COVID is mostly over. It’s been shown, scientifically and medically, that the COVID vaccines mostly do not prevent people from getting COVID. At best, they simply keep any contagion from getting really bad. At worse, well
- Allergic Reactions Including Anaphylaxis
- Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (blood clots)
- Guillain-Barré Syndrome
- Myocarditis and pericarditis
The CDC says these are rare. But, they keep happening. They can also cause long COVID-like symptoms. The problem here is that the vaccines were emergency use and did not go through extensive testing. I’m still not against them, if a version was raging that they could help stop me from getting bad COVID, I’d get another booster. But, the current variants are evading the vaccines and boosters. So, of course
World Leaders Sign Declaration to Introduce COVID Vaccine Passports
At this year’s G20 Summit in Indonesia, the twenty participating world leaders signed a declaration to introduce vaccine passports for their respective jurisdictions, with the stated intention of creating a global verification system to facilitate safe international travel. (snip)
In a statement, the leaders affirmed their respective countries’ support of the World Health Organization mRNA Vaccine Technology Transfer hub, which aims to build capacity in low- and middle-income countries to produce mRNA vaccines.
The leaders said they welcome joint production and research of vaccines and acknowledge the importance of shared technical standards and verification methods.
They also agreed to a globalised ‘vaccination passport’.
This shouldn’t cause any problems for the working/poor and middle classes, right?
While the details are scant at this stage, the statement says this will be done under the framework of the International Health Regulations to “facilitate seamless international travel, interoperability, and recognizing digital solutions and non-digital solutions, including proof of vaccinations.”
Indonesia’s Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin said that a Digital Health Certificate using World Health Organization standards would be introduced during the next World Health Assembly in Geneva, in May next year.
“If you have been vaccinated or tested properly, you can move around. So for the next pandemic, instead of stopping the movement of people 100%, you can still provide some movement of the people,” Mr Sadikin said.
Is this for the current Wuhan Flu pandemic, or control of the next pandemic (probably caused by the Chinese screwing around with viruses with lax security measures)?
So, it’s somewhat alarming that governments – and of those belonging to the G20, the majority represent democracies – would consider introducing a passport that, since it was first mooted by individual countries, been widely condemned as medical discrimination as well as a violation of privacy with serious ethical implications.
Of more concern are reports that the vaccine won’t just apply to Covid vaccinations, but also to any vaccination that WHO recommends is required for international travel.
Some it makes sense, mostly done on a country by country basis. There’s a long list of vaccinations required to enter the U.S., including polio, hepatitis A and B, mumps, and so much more. And they still require a COVID vaccination. A world-wide vax passport for COVID sounds like a massive overreach.

Between my wife and I, we’ve been in the Netherlands, Scotland, Canada, Israel and Switzerland — three of them just airport layovers — in the past two months, and neither of us has ever been asked for our vaccination records. We were not asked for such when we returned to the United States.
While we have the stupid COVID-19 vaccination records, being relatively recent, how many people have their childhood vaccination records? Sure, I had all of the childhood vaccinations when I was a child, but that stuff was sixty years ago. The physicians who administered them are all probably dead, their offices gone. The school I last attended closed after the 1976 school year. Where would those vaccination records be?
If you were in the us military, they wouldn’t even bother looking for the records, just shoot you full all over again. I must have has MMR 3 times, and had measles as a kid.
There is a test you can get to see if the antibodies of real vaxes are still in your system in high enough concentrations. But the test costs more than just getting vaxed again.
Of course, those were for safe and effective vaxes. Not the random genetic lottery they inject now.
William, I always hesitate to disagree with a host, but…
“COVID is mostly over. It’s been shown, scientifically and medically, that the COVID vaccines mostly do not prevent people from getting COVID.” At best, they simply keep any contagion from getting really bad.”
The FDA/CDC noted in 12/20 that the vaccines were only around 90% effective. That meant around 10% could contract the disease. The length of the protection was not known. It has proven to be different in different people, probably because different people have different levels of “health.”
“At best, they simply keep any contagion from getting really bad.”
No, at best they prevent. At worst a vast majority do not wind up in the local hospital. Trust me. As an 84 year old who is fully vaccinated and boosted my brush with the disease was mild and brief, just as my doctor predicted.
“The CDC says these are rare. But, they keep happening.”
Something like 400 million vaccinations have been given. So yes, a percent will have something bad happen. VAERS is not a controlled program, so we have no way of knowing. Ya pays ya money and ya takes ya chances.
Mr Teach supplied us the link to the CDC!
As Mr Lewis accurately pointed out, the VAERS system reports every adverse event that occurs after a vaccination, regardless of cause. When 650 million shots are given, it’s expected that some people will die of other causes within a few days of receiving the injection. Over 1 million Americans died from Covid.
Anaphylaxis (allergic rxn) occurred about 5 per million shots. But it’s treatable by med professionals with an epi-pen and/or antihistamines. There was no increased risk of G-B syndrome with the mRNA vaccines – flu shots are more likely to give you Guillain-Barre. Myocarditis and pericarditis IS a risk for young males receiving the mRNA vaccines, but a slight risk, and also resolves.
Old info. We now believe covid vaxes loose all detectable immunity after about 4 months. They were never effective. The government lied. Just like they lie about everything. For petes sake, they are still pushing this “as often as possible”, for everyone including kids as young as 5. It is criminal. Im 3x vaxed but now i know it was a scam. It was always a scam. Its more a scam now than ever with no risk to support universal vax.
No, the information is not old. It’s what they said.
To repeat. “That meant around 10% could contract the disease. The length of the protection was not known. It has proven to be different in different people, probably because different people have different levels of “health.”
The problem was that between the health care people and the media they changed stories weekly while ignoring the fact that it was the elderly and immune compromised that needed to be vaccinated, not the young and healthy.
Classic case of not letting a crisis go unused.
Everyone that I know who took the vaccine and still caught the disease had a very light case. The ones that didn’t became very sick. Several died.
Not all vaccines last. Flue, tetanus, pneumonia come to mind.
It’s november 2023. Anything from dec 2020 is old.
Your personal experience is anecdote, not data. That said, have a very nice thanksgiving. Back on 2020, your government was telling you to not even try.
The point is that it is what the FDA/CDC said. Nothing has changed the accuracy of that statement.
And yes, my experience is anecdotal, just as the information from VAERS is anecdotal.
The fact that the media and health care professionals screwed the pooch doesn’t change the fact that the vaccines have almost stopped the disease.
I’d like to think that the next time we have such an event we’ll do a better job. But as long as we mix politics and medicine that won’t happen.
You are free to believe that if you like. Chancescare really high that the vax did nothing at all and that the surviving population just adapted.
You inadvertently forgot to supply a link to your 4 month data… We thought a professor would know better.
In this article the authors claim that full immunity lasts 4 months then begins to wane but is still protective.
Do you do anything to avoid Covid or do you just rely on the vaccines that don’t work? LOL.
Dear Elwood:
The problem was started by the Left attacking the vaccines because they didn’t want Trump to get the credit for “getting the job done.”
Then when Biden sole the election, the Left immediately started pushing the vaccines as “perfection brough to you by Democrats,” despite the fact that the CDC/FDA didn’t say that. The media jumped in with lie after lie and the supposedly smart health care people ignored who were dying and actually needed the vaccines. Those were the elderly and immune compromised. Not the young and healthy. And yes, that was known early on.
Yes, it was a cluster fuck brought to us first by the Left and then pushed by media plus a large group of people who declared them self-experts when they could spell vaccine.
But you guys were the lead dogs, Elwood. So be proud. Very proud.
Democrats said they didn’t trust tRump and would not take his word for anything. They DID trust the word of the CDC/FDA/Pharma. To tRump’s credit he trusted his experts to facilitate vaccine development, production and distribution.
The vaccines were important for not just the elderly but also younger people to help slow the spread.
Vaccination disinformation and resistance was primarily a right-wing phenomenon in the US. Later, propagandists such as Teach, while getting vaccines themselves, still promote that the vaccines don’t work and are even dangerous.
Just justify their early discouraging others from vaccinating (and dying) by claiming the vaccines are not vaccines, do not work and kill people.
Drink bleach! Use ivermectin!
Ah yes, Trust.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Dear Elwood:
“Democrats said they didn’t trust tRump and would not take his word for anything. They DID trust the word of the CDC/FDA/Pharma. To tRump’s credit he trusted his experts to facilitate vaccine development, production and distribution.”
And the Left’s attacks set the stage for confusion and mistrust.
“The vaccines were important for not just the elderly but also younger people to help slow the spread.”
If they had first protected the elderly and immune compromised the spread would have been slowed and lives saved. Instead, the Left played politics with lives.
“Vaccination disinformation and resistance was primarily a right-wing phenomenon in the US….”
No. It was the Democrats who FIRST attacked the vaccines and then changed their story causing all kinds of confusion and mistrust. They also failed to accurately portray what the vaccines could and couldn’t do further increasing the confusion and mistrust. On the non-Democrat side it was the Libertarians and anti-vaxxers, NOT the Conservative and Populists who led the charge against the vaccines.
“Just justify their early discouraging others from vaccinating (and dying) by claiming the vaccines are not vaccines, do not work and kill people.”
The early discouraging was done by Fauci et al who said we didn’t need masks when we did and then pushed a shut down that didn’t work while telling us that it was when it was obvious that it wasn’t.
“Drink bleach! Use ivermectin!”
It is such idiot comments as the above that renders your arguments silly. No one said drink bleach. And Ivermectin has never had a trial that could determine if it was or was not helpful. Masks could have made a huge difference. They have in Japan and other Asian countries.
I recently told someone that I would most likely never again be able to trust the mainstream medical establishment and they looked at me almost horrified. How could you not trust those heroes? When I had finished explaining exactly why this was, in great detail, they were questioning their own misplaced faith in the system.
The medical/pharmaceutical industries have been intentionally making people sicker for decades. But during the COVID “pandemic”, a virus that was manufactured and released by the Chinese Communist Government, with financial backing from the US taxpayer through the CDC, they happily joined .gov and globalist elites in the conspiracy to not only deny people proven, safe, inexpensive preventative and treatment drugs, but ridiculed and vilified anyone who dared tell the truth.
They did this to spread fear and maximize hospitalizations and the use of “treatments” that radically, needlessly, increased deaths and to permit the emergency approval of toxins, marketed as vaccines, that they knew were not only going to be ineffective but would maim and kill millions. They even changed the definition of “vaccine”.
All for money and power. Fuck them. I’ll never accept the poison.
Best not to trust anyone, especially in these political times. There are a number of websites to use to get other information. The key words are “number needed to treat”.
As to increase hospitalization, that is a stretch. Now that the government is an insurance agent, they don’t desire to have you hospitalized any more than your private carrier, which is not really private. China is facing an economic melt down and would gladly infect the world, just one alternative. It is beyond doubt that the illness originated in China and was cleverly spread by the travel characteristics of Chinese New Year.
Where’s the evidence that:
that medical/pharmaceutical industries have been intentionally making people sicker…
that Covid was manufactured and released by the Chinese with financial backing from the US taxpayer…
that globalist elites and .gov deny people prove, safe and inexpensive preventative and treatment drugs…
that “they” needlessly increased deaths to permit the approval of toxins that “they” knew were ineffective and would maim and kill millions…
Was Don Jon tRump in on this vaccine scam??
By all means do not accept the vaccine.
For some people Covid is a severe disease, for most it is not. There are many current treatments aside from vaccines which are very effective at treating the virus and once acquired, natural immunity is the highest form of protection possible.

Bwaha! Lolgf
What do you do to minimize infection? Like for cholera, do you only rely on vaccines for smallpox or tetanus? I have a stomach virus now, should I have taken precautions. We get it, you are a coward just as pups said. Then, do we have your permission to comment here without a reference. I doubt that you or many others have attended a medical journal club and find just how horrible are the stats and conclusions.
By the way, none of your pontifications make you appear knowledgeable. Your actions with your corporation show you to be a dumbass.
Our esteemed host quoted:
Digital, huh? You think that can’t be counterfeited?
My flight to Tel Aviv had a layover in Toronto. While my electronic boarding pass was good for the fights to Chicago and Toronto, the flight to Tel Aviv would not accept the electronic boarding pass, and I had to get a paper one for a guard to sign. Flights to places not in the Middle East out of Toronto were apparently fine with the electronic boarding pass.
[…] the original title very much undercuts what William Teach noted yesterday, “World Leaders Sign Declaration to Introduce COVID Vaccine […]
Dear Elwood:
“Was Don Jon tRump in on this vaccine scam??”
You don’t get people to change their minds by asking silly ass questions and pissing them off.
But that’s what you want.