Obviously, some caveats need be mentioned, such as not having vaccines really through 2020, and it took a while to get a large chunk vaccinated in 2021
Vaccinated Americans a majority of COVID deaths for first time in August: analysis
For the first time since the beginning of the pandemic, a majority of Americans dying from the coronavirus were at least partially vaccinated, according to a new analysis of federal and state data.
The waning efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines and increasingly contagious strains of the virus being spread to elderly and immunocompromised people have resulted in more deaths among those who have taken at least one vaccine dose, a Washington Post analysis published Wednesday finds.
“Fifty-eight percent of coronavirus deaths in August were people who were vaccinated or boosted,” the Post reported.
The paper described a “troubling trend” as the share of deaths of people who were vaccinated has been “steadily rising” over the past year.
So, the vaccines and boosters aren’t working that well?
“In September 2021, vaccinated people made up just 23 percent of coronavirus fatalities. In January and February this year, it was up to 42 percent,” the Washington Post’s Fenit Nirappil and Dan Keating wrote.
Huh. How many had pre-existing conditions, and how many didn’t? How many did it keep from getting bad covid? Meanwhile
HHS urges the reimplementation of mask mandates to curb ‘Long Covid’, those who oppose are bigots https://t.co/lxABkgvJeY pic.twitter.com/41VSg36dhX
— BPR (@BIZPACReview) November 23, 2022
Piss off. They don’t even know what men and women are. And here’s Forbes
Gee, with Covid-19, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and influenza cases on the rise, what would be a simple way to protect yourself and other people? How about that thing that rhymes with simple ask, meaning wear a face mask? Well, the hashtags #MaskUp and #BringBackMasks have been trending on Twitter with health professionals, scientists, and others urging everyone to wear face masks.
Piss off. You want to wear one, wear one. Stop trying to force everyone else into your cult, especially when I see a goodly chunk of you maskers pulling down below your nose.

As long as they are just asking people to wear masks, they are exercising their freedom of speech. It’s when they try to force people into wearing masks that they become objectionable.
I was reporting on ‘breakthrough’ infections as early as August of 2021, and it has to be remembered: the vaccines were only available to the general public in March of that year. Two doses, 28 days apart, and ‘fully vaccinated’ status 14 days after the second dose, and we were looking at mid-April before there was any significant increase of the vaccinated population. For me, due to living in a small, rural county, I wasn’t ‘fully vaccinated’ until May 19th, our 42nd wedding anniversary as it happened.
The reports of ‘breakthrough’ infections started coming in as early as June, and this was before the more transmissible
XiOmicron variant took over; the previous variants — Delta at the time — were dominant.The story changed: you might still contract the virus, but you wouldn’t get as sick was now Teh Narrative. Then, by January of this year, even the CDC were admitting that, despite the vaccines, they expected that almost everybody would contract COVID-19.
At that point, we should have recognized what the more intelligent people — we’ll call them conservatives for short — were saying: that getting vaccinated ought to be an individual choice, not something compulsory. But naturally the left always double-down, as our distinguished hort reported “World Leaders Pushing For Chinese Coronavirus Passports” on the 23rd.
It’s not about the virus; it’s about government wanting to maintain control.
A person receiving only one or two shots is still considered “vaccinated” and are still more likely to die from Covid from someone fully vaxed and boosted. Several studies show the mortality risk with boosters is lower than without.
81% of Americans are vaccinated (one or more shots), and 58% of Covid deaths are in that group.
This means 42% of Covid deaths were in that 19% of Americans who remain unvaccinated (not even one shot; BTW, the lowest vaccination rates are in Red States and correlates with the Covid death rate).
Only 19% of Americans Account for 42% of Covid Deaths!!! or Unvaccinated Six Times More Likely to Die from Covid!! Why didn’t FOX and Teach run THAT headline! Keep pushing that boosters do no good. You anti-vaxxers continue to kill Americans! You should be ashamed of yourselves.
Teach typed: So, the vaccines and boosters aren’t working that well?
What dangerous propagandists such as Teach and FOX failed to report from original was:
He has no idea if the boosters are working. So, piss off, anti-vaxxer.
And yes, it’s advisable to wear a mask when out and about amongst people. It protects you and them. If a healthy young buck like Teach has a mild or asymptomatic case he’d feel terrible for infecting an 82 year old with COPD. Wouldn’t he?
So, piss off, anti-masker and mind your own business.
Teach mocks Admiral Rachel Levine, as connies are wont to do. Does her being trans invalidate her expertise? After all it’s not as if she’s an uneducated dumbass like tRump or jimhoft.
So, piss off, anti-trans man and mind your own business.
One is still at least 4 TIMES more likely to die from Covid if you are unvaccinated. A thinking person (i.e., liberals) should still prefer those odds.
This is serious shit, folks. Note that over 1 million Americans died from Covid and a few hundred more die EVERY DAY! Do you want more Red Staters to die? Rather than propagandize why not just report the facts?
The socialist from St Louis wrote:
That Dr Richard Levine can’t even tell the difference between males and females most certainly invalidates his ‘experience.’ He is certifiably insane.
Rimjob whines “Why not just report the facts?”
Okay then.
Now kindly just fuck off.

You’re not really that smart.
Bwaha! Lolgfy
The CDC/FDA told us in 12/20 that the vaccines had about a 90% efficacy. That was under controlled conditions. In the world we could expect worse results. Probably in the 85% range. So, what did we do??
Ignored that 15% that didn’t work and acted shocked when vaccinated people became ill.
We also ignored the therapeutic of the vaccines, even though the media was full of hospitals saying that admissions were down and ICU needs falling.
Now, when over 218,000,000 people, a clear majority, have taken two shots plus an unknown number of boosters, we can’t figure out that if a majority has taken the shots, it will be a majority of people who catch the disease and die.
Mr Dana typed a repeated CONspiracy tale: It’s not about the virus; it’s about government wanting to maintain control.
No. It’s about the common good. Vaccinations do that. Masking does that. Speed limits do that. Environmental regulations do that. For some reason wingers no longer want to be a part of American society to the extend they tried to overturn elections!
Do libertarians oppose ALL mandatory vaccination programs? In nearly every state schoolkids and daycare kids are forced to be vaccinated against polio, hepatitis, tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis, measles, chickenpox, pneumonia, and others. Should these rules be rescinded?
Many businesses coerce workers into vaccinations. As does the military.
Dying from polio, liver failure, tetanus, measles, whooping cough, pneumonia is hardly “freedom”. BTW, do libertarian beliefs extend to freedom to choose suicide?
Rimjob now arguing about the “common good”.

Now that’s funny right there no matter who you are.
Bwaha! Lolgf
No. It’s about the common good. Vaccinations do that. Masking does that.
Vaccinations do do that and if you’d take your head out of your butt you would know Dana is ONLY referring to THE FAKE CORONA VACCINATION. He made no mention of all the other red ACTUAL vaccinations not to your logical fallacies and red herrings like seat belts, speed limits, environmental regulations or any other laws, just the Fake Vaccine. And anybody with an IQ over 40 knows that masks DON’T WORK!!! Only respirators do. so stop being a truth denier. And your deluded mantra of “overturning elections” has nothing to do with this subject. That’s a red herring. So it seems you can’t win the argument so you’ll stoop to lies. How typical.
Do libertarians oppose ALL mandatory vaccination programs?
I have no clue what Libertarians support or oppose but they should oppose ANYTHING which is not voluntary and so should you if you’re an American. If vaccinations actually work they don’t need to be mandatory. Obviously if I don’t get a Polio or measles shot it affects no one but me so why should it be mandatory? Because they are REAL vaccines not therapeutics being called vaccines to make the democrat donors in Big Pharma even richer than they already are. This BS you espouse has already been discussed in the media and now even the NYT admits you are wrong.
These so-called vaccines don’t stop a person from getting—or transmitting—the virus. Or even from dying from it. Had other, real, vaccines– like, say, those for the measles, mumps, or polio—not prevented one from getting or transmitting these diseases, or even from dying from them, they certainly wouldn’t have been so popular. In fact, they wouldn’t have been called “vaccines.” And most likely would never be mandatory.
In an improbable but related development, a recent analysis by the Washington Post found that more vaccinated people are now dying from COVID-19 than unvaccinated people. In fact, 58 percent of the Americans who died from the coronavirus this past August had been vaccinated and boosted (like you, moron). For the first time since the onset of the pandemic, the majority of Americans dying from Covid were vaccinated, according to this analysis of federal and state data.
And so far no agency or medical assn. has bothered to try and determine how many Americans died from the vaccine or were permanently damaged by it. That topic, like every other leftist lie is voodoo to talk about.
Many businesses coerce workers into vaccinations. As does the military.
They also coerce people into CRT and all of that crap is immoral. But we all know about your missing morality gene.
Dying from polio, liver failure, tetanus, measles, whooping cough, pneumonia is hardly “freedom”. BTW, do libertarian beliefs extend to freedom to choose suicide?
Neither is being forced by the government to take a medicine you don’t want. And yes, Libertarians do believe a person has the freedom to choose suicide since they believe a person has EXCLUSIVE domaine over his person. You should too. It’s time for you and “people” like you to shake off the propaganda that acts as chains to your freedom and as reasons for your hate of people who disagree.
Lucifer God,
Anyone claiming the 2020 election was stolen “is certifiably insane”, so any other lie you type is not to be trusted.
The 77 times boosted Mr Dowd wrote:
When you say that it is about the “common good,” you are stating, very directly, that yes, it is about the government wanting to maintain control. Simply defining something as a “common good” implies that governmental force will be used, as not everyone will accept a given declaration of what is a common good. I’d point out here that there are many Americans who believe that keeping Donald Trump in office would have been a common good, and, considering how bad Joe Biden has been, it’s pretty difficult to argue with them.
The underboosted Mr Dana typed: I’d point out here that there are many Americans who believe that keeping Donald Trump in office would have been a common good
Not so many, right? An incredibly reliable poll of some 150 million American voters Nov 2022 rejected PeDon. On the other hand, a solid majority of Americans support mandatory vaccinations for school kids.
Why do you suspect that every US state agrees with mandatory vaccinations?
We use governments to coordinate many of our “for the common good” projects. Roads, airports, clean air, clean water, libraries, defense, locks and dams, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, R & D, NASA, vaccine development, public safety (police, fire, jails) protection of personal property…
The Bolshevik from one of Kentucky’s border states wrote:
Yes, this libertarian at least does believe that people have the freedom to choose suicide! Several states, all of them blue states, even have physician-assisted suicide laws. Were I a state legislator, and a physician-assisted suicide bill to come before the legislature, I would vote against it, but that does not mean I believe that people don’t have the right to kill themselves, by themselves.
You are living proof of what I have said all along: the left are pro-choice on exactly one thing.
The Nazi from North Tennessee does support suicide choice, as do I.
And if the chronically ignorant wish to risk their health and life, we support their choices as long as they are not endangering others. But communicable diseases are well… communicable. There is no right to infect others.
You are living proof of what I have said all along: the right are pro-life on exactly one thing.
Tik Tok, facebook, Instagram, twitter, Snapchat etc are destroying humanity.