What if, instead, they all gave up their own use of fossil fuels and made their lives carbon neutral? If they stopped buying clothes shipped from far away? Heck, many of those clothes require petroleum. How about if they stop trying to force their own beliefs on Other People?
Civil disobedience only way to protest climate change, say French activists
While some climate activists have been throwing food at famous paintings, a French group has been shutting down roads. Their acts of civil disobedience have drawn anger and criticism, but they say it is the only way to get people to pay attention to what they see as an existential threat.
Every few days, a handful of activists walk onto a highway or busy street somewhere in France and sit down, blocking traffic, facing insults from the angry drivers being held up.
Videos show drivers yelling and gesturing aggressively, sometimes physically picking up some of the activists and dragging them, while police try to clear the roads.
“The only way that we everyday people have left to put pressure on the government is to literally go and sit on the road,” says Victor, 25, who participated in his first act of civil disobedience at the end of June, when he and six other people, wearing orange reflector vests, blocked traffic on the A13 highway outside of Paris for about an hour.
“Blocking roads is the most effective way to put pressure on the government and also have a platform.”
Do they actually think this will gain the support of all the drivers affected? And all the people on buses just trying to get somewhere? How about those attempting to get to the hospital? Human nature shows that those who have been annoyed by the protests will take an opposing view.
Victor is part of Dernière Rénovation (Last renovation), an environmental group that formed in early 2022 as part of an international network of movements calling themselves the “last generation” that will do “whatever it takes to protect our generation and all future generations”.
So, pretty much an astroturfed, far left, uber-Socialist group.
“I know I’m angering the wrong people but I’m so deeply convinced that the government isn’t taking enough actions and that’s that what I’m doing is the right way – or at least the least bad way – to put pressure on the government,” says Victor.
All the people they pissed off will reject what these climate nuts want. And, it’s not like the French government hasn’t gone full bore on Doing Something. What more do these nuts want?