It really wasn’t all that long ago when the Washington Post was criticizing everyone who had questions on Wuhan Flu’s origins. I wonder what changed (the piece is behind the paywall, but you can try copying this link and paste in your browser, will give you a cached version)
Wuhan’s early covid cases are a mystery. What is China hiding?
The story of how the pandemic got started — and turned into a global catastrophe — remains a black box. It should not be.
The first cases could provide the most important clues about the origins of the virus, yet we know the least about them. They could show whether the outbreak began by a zoonotic spillover, perhaps from animals sold at the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan, China, or was an inadvertent research-related accident, such as a leak from a research facility in Wuhan. The early cases could illuminate missteps in public health that allowed the virus to spread. They could point to failures in the early warning and surveillance systems, offering important lessons for the future. And knowing more about the early cases could reveal the extent to which China concealed vital information from the public when the outbreak might still have been brought under control.
It probably wouldn’t show that it was released on purpose, just that it came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which is right freaking there. And has been known to have lax standards
The Beijing government has insisted the virus came from somewhere abroad, perhaps imported on frozen food. But the key to unlocking the origins lies within China. It is particularly important to discover how far and wide the virus spread in December 2019. The outbreak probably eluded detection at first, then was detected but not recognized as a new disease by doctors and nurses. After that, it was both detected and recognized, but the vital reporting was suppressed by Chinese authorities, both local and national.
To prevent the next pandemic, and to better understand this one, a serious, sustained and credible investigation is needed.
What is China hiding?
Remember when the Post and so many other leftist outlets lambasted those who questioned the origins, simply taking China’s word for it? Anyhow, it’s a pretty darned long and detailed editorial. Going way down we see
It is critical to gain a better understanding of how such a monumental disaster for mankind came about. A serious investigation must return to China, looking at both the zoonotic and research-related hypotheses. It must be thorough and credible, carried out with broad expertise that includes both scientists and public health experts from within China and beyond. Nothing should be off limits or excluded.
Yeah, that’s what a lot of us stated, we need to know, and we were called conspiracy nutjobs for saying it
Home Truths on Where Covid Came From
Pessimists say that the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus will never be known. The next Congress may have a chance to prove them wrong.
The Democrats have retained control of the Senate, but Republican capture of the House has now been confirmed. Though its margin will be small, the party will hold a majority in the chamber, and GOP-led committees can exercise subpoena power to uncover documents still withheld by the U.S. National Institutes of Health. Though much of the relevant information remains concealed in China, the NIH paid for virus-manipulation research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, so it should retain progress reports and other relevant information.
It is beyond absurd that the genesis of the Covid-19 plague has become a partisan issue, with the Left favoring the natural origin explanation and the Right a laboratory source. But with Democrats having chosen to block congressional inquiry into the virus’s beginnings, the task of investigation has fallen to Republicans.
A Republican inquiry might start with the notorious February 1, 2020, teleconference attended by Francis Collins and Anthony Fauci, two leading NIH officials, as well as the panel of virologists who had told them the previous evening that the SARS-CoV-2 virus seemed to be engineered, not natural. Within three days of the conference, the virologists had changed their minds and decried their original conclusion as not merely wrong but a conspiracy theory. Why?
You can bet Fauci and Collins will attempt to obfuscate, like they’ve done before, but, Republicans will control these hearings, and neither man will have Democrats to get them off the hook
Both Collins and Fauci are well known for long service and achievement in medical research. But in the twilight of their careers, they seem to have made a serious error of judgment. Having funded the virus enhancement research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, they should have recused themselves from inquiry as to whether the institute was the source of SARS-CoV-2. Instead, they presided over a series of events that led to suppression of the lab leak hypothesis. They excluded the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which was better qualified to investigate, instead delegating continuation of their inquiry to Jeremy Farrar, a senior British health official with known and intimate ties to China’s health bureaucracy. “This is not my area of expertise so I have backed off and am leaving it all to Jeremy,” Fauci wrote in a February 13, 2020, email. In Farrar’s hands, the inquiry died a safe death.
Why was the CDC excluded, when they could have figured this out early? Another long piece, worth the read.

Teach is gaslighting, just as so many election deniers now say all they ever wanted was an investigation. Right-wingers have insisted from the jump that Covid was released by China or at the very least escaped from the Hunan Virology Institute.
Everyone wants the Chinese to allow a thorough investigation.
To Rimjob. quoting a WaPo article is now somehow “gaslighting”.

Well what else would you expect from a lying kiddie diddler and embezzler?
Bwaha! Lolgf
Are you familiar with Ballot Harvesting Dowd?
California lets you do it legally and its one of the reasons why the GOP turned so many seats this year in the Blue state.
In states where the practice is legal, volunteers or campaign workers can go directly to the homes of voters, collect the completed ballots, and drop them off en masse at polling places or election offices. In some states, ballot harvesters can be paid hourly for their work collecting ballots.
But 26 states allow a voter to designate someone else to return their ballot for them, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. A dozen of those states limit the number of ballots that the designee can collect and return on behalf of voters. And 10 states allow the ballot to be returned by the voter’s family member.
California expanded its ballot collection program in 2016 to allow any person — not just a relative or housemate — to collect an absentee ballot. Operatives can be paid for ballot harvesting in California but their compensation can’t be calculated based on the number of ballots they collect.
So 36 out of 50 states let you ballot harvest. in 2020 Trump was ballot harvested into the dirt and his grass roots, fail to get boots on the ground campaign got trounced.
Today the GOP is now taking a deep dive into Ballot harvesting. Its called tactics.
The Dems do it and the GOP whines like little snowflake girls.
Not anymore.
Move over DEMS the GOP just signed up all the Gun shops, CHURCHES and other places the GOP hangs out including the Rural counties where the GOP just does not vote like they should. And guess who is the most likely to go to church? You got it. Rural voters.
No gaslighting is involved. Arizona actually failed to make any changes to their voting includig allowing the SEC of STATE who was running for GOVERNOR be in charge of counting her own votes.
Times are changing and the GOP just learned a valuable lesson from 2018,2020 and now 2022. 2024 will be a totally different animal.
There is currently no credible evidence to support the lab leak or intentioned release hypotheses. Scientific consensus at this time supports the jump from animals to human as has happened with every other viral pandemic, SARS-CoV-1 and MERS, also coronaviruses.
That said, China should be pushed to allow direct access by WHO, CDC etc to the laboratories and to examine the policies that permitted the early spread.
The second article that Teach cites is from the City Journal, an organ of the far-right Manhattan Institute.
Teach, a believer in the lab leak hypothesis, typed: You can bet Fauci and Collins will attempt to obfuscate, like they’ve done before, but Republicans will control these hearings, and neither man will have Democrats to get them off the hook
By obfuscate Teach means tell the Republicans they’re full of scheisse. Will the Repubs find top molecular virologists to question Fauci and Collins or will they rely on the minds of Marjorie Taylor Greene and Gym Jordan? LOL. If you believe Repubs are seeking the truth rather than partisan headlines you’re delusional.
Noted “virologist” Tucker Carlson believes that Dr Fauci directed/funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan that led to SARS-CoV-2 creation and its eventual release!! This was the basis of when Dr Fauci publicly bitch-slapped Senator Rand Paul. Lab mice WERE transfected with the human ACE2 receptor gene to test if SARS-CoV-2 utilized the angiotensin converting enzyme-2 receptor to enter cells (it does).
Maybe more than just amused; maybe ROTFLMAO!
The distinguished Mr Dowd wrote, apparently with a straight face:
Yeah, that’s going to happen!
Right now, the Biden Administration is worried that China will use the ‘distraction’ of the Russo-Ukrainian War to keep us from doing anything at all — not that there’s much we could do — if the People’s Liberation Army moved to liberate Taiwan. The last thing the foreign policy establishment want to do is to urinate off China at this point.
Dear Elwood:
“Scientific consensus at this time supports the jump from animals to human as has happened with every other viral pandemic, SARS-CoV-1 and MERS, also coronaviruses.”
There is no such thing as a scientific consensus.
You might have a consensus, a general agreement, among SOME people but for something to be a scientific theory, which is what you are claiming by using the words “scientific consensus.”
To be a scientific theory the claim must be testable. If it can’t be proven using the scientific a method, then it is just a theory. Among other tests it must be predictable. (Please note that FL is not under water.)
Before you blather about “general consensus” as if it actually proved anything, you should remember the above while also remembering that, at one time, the general consensus was that the sun revolved around the earth, bleeding was a good medical treatment and feeling bumps on a person’s head could be used to determine criminality.
No charge for the education.
No, there is plenty of evidence to indicate that the Chinamen and Fauci improved an existing animal virus and made it an issue for humans. Then the virus was released by a Chinaman lab and used to intentionally infect first Italy and Spain. Then the Dems used the virus to harm the rest of us and stop Trump. Because that is what piece of shit liberals do. Fauci was the one bitched slapped, funny how stupid people like Jeff see things in a manner that is totally rediculous.
Noted virologist Elwood P dowd still views science in the form of political “consensus”. Dowds inability to separate politics from science is quite evident in both climate and Covid. There is no point where he won’t lie to cover his commie ass or those of his fellow travelers and masters in the illegal junta from where he gets his marching (and lying) orders.
Just as the WaPo lied about the contents of Mar-A-Largo (where I shall be dining with my parents this weekend) dowd keeps up the lies because they all have found as long as they don’t admit to their crimes the crimes never occurred. After 6 years of fake and fraudulent “investigations” of Trump we now are told there shall be more. The ole’ keep the pressure on strategy. Always works for democrats. Notice how the democrat who mowed down all those cops is not even in jail yet? Notice how the democrat donor and fraudster FTX is not even indicted in a $35-$100 million democrat/biden money laundering thing?
It’s how these perverts and criminals roll. LOL.
And they tell us the elections are honest yet Americans love to elect commies, morons and hobos. Sure it’s honest.
“I’ll let the quislings at the Washington Post spell it out:
Federal agents and prosecutors have come to believe former president Donald Trump’s motive for allegedly taking and keeping classified documents was largely his ego and a desire to hold on to the materials as trophies or mementos, according to people familiar with the matter.”
Liars, thieves, perverts, homos, trannies, grifters and carnies. The new democrat/communist party.
Try lookin at the whole picture. China developed SARS-cov-1, several chicken and porcine (pig) viruses and MERS made it to the Persian Gulf, SARS-cov-2 made it to Iran. All are under major migratory flyways. Note that the Spanish Flu was found in pre-WWI samples and a “bird flu” broke out in Mexico, all under major migratory flyways. China, which has open farms each with birds and beasts and wild critters close to a billion or so humans, has been producing new and horrid diseases for at least a millennium. Hear hoofbeats; think horses, not zebras. All the wonderful things that they have cound in Carona Virus might indicate a lab origin or migh mean that the Corona Virus family hasn’t been studied, hardly at all.
RNA viruses mutate like a M____F______! They sre barely functional, but they can be savage bits of work. Fauci is a corrupt paper shuffler, willing to risk massive groups of victims in order to prove his “glorious” schemes. That doesn’t mean that the COVID didn’t come from bat shit and migrating ducks. Israel has Corona outbreaks in their chicken flocks. The Israeli Air Force schedules training to avoid bir migrations through their area. Some Fauci funded lab may have fucked up, but then Israel, Persian Gulf, Kansas, Mexico…..
One son was “hyperactive”. My late wife’s comment, at one point, was that he’d rather lie, even when the truth would serve better. China is a back water and doesn’t want to look primitive like Russia, so they aren’t going to let Westerners document their primitiveness. Just like children, everywhere. If the foreign devils find one tiny thing wrong, the “glorious” Han Empire will look like inept sewer poop shovelers. Ain’t gunna happen. Relax, the science will take years and it will not excuse the Communist behavior of the dim Democratic Party. The Pfizer thing may have been worth the risk early on, but the critter mutates much faster than the Democratic corruption can follow. The virus mutated to a nothing burger while the Democraps were still wrapping their heads in diapers. They still believe in White
Supremicist Witches.
I recommend a double Gin and tonic and a record of Classical Music. Our best people are on the problem and there ain’t jack that you can do. Enjoy the music. .
Sorry about the typos.
The new glasses are putting me up the wall. I can’t peek down the blouse of a pretty young thing in the check out lane without stumbling and I don’t have a prayer with the tiny letters on the screen while using the “new and improved” keyboard. And every once and a while, one of those Chinese bats crawls down the fireplace chimney.
Where’s my “double”?
Sorry about the typos.
The new glasses are putting me up the wall. I can’t peek down the blouse of a pretty young thing in the check out lane without stumbling and I don’t have a prayer with the tiny letters on the screen while using the “new and improved” keyboard. And every once and a while, one of those Chinese bats crawls down the fireplace chimney.
Where’s my “double”? Turn up the music.
I saw on the news this morning a bunch of sheep in China walking in a big circle. They’ve been doing it for several days. All I could think of is the typical leftist response to any problem like climate, wuhan flu, capitol protests, white men with guns, fags and trannies in beauty contests and women’s sports. Leftists mimic sheep! They really are the overpaid under-brained class in America.