Obviously, this is not anything new. There was talk among the moonbats of having Blue states succeed when Bush was president. Then, talk of Texas leaving when Obama was pres. Then more serious Democrats yammering about it during the Trump years. And parts of states wanting to leave to be their own state or join a different state. And now
Secession movements gain traction in US amid deepening political rifts: ‘A long-standing problem’
Grassroots movements of Americans seeking a political divorce from their fellow citizens have recently gained traction amid deepening cultural rifts, according to multiple figures involved with secessionist organizations who spoke to Fox News Digital.
Such movements have emerged in every region of the U.S. and vary in their goals. Some aim for entire states to leave the union to form a new country, while others endeavor more simply that rural red counties secede from the domination of blue urban centers to form new states. All agree that the disagreements with their political opponents have grown intractable.
“We’re at a point, I think, where America is not necessarily in the balance, but the institution known as the United States is in the balance,” Daniel Miller, president of the Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM), told Fox News Digital.
Miller’s organization endeavors to see Texas leave the union and revert to the sovereign republic it was from 1836, when it broke from Mexico, until it was annexed by the U.S. in 1845.
“People are beginning to ask themselves this question: ‘If their state was already a self-governing, independent nation, knowing everything they know about the federal government, would they vote to join the union today?’ And I think many people are coming to the conclusion that the federal government is not really fit for purpose; there is a better way,” Miller said.
The thing is, we are not a confederation, which is a voluntary union, we are a republic, meaning they can’t leave. There is not method for that. But, what happens when the federal government is out of control and consistently violating the Constitution? When the federal government is constantly taking power that does not belong to it, but, belongs to the States and The People? When the differences between the parties is so great that there is virtually no agreement on anything?
G.H. Merritt, who serves as chairwoman of the grassroots organization New Illinois, told Fox News Digital that far from impeding them, modern technology has widened the efforts of her movement, which aims to form a new state and emancipate Illinois’ conservative rural counties from the political dominance of Chicago and Cook County in the state’s General Assembly. New Illinois so far has committees in 30 of Illinois’ 102 counties, Merritt said.
“We do not call this ‘secession,'” Merritt said of New Illinois’ goals. “We never use that word, because secession is more like saying, ‘Hey, I’m taking my marbles and going home.’ And what we’re doing is following the process laid out in Article 4, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution, so it’s a different thing.”
You have something similar with California, NY, and Oregon. It all makes you wonder, is there a time coming when there will be a split between Blue and Red America?

Secession, not succession!
The failed secession of the Confederacy and the Supreme Court case of Texas v White 74 US 700 (1868) hold that no state may secede from the union without the consent of Congress, though the Declaration of Independence recognizes the right of revolution. You can fight for your independence, but you can’t just claim it.
However, there is one huge impediment to secession: Social Security. Everyone in the United States has been taxed, for as long as he has worked, for the national retirement plan. If a state were to secede successfully, what guarantees would the people have that the money which had been taxed away from them would be returned to them in their retirement pensions? It would be almost impossible to secure the consent of the public in a state for secession when that could mean the retirement plans of every citizen would be trashed.
It would be almost impossible to secure the consent of the public in a state for secession when that could mean the retirement plans of every citizen would be trashed.
You are correct which is why we need to reverse secede. Just like the radical communist left does crap and blames it on us while taking credit for everything good and noble in the world so should we declare it is they who have seceded. Hell, democrats have already proved themselves to be traitors and secessionists in the Civil War so it’s just a redo. Name a democommie who actually loves America. Go ahead.
We simply claim to be the United States and the left are “deniers” (one of their favorite words). We do that by declaring DC our Capitol and any challenge to that is “disinformation” (another favorite term). Then we announce we “identify as Americans” thereby stealing another of their make believe facts and they will be pulling their hair out.
Can the RepubliNazis succeed in ousting CA, NY, NJ, WA, OR, VA, RI, VT, NH, HI, CT, MA, DE, MD, CO, NV, IL, MI, MN, GA, ME, AZ, PA, DC (2/3rds of Americans and over half the GDP) from the US of A?
And what will RepubliNazis like CarolAnn do to the demlibs remaining in their states? Imprison, execute, re-educate or deport? Blue States will welcome RepubliNazis as long as they obey the laws.
New Red America would ban all abortions, same-sex marriage, LGBTQ teachers, teaching evolution, but it will be up to each state! The nuFed gov’t will eliminate Social Security, the Fed, Medicare, Medicaid, NASA, EPA, IRS, FBI, CIA, gov’t student loans, FDIC, CDC, NIH, AmTrak, Americorps, BLM, DOE, Dept Ed, USDA, HUD, DHS, DOC, DEA, HHS, DOT, EEOC, FCC, FEMA, OSHA etc… there’s a hundred more to cut. Taxes would be voluntary and controlled by the states, not the feds. In fact, states would once again have the Constitutional independence to determine their own fates, make their own laws.
The national government would be rebuilt from the ground up and likely to end up much less than 10% of the current bloated, over-regulatory swamp.
Supreme court decisions have been wrong before… and overturned. Roe v Wade being the most recent example. Seems to me that the Constitution defines the entry of a State, but not the exit. So that would be up to the 10th amendment and the states.
Texas and Florida could finance the revolution using personnel from other Red states. Can these states whup the current US military?
The US right hates today’s America and over 50% of Americans.
Funny that Rimjob should mention Texas and Florida.
Ya know the 2 states that have provided almost a third of the US job growth for which Brandon is trying to take credit.
BTW how’s the job “growth” at your company working out for ya?

Bwaha! Lolgf
Dickmouth swallows another big load from FOX…
We mentioned TX and FL as the only two confederate states that could support your revolution! It was a compliment! As you would expect, Blue states dominate the top of the list, with a Red bottom.
President Biden is… well, President, and presidents get the credit and blame for about everything.
Job Growth in Thousands
Texas 702
California 691
Florida 469
New York 327
Georgia 201
North Carolina 198
Pennsylvania 197
Illinois 192
New Jersey 170
Massachusetts 142
Washington 134
Rimjob: It was a compliment!

Yeah right.
But Rimjob how’s that job “growth” going for ya at Galera, hmmm?
Bwaha! Lolgf
I have thought for sometime that the US is hanging by a thread. 50% of the US has no common ground with the other 50%. Jeff is right that the people on the right hate the liberals and they hate us. We are not going to put up with the climate hoax, over spending, open borders, constant war and elimination of our energy and way of life.
The only thing holding it together is money, somewhat like Dana said. If our economy falls significantly, and it is looking promising with Biden, the pretender, that it starts.