What will Democrats do if the GOP picks someone else? Could you see them still running against Trump with a Nikki Haley, Mike Pence, Ron DeSantis, Doug Doocey (don’t sleep on him, he appeals to a wide range), or someone else?
The Memo: Democrats pine for Trump as GOP nominee
Former President Trump met a muted response from many Republicans when he launched his 2024 White House bid at Mar-A-Lago this month.
But his campaign is stirring excitement, and even some glee, from Democrats.
Members of President Biden’s party are openly pining for Trump to become the 2024 Republican nominee, believing he is just too flawed to win a general election.
They argue that the situation today is markedly different from 2016, not least because voters now know what they get with Trump in office. And Democrats are eager to have such a beatable opponent in an election that is likely to be challenging for their party.
“I am hoping for Trump’s nomination, ‘cause I think he’s the easiest candidate to beat,” former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean (D) told “The Briefing with Steve Scully” on SiriusXM this week.
Here’s the thing: Dean, and so many other Democrats, could be correct. The Trump Show is not new, It’s not the Walking Dead in season 1, with no one really knowing what to expect, and just being fun and exciting. It’s Walking Dead season 9: tired, lazing writing, nothing really worth watching. People were just invested after all that time, and waiting for it to just end.
An editorial from The Wall Street Journal the day before Trump’s campaign launch savaged his chances in 2024, lamenting that after the 2020 election, “the country showed it wants to move on but Mr. Trump refuses — perhaps because he can’t admit to himself that he was a loser.”
The Journal’s editorial asserted that if Trump did press ahead with his campaign, “Republican voters will have to decide if they want to nominate the man most likely to produce a GOP loss and total power for the progressive left.”
Look, I don’t want these posts to sound like I’m #NeverTrump. I’m not. What I am is pragmatic. I’m about trying to win an election, not have Biden serve another term (or replaced with some other Democrat). I damned sure didn’t want Romney in 2012. He just didn’t have what it took to win, and the GOP needed that win to kill off Obamacare. You’ll never get rid of it now. Unless it gets replaced with Single Payer, er, Medicare For All. Which is what Dems want. Do you want even more climate scam stuff? More Big Government? More AOC type legislation? Because if Trump is the GOP nominee, he loses, and Dems could retake the House and potentially get 60 votes in the Senate as the ticked bogs down.
An Economist-YouGov poll conducted from Nov. 13-15 found that Trump was viewed favorably by 77 percent of Republican voters but by only 41 percent of the overall population. Fifty-two percent of all adults had an unfavorable view of him — notably higher than the other potential GOP contenders the poll tested.
It doesn’t matter how much you support Trump. There’s a lot to love about his policies and what he tried to do. The idea is to win elections, and you want a candidate that has a good shot at winning. Trump doesn’t. He’s not going to shock people like in 2016.

Our esteemed host began:
It does not matter whom the Republicans nominate: the Democrats will paint him as being “literally Hitler™”.
I agree with Teach. I want to win the election and stop the communist/transexual juggernaut before our economy is irrevocably ruined and our children sexually deviated and abused forever. It’s important. Pedo and the now almost completely communist democrat party have done their best to install as many trannies, perverts, fags, commies, marxists, muslims and other un/anti American pigs as they can. If it goes on much linger we will sink under the stench. We also have to stop and reverse this never ending stream of immigrants illegal or legal.
Trump has passed his time. It’s time for a new face and new ideas to join with Trump’s traditional American loving platform. I’m tired of septuagenarians or older running this country. Especially the ones who have spent all their adult years forging the radical left’s march through our institutions.
Personally I like DeSantis but I’m open to anyone not old. “The greatest Generation” and their evil spawn the Boomers have turned our Republic inside out. The left can’t even see the difference between a man an woman and they want to lead America into the future?
As much as I’d love to watch the left and especially H and dowd go batshit crazy we don’t need Trump now. That does not mean he can’t be of use to the Patriots in our party. Even if only to drive those commies nuts.
Although it’s unlikely that tRump would win in 2024, the risk to the nation of another tRump presidency is sooo great that it’s to be avoided.
Compare it to global warming: Even if the likelihood of runaway warming was 5%, the outcome would be so catastrophic that ignoring it would be unconscionable.
The nuGOP will try to win by any means necessary, including cheating, suppression and lawfare. Don’t ignore nuRight efforts in the states to make nuGOPher wins more likely.
Ron DeSantis is tRump-lite, which may be improvement enough. He’s belligerent, experienced in gov’t (a major tRump failing), and not a selfish globalist businessman out to fleece the flocks. He’s an order of magnitude smarter than tRump (less important to nuGOPher voters than one would hope). His wife and children are not annoying.
Note that to nuGOP voters the most attractive feature of any nuGOP politician IS their belligerence and ability to “own the libs”. nuCons interpret this belligerence as ‘strength’ and helps satisfy their need for a strong father. A nuGOP candidate need not be ‘for’ anything as long as they are ‘agin’ the Lib/Dems! Their only policy is to “leave the economy to the wealthy and figure they’ll leave enough scraps for the working class”. The huGOP repeatedly flirts with ending the major social programs, sending up trial ballons every election cycle. Further, they count on their voters to dislike any non-white, non-christian, non-straight persons and to use that bias for votes.
The primary objective of con-menters here is to trigger or own the “leftist” commenters.
Funny-“runaway warming”. If such a thing was even possible, it would have happened millions of years ago when CO2 levels were 10 to 15 times higher than now, but of course it didn’t. Just more lib fear porn..
Mr Dowd wrote:
Let’s see, a very low inflation rate, full employment before the Wuhan flu appeared, withdrawal agreement from Afghanistan pursued, no new wars in which the United States got involved, and illegal immigration mostly — not completely — stopped. Oue embassy moved to Jerusalem, the Palestinians marginalized, great judges nominated and approved, ‘transgender’ military recruitment stopped, Paris Agreement dumped, Iran nuclear agreement scrapped, asylum entries greatly reduced? That all sounds pretty good to me! I’d happily take another presidency like that!
tRump destabilized America and the globe. Just because he and Mr Dana have the similar biases is not reason enough to let tRump destroy our democratic republic.
What’s good from Mr Dana is not necessarily best for America.
The distinguished Mr Dowd wrote:
Let’s see: Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014, when Barack Hussein Obama was President, and again in 2022, with Joe Biden in the White House, yet he did not while Mr Trump was in office, but Mr Dowd claims that President Trump destabilized the world. I’m not quite sure how Mr Dowd comes to such a conclusion.
President Trump had been out of office for slightly more than a year when Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, but the left still want to blame him.
The primary objective of con-menters here is to trigger or own the “leftist” commenters.
That’s not everybody’s primary objective, just mine dumbfuk.
You’ve convinced me to go back to Trump.
Lucifer MAGAt,
It just not your primary objective, dumbfuk. It’s not just that of resident con-menters. It’s the raison d’etre for the entire nuCon/MAGAt movement! You’ve all lost any sense of governance or policy. It’s enough to just oppose the Dems.
Oh sweetie, you never left tRump. You’ve always been his bitch.
Connies are leaving PeDon because they saw what happened in the mid-terms when so many tRump MAGATs lost.
Dear Elwood:
“Compare it to global warming: Even if the likelihood of runaway warming was 5%, the outcome would be so catastrophic that ignoring it would be unconscionable.”
So you would destroy our economy based on a 5% likelihood.
Stupid is as stupid does.
Mr Lewis asked of Mr Dowd:
Dude, the left destroyed the economy based on a 1% fatality rate for COVID-19.
Dana type: Dude, the left destroyed the economy based on a 1% fatality rate for COVID-19.
Cute, but the economy wasn’t ‘destroyed’. And why do you blame ‘teh left’, lack of honesty?
And there’s no reason to think transitioning from fossil fuels will ‘destroy the economy’.
Donald J Trump was president. Most states were under Republican control. Only a few sparsely populated states had no shutdowns.
The economy recovered rapidly thanks to Congressional actions and Trump’s signature.
Five wrongs doesn’t make a right.
Dear Elwood:
“The economy recovered rapidly thanks to Congressional actions and Trump’s signature.”
Uh, the economy has not recovered. Housing is on the edge of a bubble; energy prices are causing hyperinflation and we are almost in a shooting war with Russia.
You think that’s good???
Stupid is as stupid does.
I like DeSantis and would vote for him in the general ’24 election.
But I prefer Trump because he brings what we need.
No experience with the Swamp Critters.
His background is pure non-government.
DeSantis says the right things.
But he has zero non-government/military experience beyond some jobs while in college.
That bothers me.
I encourage all cons to support tRump. And to forego vaccinations.
Trump has experience not paying bills, not paying taxes, a fake university, adultery, rape, bankruptcies, divorces, avoiding the military, fake charities, failed casinos, suing hundreds of times, stealing classified government docs… and not every person gets a $419 million head start from their daddy.
He’s perfect for the modern nuCon.
Dear Elwood:
You are just so predictability dumb.
Please try and up your game.
Solid rebuttal!!
Forgot to add that DonJon is a loser.
Always lying, distorting, confabulating, misrepresenting. Why do you comment? All you are is a lie.
As to the economy, the Dems killed it over a minor virus, and one million deaths indicates that the death rate was 0.3%. Even less than predicted.
Trump (R-Hell) was prezzy then. Repubs ran most US states.
If the Repubs ‘killed the economy’ it came back to life rather quickly thanks to trump signing Congressional spending bills.
Why do you comment? All you are is a lie.
We DO understand how frustrating it is for MAGAts to hear the truth over and over.
A minor virus that killed over 1 million Americans and is still killing a few hundred Americans per day. By all means, don’t waste YOUR time getting a vaccination and boosters. But don’t try to persuade others to avoid the vaccines.
The Wall Street Journal editorial page…
On Trump blaming Ye (the anti-Semitic rapper formerly known as Kanye West) for Trump hosting Nick Fuentes at Mar-a-Lago:
“This is also all-too-typical of Mr. Trump’s behavior as President. He usually ducked responsibility and never did manage to denounce the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers, or others who have resorted to divisive racial politics, or even violence as on Jan. 6, 2021.”
“Mr. Trump isn’t going to change, and the next two years will inevitably feature many more such damaging episodes. Republicans who continue to go along for the ride with Mr. Trump are teeing themselves up for disaster in 2024.”
You’d think GOPhers would have learned their lesson earlier this month.