Is it any wonder that so many youngsters are emotional messes, when their teachers, their parents, Lefty politicians, and lefty news are constantly beating the drum of doom?
Over 70 Per Cent of Children Aged 7-12 Now Afraid of Climate Change – Survey
More than seven in ten children aged 7-12 are now worried about climate change, research conducted by a UK-based start-up has reportedly found.
It comes amid reports from various experts that children and teenagers of various demographics are experiencing high rates of mental health difficulties, with one school councillor earlier this year saying that anxiety rates have hit an all-time high post-lockdown.
According to a report by Euronews, the survey — which polled 1,000 children born between 2010 and 2015 on their views regarding the environment — found that a total of 71 per cent of respondents were now worried about environmental changes, including the changing climate.
The survey is one of the latest examples of so-called eco-anxiety — extreme worry in relation to the changing climate or dangers to the environment — affecting children at a time when educational systems are focusing more and more on ongoing issues to do with emissions and potential catastrophic rise of sea levels.
For those on the political left, in particular, eco-anxiety appears to be a growing variable, with the European Union even running courses for its workers in the hopes of helping them to deal with the stress brought about by their climate beliefs.
Gotta love it: the climate cult preaches gloom and doom, then, when people, especially kids, become mental basketcases, they then offer all sorts of help which reinforces the doom and gloom and advises them to take action by getting government to …. take more of their money and freedom. Heck of a circular scam, eh? All while committing what is child abuse. Seriously, when we were growing up we had the threat of nuclear war, which was real and tangible. We had movies on it, such as The Day After. But, we were able to just be kids. Not these days, where the kids have to be indoctrinated.
I say leave them there. Turn out the lights. Turn the heat off. Spray some of that horrific fake fart spray.