility that Masters can win the senate in Arizona with these numbers still out there.
Believe it or not Arizona worked hard on getting their vote mechanism in place and with more transparancy.
Alaska has two GOP running against each other so AK will go to the Republicans which has not been called yet cause the vote is too close between the top two candidates.
Georgia is in a run off and most of the 2 percent or (100k votes) that the indy got in that race bled votes from Walker. Good chance for the GOP to take Georgia in the run off.
That leaves Nevada where the R is winning and as the votes keep getting counted in LAS VEGAS he keeps his same 2.5 point lead.
So the four races left to call its looking very promising for the GOP to win all 4.
The HOUSE? Already the Dems and the MSM has conceded it to the GOP they are still just waiting on races not yet called which are more than enough leaning Right to give the GOP around that 222-225 mark.
Triggered much? Do you kiss your children with that fithy mouth?
You said completely corrupt … In case you forgot: completely corrupt right up to the top including the person in charge of counting the votes
You didn’t mention Arizona. I didn’t either. So, what was the lie?
We get it. You’re angry and frustrated because of the Red Tinkle. The Dems gained 41 House seats in the 2018 Blue Wave. Mr Trump was large and in charge, the Trump economy was the best in history, it was pre-pandemic, yet the people voted against the Repubs. Or was it all from cheating?
I feel the election was given away by the idiot Republicans. The Supremes scheduled their review of abortion just months before a critical election, guaranteeing an emotional backlash. Then people like Graham and others poked the situation by desiring laws preventing abortion and desiring war with Russia. Many other things occurred that pretty much set the stage for a poor showing by the Republicans.
There was a red wave. Nationally the GOP was +6.5 points. Over 6 million more ballots were cast for the GOP than for the Democrats. The problem with the red wave is that Both sides armored their districts to upsets via Gerrymandering.
Nationwide when you look at the dozen or so that the GOP flipped and the 8 or so that the DEMS flipped these seats were seats that favored either the GOP or the DEMS and put the sitting congressman at a huge disadvantage.
Much has been spoken of the GOP gerrymandering themselves into permanent ownership of the House and I think you saw this play out in this election.
AS EST SAID. The disctricts are so gerrymandered that a red wave is impossible and he was spot on. Its too bad the press led us to believe that this was going to be 60-70 seats. The GOP believed this because it happened to Obama in 2010 when the Dems held about 50 GOP seats after the 2008 election.
Things are bright for the GOP. This red wave showed that more people are voting for the GOP than the Democrats but you have to get them to vote in the right places and 2022-2024 will be all about mail in balloting and addressing how to keep what you have by both sides and to get that dozen or so house seats and 4 or 5 senate seats that will be vulnerable to flip.
The election as EST said in a post a couple weeks back on his final prediction was all about state and local wins, and the GOP flipping 100 school boards was a taste of what the GOP is trying to do nationally at the state levels.
America does not have an education system. Hasn’t for decades. What we have is an INDOCTRINATION system. An it’s been very successful at doing what it was intended to do….. subverting parental authority and teachings.
It was a “Red Tinkle” rather than a “Red Tsunami”. And just as after Jan 6 there is much sturm and drang from “traditional” GOPhers about trumpism being a huge drag on the party!
Recall that 48 hrs after Senators McConnell and Graham, other Repubs like Nikki Haley, VP Mike Pence, Rep McCarthy had condemned trump for his actions and inactions, they checked which way the wind was blowing in the MAGA cult, and then STFU, LOL.
Above all, the nuGOPhers are politicians whose only objective is power and control. Trumpists are loyal and nuGOPhers need trumpist votes.
40% of Americans don’t “believe” Darwin’s Theory of Evolution. 36% believe in creationism, including nearly 60% of evangelical Christians.
Should schools be required to teach the controversy or just don’t mention any topic that is controversial?
50% of Americans have serious doubts about the Big Bang theory (the theory for the origin of the universe, not the popular TV series). Should science teachers ignore this important scientific theory?
What if a 6th grader asks a teacher about SARS-CoV-2 vaccines? Should the teacher defer that the child should ask their parents, or should the teacher discuss the best available evidence?
Billy’s brother David has autism AND David had the full panoply of childhood vaccines! If Billy is telling his classmates that vaccines cause autism, should the teacher intervene with a discussion of what medical science says?
It’s a fact that some Americans are gay and some are trans. Should this fact be ignored?
Should schools teach scientific consensus, explaining that scientific theories are not proved?
Please, you are showing you stupidity. It is apparent that you have no idea of the changes in science and the fact that big bang is in doubt. But obviously what really disturbs you is that people have freedom of thought.
Educate not indoctrinate. It’s simple Dowd. Why are you even here 24x7x365? I have to assume you must be the op of this blog to spend your entire waking day and night here.
I didn’t realize until now, but Michigan Dems also took control of the state House and Senate!
Michigan is a true Blue state!
Yes they are, completely corrupt right upt to the top including the person in charge of counting the votes. How Stalin of them!
Why even have elections if every single one lost by nuGOPher is “corrupt”.
Maybe it’s time for a Commandant tRump or Field Marshall DeSantis to engineer a better coup and take over and execute the lib dems.
Hey asshole, I didn’t say “every single election ” lost by the GOP was corrupt. I suggested THIS election in ARIZONA should be looked at closer. I bet if the tables were turned you’d want a review! You really are a big f’n liar just like everybody points out.
It’s been coming for quite a while now, Eric. Mainly because the “experts” are mainly nothing of the sort.
Ever notice how the “experts” always draw the conclusion of their employers? They’re like “fact checkers” who really don’t check anything but leftist boxes and leftist opinions. And their paychecks.