…is what looks like a smokey sunset from carbon pollution wildfires, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Lid, with a post on Republicans hinting at running for 2024.

…is what looks like a smokey sunset from carbon pollution wildfires, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Lid, with a post on Republicans hinting at running for 2024.
How EVs will save the environment.

Looking forward to all that green.
Bwaha! Lolgf
There is an inevitable movement within the nuCon clan…
Zack Beauchamp outlined how a specific class of far-right, theocratic, pro-Trump intellectuals have concluded from Republicans’ 2022 midterm performance that democracy must be discarded in order to save the country. It is not out of the question for a majority of nuCons to conclude that democracy is no longer working for them.
The worry-wart from West of me quoted:
Sadly, only about 23% of Americans are Catholic; we are vastly outnumbered by our Separated Brethren. THus, I don’t really see us replacing the United States government with a religious Catholic state.
It was a few years back, and despite my eidetic memory, I cannot recall who said it, Jen Psaki, perhaps, but someone from the late Obama Administration opined that so many Catholic intellectuals were pro-life because Catholicism was ‘acceptable’ in Washington while some of the evangelical Protestant denominations were not.
Of course, Catholics, being more intelligent than most, dominate the Supreme Court, and it was that Catholic majority which overturned the repugnant Roe decision, so we are seeing more and more discrimination against Catholics from the left.
Dear Elwood:
“It is not out of the question for a majority of nuCons to conclude that democracy is no longer working for them.”
You still don’t get it.
We are not a “democracy.”
We are a “Republic.”
That means the majority does not always rule.
Manufacturing as many votes as you need is not “democracy”.
Bwaha! Lolgf
[…] Cove has gals, several gals, who all are asking what you see.…..You […]