So, all the other illegals can get citizenship?
EXCLUSIVE: Sen. @RogerMarshallMD has introduced a resolution that would block citizenship for illegal immigrants dependent on taxpayer-funded benefits #RealNewsStartsHere
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) November 22, 2022
From the link
Republican Kansas Sen. Roger Marshall recently introduced a resolution that would block citizenship for illegal immigrants dependent on taxpayer-funded benefits.
The resolution was first obtained by the Daily Caller and focuses on a new DHS rule that would cut the number of benefits immigrants can use that would be held against them when applying for permanent residency in the United States.
In 2019, the Trump administration defined any immigrant who had received one or more designated public benefits for more than 12 months within a 36-month period as a “public charge.” Section 212(a)(4) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) renders a noncitizen inadmissible if they are “likely at any time to become a public charge,” DHS’s website states.
The Trump administration included food stamps, housing vouchers and Medicaid as benefits that would disqualify an immigrant from receiving a green card. Under DHS’s new rule, only the receipt of cash benefits or long-term institutional care could lead to a public charge finding.
Not sure what a Resolution will do. First, Democrats will spike it, so, it will never pass. Second, Why not submit actual legislation that blocks illegals from getting citizenship if they use public benefits? Beyond that, why are we giving illegal aliens/those showing up at the border demanding asylum (which most do not qualify for) any benefits? If a person is going through the legal, authorized naturalization process, they cannot be on any benefits system. They have to provide for themselves. If someone is here illegally and can’t take care of themselves, deport them. Hell, deport them if they can take care of themselves.
A resolution is just not serious. It is an expression of the collective sentiment. Republicans need to get serious.

Just another Trump wannabe thinking he can cut a few locks of hair and call it a makeover. At least trump had plans that worked and mostly were just enforcing existing laws.