Mr. I Am The Science would have been blocked on Twitter, Facebook and other not that long ago
Fauci on Covid lab leak theory: ‘I have a completely open mind’
Anthony Fauci, the retiring top official in the United States response to the Covid-19 pandemic, said Sunday he has “a completely open mind” about the origins of the respiratory virus.
“I have a completely open mind about that, despite people saying that I don’t,” Fauci said, when asked on NBC’s “Meet the Press” about the theory that the virus may have leaked from a lab in China in 2019.
Fauci acknowledged that a group of international, respected virologists has written that strong evidence shows the virus jumped from animals to humans, but said it “hasn’t been definitively proven.”
“Even when there’s nothing to hide, they act in a suspicious, non-transparent way,” Fauci said of the Chinese government.
Weirdly, neither Politico nor any of the other Credentialed Media outlets discussing this mention that Fauci was essentially funding gain of function research at a facility in Wuhan, China, that was already shown to have shoddy security and protection methods. Oh, and
Fauci shut down lab leak theory despite scientists lending it credence, emails show
Scientists consulting with the U.S. government early in the pandemic believed COVID-19 originating from a lab in Wuhan, China, was possible or even likely, but Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins worked to shut the hypothesis down, according to several emails.
The emails were revealed Tuesday in a letter from Republican Rep. Jim Jordan, the ranking member on House Judiciary Committee, and GOP Rep. James Comer, the ranking member on House Oversight Committee. Some of the emails included notes from a Feb. 1, 2020, conference call in which at least 11 scientists theorized about the virus’s origin, with many leaning toward the lab leak theory.
“[The emails] reveal that Dr. Fauci was warned of two things: (1) the potential that COVID-19 leaked from the Wuhan Institute Virology (WIV) and (2) the possibility that the virus was intentionally genetically manipulated,” the lawmakers said.
And in May of 2020
“If you look at the evolution of the virus in bats and what’s out there now, [the scientific evidence] is very, very strongly leaning toward this could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated … Everything about the stepwise evolution over time strongly indicates that [this virus] evolved in nature and then jumped species,” Fauci says. Based on the scientific evidence, he also doesn’t entertain an alternate theory—that someone found the coronavirus in the wild, brought it to a lab, and then it accidentally escaped.
There are many, many, many more instances of Fauci saying that it didn’t come from a lab. But, now that he’s leaving, and we’re almost 3 years from when it started, that he has an open mind?

“Scientists consulting with the U.S. government early in the pandemic believed COVID-19 originating from a lab in Wuhan, China, was possible or even likely…”
Gee, ya think?
Respected virologists can write until the cows come home but the virus genome itself proves that the “jump from animals to humans” narrative is impossible. SARS-CoV-2 is a product of the WIV and gain of function manipulation. Fauci has known this all along because he funneled the money to the lab himself. He also knew it was going to be released by the CCP as far back as 2017. He belongs in prison.
Herr Matthew,
No, the SARS-CoV-2 genome sequence does not PROVE ‘that the “jump from animals to humans” narrative is impossible’.
Despite noted FOX viral geneticist Tucker Carlson’s expert analysis that Dr Fauci funded gain of function research with the SARS-CoV-2 genome, neither Fauci, nor EcoHealth Alliance nor NIH funded such research.
You may be repeating BS you’ve heard from the likes of Carlson.
What is true (but not related to Dr Fauci) is:
So, ANOTHER coronavirus from nature binds to the human ACE2 receptor, too! Did Dr Fauci and the Chinese insert a binding domain sequence into SHC014?
There are hundreds of thousands of mutations discovered in the SARS-CoV-2 genome since it was first sequenced. Some of these mutations have made the virus more transmissible! Did Dr Fauci and the Chinese make THESE gain of function changes or did God?
Herr Teach has his panties in a twist because Dr Fauci (retiring head of NIAID) two years ago said there is no evidence to support that SARS-CoV-2 was created in a laboratory. There still isn’t.
Herr Teach doesn’t appear to understand science. Dr Fauci has consistently stated that there is no evidence to support… If Herr Teach or Herr Carlson have such evidence they should share it!
Is it possible the virus was synthesized in a laboratory? YES! Has anyone presented credible evidence to support that hypothesis. NO!
Is it possible the virus jumped from animals to humans? YES! That’s also the common way for viral pandemics to start, think SARS, MERS, HIV, Ebola, Bird flu, Swine flu, Seasonal flu… But has this been proven? NO!
Science deals in probabilities; science rarely deals in absolutes.
Dear Elwood:
You wrote: “Science deals in probabilities; science rarely deals in absolutes.”
No. Science always deals in absolutes.
Probabilities and possibilities are theories. Some may be proven by the Scientific Method to be true.
One of the most important tests is that the theory must be testable. If it can’t be tested it can’t be proven.
Another is predictability. If the results cannot be predicted accurately each and every time then it is not science, it’s a theory.
Educate yourself.
Our esteemed host wrote:
And Mr Dowd added:
Well, who knows how scrupulously the money was kept separate, but the basic problem is that the United States was funneling as much as 1¢ to a biological research facility in Communist China. The Wh Flu may or may not have been the result of research there, but we’ll never know the truth of that, because the Communists aren’t going to expose records that could prove that it did.
The simple fact is that we should not be sending any research money to China, yet, under both sensible and Democratic administrations, we did.
The United States has a responsibility to support global research on coronaviruses and other viruses that can infect humans, yes even research in China.
We need to maintain our relationships with Chinese scientists, our only hope for understanding. The world also needs to keep the pressure on China to be more forthcoming.
Back to the point. Herr Teach typed a lie, whether intentionally or accidentally.
Yes, it is possible a researcher brought SARS-CoV-2 virus samples from the Chinese wilds to the laboratory, or a field researcher may have contracted the virus and came back to the laboratory. It’s also possible that the virus was brought to the Wuhan market, carried by bats or other species. It’s also possible that researchers in the Wuhan virus institute created a designer virus to be distributed throughout the West.
Herr Teach seems to have a boner for Dr Fauci as do most right wingers.
The globalist Mr Dowd wrote:
If we have that responsibility, our responsibility is to research it in the United States! I’m pretty sure that if there was a virology research center in St Petersburg, you wouldn’t be saying that we should be sending money, technology, and scientists to “support global research on coronaviruses and other viruses that can infect humans” there.
I’m pretty sure that you understand that China will not be “more forthcoming” as long as the Communists are running the place, any more than Russia or Iran or any other authoritarian place would be.
Herr Teach,
BTW, Dr Fauci is of Italian heritage, not German.
Yeah, blackshirts, not brown.
Herr Teach seems to have a boner for Dr Fauci as do most right wingers.
Projecting again? We don’t get “boners” for members of the same sex. We leave that to you homos and homo lovers.
However, your obsession with Trump could be nothing else than psychotic sexual perversion.
Let’s see. On one side of the street is a virology lab doing dangerous experiments with disease and viruses. On the other side is an HEB supermarket. Where do you suppose the food poisoning would originate and where the infectious virus? Take your time.
Hi CarolAnn,
It’s most likely the infectious virus came from an animal source in the wilds of SE Asia.
That’s what has been learned about other coronaviruses, i.e., SARS, MERS.
How much do you really know about the research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology?
Recently isolated in Laos, bat coronaviruses BANAL3, BANAL103, BANAL236 have 97% homology to the original SARS-CoV-2 and, importantly, contain the ACE2 receptor binding sequence, implying they can infect humans and may have supplied the binding region of SARS-CoV-2.
These RNA viruses have an unstable genome and undergoes rapid mutation.
Without partially funding that lab research the USA would not know what was going on.
Teach, do you have an open mind or are you absolutely positive that it came from that lab? I have an open mind on where it came from.
How much do you really know about the research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology?
About as much as you do considering the information is held secret by one of the most closed societies on earth.
Recently isolated in Laos, bat coronaviruses BANAL3, BANAL103, BANAL236 have 97% homology to the original SARS-CoV-2 and, importantly, contain the ACE2 receptor binding sequence, implying they can infect humans and may have supplied the binding region of SARS-CoV-2.
That gibberish could be interesting if it had anything to do with the Wu Flu. It doesn’t. If monkeys have 98% of shared human DNA so what? They still ain’t human.
A virus is more apt to come from a virology lab than an HEB. Period. If you disagree then you common sense receptors aren’t firing on all cylinders.
As usual supplying you with info and common sense about the subject does not move your ability to reason a red headed C hair. It’s a reply of the stolen election denial or your climate change acceptance without proof. I can’t help that so forgetaboutit.
Trump ’24
First, Jeff lies constantly. His statement about animal viruses is mostly made up and leaves out key information. Then, sources have indicated the viruses were manipulated and gain of function has been processed. There is no doubt at all that the Chinamen and Fauci created the epidemic. The dispersion patterns of people returning home from China New Year was calculated for maximum effect and to harm garment industries in Spain and Italy. In other words, we were attacked in an effort to harm our economies. Normally, China cooperates with vi real information when flu and other illnesses occur, not this time to my knowledge. The only reason I can think of for Jeff lying, other than that is all he does, is that people are saying bad things about the communist.