In fairness, not everything is really Biden’s fault, or, heck, even China’s for releasing Wuhan Flu. Avian flu has caused a pretty big problem with turkeys. However, for so many other things, starting with eggs, butter, and so much more, Biden has done absolutely nothing to help, and even much to hurt
USDA blames Russia for rising price of Thanksgiving dinner
The Department of Agriculture says Russia’s ongoing war in Ukraine is one reason why your Thanksgiving dinner costs more than it did last year.
A USDA memo this month said turkey prices will be higher because of this year’s outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), which led to the death of 8 million turkeys in 2022. But USDA also said “Russia’s war on Ukraine and drought across the United States” are other factors that are “pushing up the price of Thanksgiving staples.”
USDA did not respond to questions from Fox News Digital about how Russia’s war against Ukraine is affecting turkey prices. President Biden and his administration have often blamed Russia for the broad increase in inflation and has referred to higher food and energy prices as “Putin’s price hike.”
We get pretty much zero turkeys from Russia. The war in Ukraine has zero effect on turkeys produced in the U.S. We do not get grain from there: the U.S. produces more than enough. Same with potatoes, corn, cranberries (yuck), pumpkins, apples, and everything else on your table.
The Biden administration’s own data, however, shows that inflation began ratcheting up almost immediately after Biden took office in February 2021.
Just before Russia invaded Ukraine in late February 2022, the Biden administration reported that consumer prices were up 7.5% in the year ending in January 2022, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Inflation would rise as high as 9.1% in the year ending June 2022, but sharp increases were seen well before Russia invaded Ukraine.
That memo also downplayed the impact that inflation is having on the cost of Thanksgiving dinner compared to non-government estimates. It said the average cost of Thanksgiving retail staples like a fresh turkey, sweet potatoes, cranberries and green beans will only cost about 1% more this year compared to last year, and that substituting in a frozen turkey means a 6% increase.
But the American Farm Bureau Federation says the average cost of a Thanksgiving dinner is up 20% compared to last year. The cost of stuffing mix, frozen pie crusts, whipping cream, frozen peas and dinner rolls have all increased by more than 20%, the Farm Bureau said.
I got all my stuff last Tuesday, when I was off (and hobbling around on what might be a broken pinky toe. Nailed on track of sliding shower door, which is getting yanked out and replaced with shower curtain, something I’ve been meaning to do for years). Everything was a bit more expensive. The big jumps really were last year, but, still up more this year. Consider Biden’s war on energy: if it costs more for fuel, those increased shipping costs will be passed on. And that’s just one issue.

Our esteemed host wrote:
This is anathema! Thanksgiving is just not Thanksgiving without cranberry sauce!
That will be five Pater nosters and five Ave Marias, in Latin!
Teach typed: Consider Biden’s war on energy: if it costs more for fuel, those increased shipping costs will be passed on.
But before that, he typed: The war in Ukraine has zero effect on turkeys produced in the U.S. We do not get grain from there: the U.S. produces more than enough
Are shipping costs not added to turkey costs? Or do turkeys fly to the processing plants?
Grain to feed turkeys dairy cows, chickens is directly related to the cost of oil because of fertilizer and operating costs of machinery. Fossil fuel prices have skyrocketed!
In April of 2020 before Trump asked his Arab friends to cut production the average US price for gas was $1.94. in Feb 2021 when Biden took over it was $2.94 and rising.
Please notice that Teach doesn’t mention the refineries that shut down under Trump.
Why not mention that?
Also Teach we are pumping more oil now than the average under Trump. How exactly has Biden hurt the oil companies?
Should he prohibit the export of diesel? Should BIG GOVERNMENT interfer with oil companies profits?
Biden probably should have also mentioned the new alliance of Trump’s friends: the Russians Arabs and Iranians.
Teach how do you feel about their economic and military alliance?
Biden probably should have also mentioned the new alliance of Trump’s friends: the Russians Arabs and Iranians.
Since they launder money for the biden crime family perhaps instead of just “mentioning” them pedo joe should DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! I guess we’ll have to wait for an actually elected president for that. Meanwhile pedo joe “leads” America into third world enery and military statuse facing poverty, war and famine.
Gotta give pedo credit he is in cahoots with The Four Horsemen and he’s workin it! LOL
So. Trump somehow kept Russia from jacking food prices. But Biden can’t. Good thing for democrats they no longer need voters or this last election would have gone very badly for them.