…is a field perfect for solar panels, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on Disney planning to go more Woke.

…is a field perfect for solar panels, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on Disney planning to go more Woke.
Something besides transgenderism and man-boy love for Rimjob family to discuss at the dinner table..
Gobble, gobble,

Bwaha! Lolgf
She’s not entirely ugly.
In case you missed it.
Apparently it never was.

Bwaha! Lolgf
That’s true, they did, but quickly realized that it didn’t support Teh Narrative, so they changed it. They thought we wouldn’t notice, but we did.
PeDon tRump on learning his very own packed conservative Supreme Court is allowing Congress access to his tax returns:
“The Supreme Court has lost its honor, prestige, and standing, & has become nothing more than a political body, with our Country paying the price. They refused to even look at the Election Hoax of 2020. Shame on them!”
So, when the tRumpetist packed Court repeals Roe v Wade, that’s NOT a political act, but ruling against PeDon proves it is a political body!
On an unrelated (or is it?) note, reality TV couple Todd and Julie Chrisley were sentenced to 12 and 7 years, respectively, for bank fraud and tax evasion.
First of all the SC is not “packed”. You only think it’s packed because you’ve lost your decades standing of a leftist majority. See, like everything else in your pathetic life not fully controlling the SC means it’s now packed, wrong, political and invalid. Packing would occur if a political body (like FDR and the Dems) tried to expand the number of justices. Currently the court leans right which is illegitimate and unconscionable to despots like you.
If you were honest (LOL) you would admit RvW was bad law and should have been up to the states and never a national law. It falls under the 10th amendment. Why is it you lefties always scream “DEMOCRACY” until you lose then suddenly you don’t want it any more?
And you are correct (even a blind squirrel) repealing a bad law was NOT a political act refusing to sort out the fraudulent election to thwart you theft deniers was a political act. Frankly, with you leftists farting is a political act.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Enjoy some well-deserved rest, you must be exhausted after all that WINNING last week
Not being familiar with reality TV couple Todd and Julie Chrisley I cannot see that importance. If they are reality TV folks then they are no better than carney folk like The View which anyone with an IQ over 60 would never watch. You watch that shit dowd? No wonder your comments are mostly hateful or senseless. Try Tucker for a while and clean out your mind (and morals).
Lucifer God,
The connection is that DonJon tRump was a reality TV star AND committed bank fraud and tax evasion. Will he get 12 years or will his lawyers delay the inevitable until PeDon is dead?
You watch Liar Tuck??? aka Mother Tucker??? LOL. No wonder your comments are mostly hateful or senseless.
Morals? I never, ever knocked up teen girls and forced them to get abortions. That’s a conservative thang, Herschel.
Morals? We see that Don Raper was sued today for damages from his rape of a young woman in a dressing room at Bergdorf Goodman department store some 25 years ago. Discovery should be interesting.
Our Trump Derangement Syndrome-addled commenter from St Louis wrote:
Really? The Democrats have been trying to prove those allegations for years, and have been unable to do so. As a billionaire, Mr Trump’s taxes were routinely audited, yet somehow, some way, there were never any Infernal Revenue Service charges brought against him, even when Barack Hussein Obama was still President, nor have there been any former IRS auditors who have come out and said that they found this, that or the other and had their findings suppressed.
You have Representative Adam Schiff-for-brains, who has been telling us for five years now that he had the good, had the proof, that President Trump Committed Crimes, yet never has he done anything really radical like present that evidence.
You have Attorney General Merrick Garland, who absolutely hates Republicans for keeping him off the Supreme Court, who has had almost two years to investigate and charge Mr Trump, but who not only hasn’t been able to do it, but is now appointing a Special Persecutor to try to find what he could not.
We had Robert Mueller as another special persecutor, who labored for two years and spent $35-40 million doing so, yet found nothing that resulted in any criminal charges. We had the Democrats so eager to impeach President Trump that they used exactly zero from Mr Mueller’s report in their impeachment efforts.
You said, on May 30, 2019:
Oddly enough, neither of those things happened.
You have been wrong time and time and time again; why should we believe you now?
Why would I care what you believe? LOL.
Justice does move slowly. Mr tRump is in deep doo doo, as an individual and as a business tycoon.
Why would I care what you believe? LOL.
Perhaps because he’s usually right and he always approaches a subject with both logic and morality. Two traits you are sorely lacking.
Another good one-“the Trump packed Supreme Court…”. Liberal-speak for nominees approved by the Senate in accordance to the Constitution. Gee, that doesn’t sound quite as bad, does it?
PeDon tRump has three trumpetists on the court and still can’t catch a break. Add the two other right wingers + Chief Roberts and youse guys have a solid 6-3 supermajority!!
We all remember Mitch playing political hard-ball and not allowing the nomination from President Obama to even be considered. A political dick move from a Senator now considered a “squish”!
Yet… yet, PeDon’s antics are tooo extreme for even this reactionary court!
What’s the Matter with Alaska?!?
The just re-elected Murkowski (R-Squishville) beating the tRump-endorsed candidate. They also elected a Democrat, Mary Peltola (D-AK) to the House, beating Sarah Palin (R-Carpetbagger). Ms Peltola is the first Alaskan Native (Yup’ik) elected.
Said Ms Palin: “…the travesty of sending a Democrat to Congress to represent Alaska, one of the reddest states in the country.”
Yeah, Sarah, Democracy is a bitch.
Ms Palin was endorsed by PeDon who even traveled to Alaska to help! Palin said (again), we need to “Drill, Baby, Drill!” At her age her sexual insinnuendo is wearing thin.
Since the majority of people have been vaccinated then it is obvious that they would be the majority of Covid deaths.
Not known is how many were immune compromised and/or had taken boosters or age.
So in other words the Constitution was followed, as said. Thanks
But we have new one-“reactionary court”!
Lib speak, again, for the Constitution was followed….
Didn’t Clinton, Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, etc “follow the Constitution”?
Didn’t the Supreme Court before this one “follow the Constitution”?
Not if they were making up rights out of whole cloth like RvW. There is no mention of abortion in the constitution therefore it is a state power. It’s not hard, it’s the 10th amendment.
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