In a goodly chunk of states it is illegal for a minor to get a tattoo, but, in Democratic Party run states, it’s perfectly fine to let children go through body altering for life changes. This isn’t like getting breast implants, which can be removed
Conservative states are blocking trans medical care. Families are fleeing.
Carrie Jackson and her family of three fondly remember their home in Denton, Texas.
They had moved to the Dallas suburb from the tiny town of Malakoff, Texas, back in 2016. Jackson landed a job she liked as a lead counselor for the Aubrey Independent School District. Carrie said her 17-year-old high school junior, Cass, who is transgender, was thriving.
Coming out and socially transitioning at 14 had been rough, but by 17, Cass was a well-adjusted teen who identified as nonbinary and used they/them pronouns. Cass was making great grades, working a job, driving a car and starting to think about college, Carrie said.
That’s well-adjusted? Looks like mental illness, most likely as pushed at a young age by the parents and teachers, along with peer pressure by other kids.
On the night of Feb. 22. Carrie was sitting in bed, scrolling through her Facebook feed, and spotted a news article posted by another mother. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott had issued a directive requiring the state’s Department of Family and Protective Services to investigate all parents with medically transitioning kids, enclosing an opinion from fellow Republican, Attorney General Ken Paxton, to back it up. These parents could be brought up on charges of child abuse — and people who worked with trans kids could be, too, if they didn’t report such families to state authorities.
Just weeks later, the Jacksons were en route to Cumberland, a small city near the Allegheny mountains in western Maryland, where Cass’ older sibling lived. Cass’ sibling, Bug, is also transgender and would provide a new home for Cass, their mother and their other sister. Unemployed and without a plan, the family felt their only option was to flee a state they had never intended to leave. They were leaving their home.
The Jacksons are not the only family that left Texas since Abbott’s directive — they’re part of a larger exodus of families with trans children from states that have implemented laws and policies clamping down on their access to health care, according to POLITICO interviews with more than a dozen transgender teens and adults and their family members.
Good. Take your leftist insanity with you. You should all move from Red to Blue states.
The fight over access to gender-affirming medical care for trans youths — like the fight over abortion rights and other issues at the intersection of health, politics, gender, culture and race — is impacting where Americans want to live, work and raise families. And it’s grown particularly acute over the past year, as conservative governors and legislators have restricted access to medical care for gender dysphoria, a condition that stems from one’s lived experience of gender being different from the sex assigned at birth.
It really is amazing that Democrat states have no interest in protecting children from medical procedures that can scar them for life, physically and psychologically. Study after study after study show that trans folks have much worse mental health than the rest of the population, and subjecting children who do not really know any better to this is a travesty. And should be a crime. And there do not seem to be any Democrats or Blue states which say “you know, is this really a good idea? Perhaps they should receive counseling, and be forced to wait till they’re adults.”

If “Coming out and socially transitioning at 14 had been rough, but by 17, Cass was a well-adjusted teen who identified as nonbinary and used they/them pronouns,” why would the family need to pick up and move when “Gov. Greg Abbott had issued a directive requiring the state’s Department of Family and Protective Services to investigate all parents with medically transitioning kids”. “Cass,” doubtlessly a male who wanted to be a girl, would legally be an adult in less than a year, and could sign off on getting castrated himself without needing his parents to be involved.
Who needs an excuse to leave Texas?
Texas’ population have been growing relative to California and New York, so it appears that more people find reasons to move there than the blue states.
Our esteemed host quoted:
We have known for over 100 years that sex in mammals is determined at conception, by whether the sperm which fertilizes the egg is carrying an X or a Y chromosome. Sex is determined at conception, and recognized at birth — or, in some cases, by ultrasound well prior to birth — but saying that it is “assigned at birth” is wholly a lie, and people who do say or write that are not people to be taken seriously.
Just think about it: good King Henry VIII could have saved himself a lot of trouble if sex was assigned at birth by designating Mary and Elizabeth as boys!
Transgendered moving out. This should delight the Red Staters!! The downside is that the mean IQ of states like KY will drop.
Mr Dana oversimplifies the determination of sex. Sex is ASSIGNED at birth based on the determination by a physician or observer and sometimes in cases of ambiguous genitalia they get it wrong. So, there is that.
Very few people are karyotyped so most of us have no idea if we’re XX or XY! Read on…
XX male syndrome, also known as de la Chapelle syndrome, is a rare congenital intersex condition in which an individual with a 46, XX karyotype (otherwise associated with females) has phenotypically male characteristics. It occurs in 1:20,000 males or about 8,000 in the US. Has Mr Dana been karyotyped? Perhaps he is XX and should be forced to use the women’s restroom. If an XX ‘male’ wanted surgery, e.g., castration, breast reduction to align with his? her? chromosomes would you object?
Klinefelter syndrome (KS), also known as 47,XXY, is a syndrome where a male has an additional copy of the X chromosome. It occurs in 1-2 per 1000 male births or as many as 100,000 in the US!
And it seems that being XY is not enough! Your SRY gene product must be functioning to trigger the changes to make you a real boy!
XY gonadal dysgenesis, also known as Swyer syndrome, is a type of hypogonadism in a person whose karyotype is 46,XY, though they typically have normal female external genitalia! Are you kidding me? So, your girlfriend could be a genetic guy and you don’t know it! Pervert!
But what in the brain makes one think they are male or female? How can a person with a vagina think they are male? How does one with dick think they could be female? It’s thought that during fetal development that the exposure of the fetus to maternal hormones or medications can affect ‘gender identity’.
Conservatives: Supplying Simple Answers to Complex Questions for Over a Century!! It’s just easier to label all these men and women and other as sick and perverted.
Perhaps all conservatives should be karyotyped to see if they are really men. Speaking of transgendered, Donald J Trump uses make-up, has dyed bouffant hair, manicured nails, and a short tallywacker according to Stormy. Perhaps he is an XX male!!
The distinguished Mr Dowd wrote:
To say that sex is “assigned” at birth implies that there is an option. No, sex is recognized at birth.
In the instances of “ambiguous genitalia,” you are talking about a birth defect.
If he is an adult, the decision should be his. The problem arises when children are taking such decisions, and their parents going along with it.
It’s called mental illness!
If a person doesn’t try to imagine what it would be like to be the opposite sex, he’s pretty intellectually incurious. But there’s a big difference between occasionally imagining it, and somehow becoming persuaded that you really are the opposite sex; that’s delusional.
Actually, over thousands of years! No society before the last few years would have called anyone who insisted he was the opposite sex from his biological sex would have been thought as anything other than off his rocker.
Simple answers to complex questions? That’s addressed by the concept of Occam’s razor, that the answer with the least complexity, and the one with the fewest unnecessary inputs, is the most likely to be correct. Gender dysphoria? Occam’s razor would provide the simplest answer: the transgendered are simply delusional. We can have sympathy for them, and we can hope to provide psychiatric treatment to cure them of their delusions.
But lifelong medication, and surgery which provides only a faux semblance of the opposite sex? That might be a choice than an adult could take, but it’s just plain stupid.
Dana typed: Actually, over thousands of years! No society before the last few years would have called anyone who insisted he was the opposite sex from his biological sex would have been thought as anything other than off his rocker.
So? Things have changed over the past thousands of years. And will continue to change.
The begged question is, Why are you so agitated over transgenderism?
Even if they are “delusional”, so what?
Election delusionism is a threat to the republic, but transgenderism is not.
Sex is OBSERVED at birth by a physician (you know, someone who has actually studied biology) and sometimes (from YOUR numbers, a max of 0.05%) in cases of ambiguous genitalia they have to make a determination.
Upending society over a miniscule number of physically indeterminate people is insanity. I thought “liberals” were all about the will of the majority?*
*Except, of course, when the majority swamps the narrative.
We are all aware of your intellectual limitations. You may stop proving it any time.
How is transgenderism upending society? We get that is upsets you.
We are all aware of your intellectual limitations. You may stop proving it any time.
Following Dana’s comment regarding sex/gender being determined at conception, it is also clearly defined and unchangeable. If one’s DNA has 2 X chromosomes, typically written XX, then one is female. If the chromosomes are one X and one Y, then one is male. Simple. Part of the ‘original build list’.

If an adult wants to have cosmetic surgery so as to pretend to be a different sex, that is between them and their doctor. Butchering children is wrong. I support the Gov on this stance, and while I feel sorrow for the children involved, I’m glad their parents are leaving.
Aunt or UnkleC,
Have you been karyotyped? Do you KNOW you are XY?
Elwood, normally I would simply ignore you, however this merits a minor response. I, as a genealogist, have been typed several times over the years, up to and including the ‘Big Y 700 test’, and am decidedly XY.

Good for you!
You exhibit all the characteristics of individuals who read medical literature and do not understand.
You have pointed out a few instances of genetic malformation that are rare and often associated with numerous defects including retardation. There are many other, again rare.
This has nothing to do with the current trend of perfectly normal individuals deciding that they are the opposite sex. This is generally a psychosis and is considered mental illness with delusion by the majority of good physicians. Yes, you will find one of your useless articles that might say different, but our various academic institutions accept the fact that the people are mentally ill. It is a tragedy that politicians have jumped into the issue, for money. Doctors are mutilating people, again for money.
We went through this in the 70s and it died out. The majority of mutilated people were remorseful for their choice in later years. Governments role here should be to not participate in this delusion.
This is not applicable to the current
You have no idea what you’re talking about. Psychiatry does NOT consider the transgendered to be psychotic any more than they consider Election Deniers to suffer from psychosis.
As I said, you lack the necessary intelligence to analyze data. And as I look at my CME, you are dead wrong.
Our madcap Missourian wrote:
Correction: the American Psychiatric Association no longer considers gender dysphoria to be a mental illness, just they no longer consider homosexuality to be a mental illness, but that has been the result of politics, and nothing more.
It’s pretty simple: if you look down and see a penis and testicles, but think you’re really a girl, you are delusional. If you’re a male, and think that you should be having sex with other males, you are wholly ignorant of biology and the biological imperative to reproduction, and are delusional.
‘Transgenderism’ afflicts something like 0.3% of the population; it ought to be obvious that something which afflicts just 0.3% of the population is simply not normal. More, since it apparently afflicts minors to a significantly greater extent, it ought to be obvious that it is impacting people without a fully developed mind, people inordinately susceptible to outside suggestion and trendiness, people who are simply not sexually or emotionally mature. They really, really, really want something that they cannot have, to be another sex, and quacks are going about selling them on a medical and surgical ‘transition’ that can, at best, make them only a poor and mutilated facsimile of the sex they want to be.
Are you aware that ‘male-to-female’ transsexuals must take an object and ‘dilate’ their fake vaginas daily, because their biologically male bodies see those fake vaginas as an open wound, and are trying their best to heal themselves?
Dana that is a concise and lucid comment. No doubt dowd and the army of “people without fully developed minds” that fall for all the BS the left peddles will completely ignore it.
Thank you for triggering dowd. Welcome to the club.
Our Krank from Kentucky typed: Correction: the American Psychiatric Association no longer considers gender dysphoria to be a mental illness, just they no longer consider homosexuality to be a mental illness
Not a correction at all, it’s what I said.
Neither gender dysphoria nor homosexuality are considered to be mental illness except by conservative and fundamentalist cranks, including Islamists.
Why is our Krank concerned what others do in bed? Do gays, lesbians or the transgendered worry him/her that much?
American culture has long condemned homosexuals, largely for religious reasons. This condemnation has included assault, jailing and murder. Fortunately, things change. Blacks, American natives and women can vote. Children can no longer work in sweatshops. It’s illegal for corporations to dump their carcinogens and mutagens into the rivers. Even rich and powerful men are being held responsible for assaulting and harassing women! Things change! Women were once institutionalized for hysteria! Now smokers can’t light up everywhere they please! Viva la change! We offer healthcare to even the poor!
Men/women like Dana feel America was better off a hundred years ago.
They will be surprised to find Cumberland is not Montgomery County!
Thus improving the overall sanity quotient of the red states. The problem is…what, exactly?
Many, if not all, of our states ban the practice of ‘female circumcision,’ a practice which deadens sexual response in women, even if the minor girls have been culturally conditioned to want it and her parents agree. Why would we not similarly ban medical and surgical ‘gender transition’ among minor children, even if they want it and their parents agree?
It’s a shame we need laws to prevent doctors from mutilating patients. They used to take an oath to first do no harm.
Would you also ban all cosmetic surgeries? What you consider harm might differ from what a patient thinks.
Ear piercing of little girls?
How about tattoos? Talk about mutilation.
Teach shows pictures every week of teen and 20-something women with breast implants.
At what age would you allow a girl to get breast implants?
Mr Dowd asked a serious question:
To which I will give the obvious answer: 18.
Breast implants are not nearly as life-altering as the mutilation of female circumcision or ‘gender-affirming’ surgery, because breast implants can be removed. There is some risk involved, as with any surgery, but adults should have the right to take such decisions for themselves.
Mr Dowd actually hit on a pertinent point, though he might not have realized it. Yeah, girls throughout junior and senior high might stuff their bras with falsies of some sort, because they think that their boobs aren’t big enough to compete with other girls for boys, but girls in junior and senior high school are still in puberty and its aftermath; they are still developing. The 15-year-old high school freshman who is lamenting her flat chest will, in all probability, not be completely flat-chested when she’s 18. The decision for breast implants at 15 ignores that probability, just as medical treatment of minors for ‘gender dysphoria’ ignores the fact that an 18-year-old might have a different mindset than he did when he was 14, or 10, or in some cases, even younger.
Can you be more specific about gender affirming surgeries?
Specifically, what age would your proposed laws allow a person to choose surgery?
Currently, guidelines specify over 16 for ‘top’ surgery and over 18 for ‘bottom’ surgery only with support from parents and mental health professionals and 6 or 12 months of social transitioning. Note too, this is all consensual.
Female genital mutilation is not consensual and of course, is rightly condemned and banned.
Gender affirming surgery for a few thousand older teens is not comparable to the removal of the external genitalia of millions of girls from infancy to teens for fundamentalist religious or cultural reasons.
Why would you even mention female genital mutilation? Note too that over a million infant boys are circumcised (foreskin removed) each year in the US – obviously without consent.
Mr Dowd wrote:
The obvious question: in a state with an age of consent for sexual intercourse, can a 16-year-old legally copulate if he has the permission of his parents?
Of course, you know the answer to that: no, a permission slip from one’s parents does not give a minor the ability to consent legally.
An adult could consent to this, though she’d probably have difficulty finding a surgeon who would perform the procedure. But ‘bottom’ surgery on a ‘transgender’ person is exactly that” genital mutilation.
Such for boys is in no way harmful, and it has the sanction of freedom of religion. I mentioned it for females because it is an example of where a harmful practice has been banned.
Actually Dana, it is not that hard to find surgeons who will mutilate children as long as they can pay. We have had a sizable influx of foreign doctors and they are mostly ethically challenged. Not my words but those of an Indian physician who chairs the Cardiology Department.
The statements I have seen in my literature is acknowledging that the people are mentally ill but have insurance that pays.
My concern is that society is going along with what is clearly a delusion.
ya know Elwood, a Republican a lot smarter than you (aren’t we all?) once pointed out:
Those who talk about sex, usually aren’t getting enough
And become increasingly judgemental about the sex lives of others
Really? Who told you that? Another leftist “expert” paid to say it?
Those who are intellectually unable to make judgements (about sex or any topic) are most often ignorant of the topic itself. In your case you are afraid to confront the perversions, deviancies and immorality of your fellow communist travellers. I have noticed how you leftists have always had perverted immoral proclivities. Take many of the Nazi and Soviet high command and their well documented sexual abuses. And that’s aside from their need to incarcerate and genocide those they thought to be “useless eaters”. Sexual perversion, inflicting pain and murder seem to fit well into your leftist dogma. At least according to history.
If you believe it is “judgmental” to point out deviance and perversion then you’re an idiot. It is the duty of the good to root out and identify evil wherever it is and failure to do so is being an enabler of that evil filth.
Are you an enabler of perversion, H? Are you an enabler of prenatal genocide too, H?
CarolAnn typed: you are afraid to confront the perversions, deviancies and immorality of your fellow communist travellers (sic). I have noticed how you leftists have always had perverted immoral proclivities
Let’s unpack at least some of this bull-scheisse. He/she (we need proof of CarolAnn’s XX/XY status) calls the sex acts of gays, lesbians and transgendered “perversions, deviancies and immorality” yet won’t condemn her movement leader tRump for rape, adultery, sexual harassment, hebephilia, consorting with hookers etc. He/she doesn’t think rape, adultery, sexual harassment, desire for tween girls, or prostitution to be perverse, deviant or immoral?
Neither liberals nor connies have a monopoly on abuse. For every tRump, there’s a Weiner. For every Hastert, there’s a Frank. For every Bush, there’s a Clinton (or for every Clinton, there’s a bush!), For every Gaetz, there’s a Franken. For every Giuliani, Vitter, Jordan, Foley, O’Reilly, Ensign, Craig, Livingston, Packwood, Limbaugh, Greitens, Gingrich, Sanford, there’s a Matt Lauer.
Why do gays and lesbians having consensual sex bother you so much?
There is no such thing as prenatal genocide. We suspect you mean abortion. We do support a woman’s right to obtain an abortion with the advice of their conscience, family and doctor. How does that relate to your hatred of gays, lesbians and transgendered?
He/she (we need proof of CarolAnn’s XX/XY status) calls the sex acts of gays, lesbians and transgendered “perversions, deviancies and immorality” yet won’t condemn her movement leader tRump for rape, adultery, sexual harassment, hebephilia, consorting with hookers etc.
So you now demand “proof” of my XX/XY status? Why? Are you a sexual bigot? What would that have to do with my political opinions?
I have thousands of years of human history backing my observations on the sex acts of the perverts you listed. Just like rape, mutilation, torture and other sexual atrocities are wrong and evil so is sexual predation. If you don’t understand that then you are either completely immoral or ignorantly amoral.
I am also not a member of any “movement”. I am a conservative Christian and therefore able to determine the difference between right and wrong, good and evil and moral and immoral. Comparisons you fail at totally. You have no moral compass other than hate and we’ve covered that a thousand times already.
We are not discussing Trump here, we are discussing perverts. “He/she doesn’t think rape, adultery, sexual harassment, desire for tween girls, or prostitution to be perverse, deviant or immoral?” The answer is yes I do. Do you or only when Republicans, Christians or any other political enemies (yes, enemies) commit those acts? I don’t support those things when Trump does them, Richard Levine does them, Pedo Joe does them, I do them or you do them. They are wrong. So why would you attach my acceptance to them without even asking? We all know it’s called a “straw man” and you do it often.
Why do gays and lesbians having consensual sex bother you so much?
When did I ever indicate that sex between any consenting adults bothered me? What bothers me is when they and people like you want others to “accept” and “celebrate” their immoral proclivities. Would I be right to demand you and others accept and celebrate “rape, adultery, sexual harassment, hebephilia, consorting with hookers”?
You exist in a moral wasteland because you refuse to accept sin unless it’s produced by your political enemies. That’s because you hate God and Christianity. We see that all the time in your comments. Just like you refuse to acknowledge the well known and decades old value of ivermectin because Trump first touted it. If you reject the messenger you reject the message. The response of a true mental midget.
Prenatal genocide occurs when millions of unborn humans still in a gestation state are viscously killed and stopped from continuing their life. That is prenatal and that is genocide since they are humans at a stage if their life. Had they not been murdered they would have continued the progressive stages of human development. They would have become babies, tots, children, teens, adults and geriatrics. They were humans developing.
How does that relate to your hatred of gays, lesbians and transgendered?
That only relates to gays in that both are immoral. And I do not hate gays stop accusing me of shit. Stop lying about what “I believe”.
I asked about your XX/XY status because Dana said that’s what determines whether one is male or female, which is not true. It’s more complex than that as I pointed out.
BTW, Do you still suffer from severe ED (Election Denial)?
CA typed: …wrong and evil so is sexual predation…
Of course, sexual predation is wrong and evil. Who claimed it wasn’t? But being gay, lesbian or transgendered is not sexual predation.
Are you equating gay/lesbian consensual sex with sexual predation?
If so, why?
You do not have to accept gays and lesbians but when you take cheap shots at them (why would you?) you are not immunized against criticism. We’re hoping you become a more decent person is all.
This is a common refrain from homophobes – “Don’t ram your homosexuality down our throats!!” What does that mean to you? Are you offended by two gay men holding hands? A TV commercial with two men kissing? A show like Frankie and Grace about two older women discovering late in life that they were lesbians? You don’t have to accept anything – but just because YOU FIND homosexuality immoral does not permit you to be abusive to others.
Does it make you feel superior to mock gays, lesbians and transgenders?
There are no longer US laws against gays and lesbians, so society HAS legally accepted gays and lesbians. You are not suggesting that America once again outlaw homosexual behavior are you? Would you ban same-sex marriage? Allow anti-gay discrimination in hiring and employment? Adoption?
“Those who talk about sex aren’t getting enough of it”.
So, those who talk about CO2 aren’t getting enough of it?
So, the inscrutable Jl links sexual activity to CO2. Explain?
While he/she (XX/XY?) is explaining that, please explain why you’re so concerned about other people’s sex lives.
J, remember to concentrate on reading comprehension. No one linked CO2 to sexual activity, CO2 was linked to those who talk about it, as it says. And there’s no concern over other’s sexual activity, as I was simply quoting Johnny. The person you should be asking that question to would be….the one who wrote it.
Jill (XX/XY?),
You typed it. You need to remember to concentrate on typing comprehension.
Here’s what you typed:
CarolAnn typed: … Republican a lot smarter than you (aren’t we all?)…
Are you? We haven’t noticed that. It’s telling that you had to look back 160 years to find a smart Republican. And a liberal Republican at that! But nice try, genius. LOL.
Is the nuGOP still the party of Lincoln?
Again, why are connies so concerned about gays, lesbians and the transgendered? It’s almost as if their mere existence insults your religion. That’s OK, Islamists also hate LGBTQ…
Can you explain that?
As the only one here qualified to determine an individuals sex and has done so thousands of times as well as observing distortions based on genetic malformations I will address your profound stupidity on the subject.
What occurs at birth is for the doctor to pass the child to a qualified nurse who exams the child for any distress then begins the process of filling out the usual forms which includes a determination of sex. I might indicate that this is also determined prior to birth, but direct observation of the child is the final word. If asked, genetics can be preformed but aren’t as a routine due to expense. If concerns are raised due to abnormal genitals then genetics are obtained. XX and XY are determinate of normal female and male. You do not need to know of other procedures and counseling f aspects of any of this are abnormal.
Now, in a normal situation that is all that is required. Your references to individuals who “feel” that they are the opposite sex is a mental illness. Yes, I know you have looked up something that is totally irrelevant is to an intellectual discussion, especially your references and confusion of psychiatrist in these issues.
Your discussions with Carrol Ann are bulling and have nothing to do with an honest discussion. Mostly just liberal bullshit.
Thanks for you input. Fortunately, professionals don’t consider gender dysphoria to be a psychosis. But your input is not relevant to people with gender dysphoria. What would you do with a patient who expressed this to you?
And that is a lie Jeff.
And that lie is a lie Daffy.