Climate cultists: we love green energy! We need to have lots and lots of it replacing fossil fuels, coal, and nuclear! Also climate cultists: how dare you build green energy projects!
Biden admin. names Nevada toad endangered, hampering construction of geothermal plant
Not the actual type of amphibian
Nevada’s Dixie Valley toad has been declared an endangered species.
Last spring, wildlife officials had temporarily listed the speckled, black-eyed toad on a rarely used emergency basis.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said Friday that the ruling makes the final listing.
The amphibian is at risk of extinction mainly due to the approval and commencement of geothermal development, but other threats include groundwater pumping, agriculture, climate change, chytrid fungus, disease and predation from invasive bullfrogs.
“Due to the imminent development of a geothermal project in Dixie Meadows, Nevada, and the potential resulting effects to the geothermal springs relied upon by the Dixie Valley toad, there is a significant risk to the well-being of the species,” the agency said then. “We find that emergency listing is necessary in order to provide the protective measures afforded by the Act to the Dixie Valley toad.”
Environmentalists who filed a lawsuit in January to block construction of the geothermal plant east of Reno – the only place the toad is known to exist on Earth – applauded the Biden administration.
“We’re pleased that the Biden administration is taking this essential step to prevent the extinction of an irreplaceable piece of Nevada’s special biodiversity,” Patrick Donnelly, Great Basin regional director for the Center for Biological Diversity, told The Associated Press.
Why does it seem as if the enviro-weenies sue to block almost every single “green” energy project? There always seems to be some Reason. How is it possible to replace coal with solar, wind, geothermal, and hydrothermal if they block it? Where do they think power comes from? Unicorn farts and jelly beans?

Some questions just answer themselves, don’t they?
You realize, of course, that if the Green Weenies ever succeed in their wet dreams of covering the country in solar panels and windmills, that they will then complain about how those are disrupting the solar insolation and wind patterns of the planet?
These cretins don’t believe the “SCIENCE!”. they believe what they see on TV.
Their expectation is of neither a “green economy” nor to “save the planet”. Their expectation, rather deepest desire, is to destroy America and replace it as part of the Global Initiative, a communist/atheist/androgynous civilization of sub humans devoted to caring for the elitists.
They succeeded in making medicine a joke, the military a lie, fair elections non-existent and turned just about everything that has made America great upside down. And they have momentum.
They demand unfettered immigration (or you’re a racist) while they murder 50k- a million prenatal Americans a year, allow people denied ivermectin to die needlessly, are currently doing everything they can to eliminate any type of cheap plentiful energy (read kill off the poor and replace them with what once was the middle class), and reduce and/or eliminate as much productive farm land around the world as possible (another effort to kill of the masses through starvation). So they have covered their bases: energy/food/medicine. All controlled by them and all made rare and to be rationed by their newest plan: Digital money and “credits”.
Right now every time we mention our natural and God given rights we are explained “no right is absolute” like that makes denying them legitimate. Even the once lauded and favorite son of the left Elon Musk, their favorite African American next to Hussein is in the DNR column because he decided crushing free speech maybe, possibly could be construed as bad as is censoring and cheating to collude with the DOJ and DNC to steal an election. Now the proof is all out there. Watch the dowd’s all ignore it.
DeSantis ’24
They seem to have grown up on Star Trek, and are convinced that a complete abundance of 100% clean energy is out there for the taking. Of course, from the theme song from the prequel series, Enterprise, it took a long time, getting from there to here . . . .
Is Teach censoring the news? Why has there been no mention of the fact that the gas price is set $3.40 (national average) up from $2.94 from Feb 2021 when Biden became POTUS ?
DESANTIS 2024. ??
Trump 2024 !!!!!!
You know whom the Dems will be voting for in the open states in the Republican primaries ((31 states)
You know whom the Dems will be voting for in the open states in the Republican primaries ((31 states)
Sure we do. They will vote for the candidate they believe will do the most harm to America as usual.
CarolAnn gets one right!! Yes, in the open GOP primaries, dems will vote for the candidate they believe will do the most harm to America – Donald Jon Trump.
You and your company are doing more damage to America and Americans than Trump has ever done.
Thems the facts, Rimjob.

Bwaha! Lolgf
How many millions of investors dollars did you and your company piss away, Rimjob?
Bwaha! Lolgf
Johnny-Well, you got Trump in but you’re slipping-no mention of “carbon offsets”.
Is it important to save a species if it inconveniences our species in any way?
Teach and his destructo-weenies use these stories to let fly at environmentalists.
Teach falsely claims to be an environmentalist and a conservationist yet supports the loss of an entire species of animal!
Connies tend to see all issues through a dichotomous lens – yes/no – good/bad – black/white. Unfortunately, for connies the world exists in shades of gray.
Wouldn’t it be desirable for transitioning from fossil fuels to NOT cause the extinction of other species?
Destructo-weenies will deny it, but the Earth is in the midst of a widespread extinction event, the so-called Sixth Extinction, caused by habitat loss/change and using animal resources (especially marine species).
Is the destructo-weenie impulse generated from western religion?
Oh my. Look at Jeff go. Problem is that fossil fuels are not excessively polluting. As long as you use them appropriately. Now, lithium is really, really bad. Batteries are excessively polluting. So we are using the best fuel, and carbon credits are stupid.
Save The Toads!!!

Bwaha! Lolgf
daffy doc,
Fossil fuels aren’t polluting? Nearly everyone on Earth disagrees with you.
Typical, can’t read can you? But you constantly distort.
Fossil fuels aren’t polluting?
Hey moron, where exactly did you see david7134 make that statement?
Right now there is no energy that is carbon free both at its source and in its use. Follow the science (we know that’s hard for a denier like you but try).
James Woods ’24
The esteemed Mr Dowd kind of missed the point: the left, and the Biden Administration are pushing carbon zero energy sources, yet when such a project is on the drawing board, the environmentalist whackos, as Rush Limbaugh labeled them, try to sabotage those as well. At least some common sense amongst the warmunists would be nice.
Not all sources for low-carbon energy are equal.
It would be faster and cheaper to remove all safety regs from new nuclear reactors yet that is probably not the best path forward.
Nevada’s Dixie Valley toad is an endangered species and the argument is that proceeding with the geothermal plant would further degrade the existence of the toad. Sounds like an issue worth discussing and negotiating.
No, dear child, the only “destructo-weenies” around here are you and H.
Wrong again child. “Liberals” are some of the most either/or, two-valued people around.
Is the destructo-weenie impulse generated from western religion.
Let’s see. The atheist commies and nazis killed more people in the last century than “western religion” has killed since it began. Once again you lie to your narrative and failed evil gods. Pagan.
Connies tend to see all issues through a dichotomous lens – yes/no – good/bad – black/white. Unfortunately, for connies the world exists in shades of gray.
Really? Then why do you democommies find it necessary to censor us, steal elections, imprison average people on trumped up charges, close peoples businesses and steal the fruits of their labor? Because you’re so open minded YOR BRAINS FELL OUT?
Sometimes things are dichotomous, like sex. There are two. Only two and they can’t switch. If you think there’s more and they can switch you’re either a nut or a liar. Which are you dowd?
We know, a liar.
Anyone but joe pedo in ’24.
You are not censored. The election was not stolen. No one is imprisoned on tRumped up charges. But yes, the system DOES steal the fruits of the working man.
Did you not want to discuss the topic at hand?
No, dear toddler, you ARE a destructo-weenie.
Libs-save a species, yes.
Save free speech-not so much…
What aren’t you allowed to say?
What am I not allowed to say? Anything YouTube, Facebook and until recently Twitter decides they don’t want conservatives to post.
What can’t one say?
The truth
Opposing views to the climate religion
Any conservative viewpoint.
What aren’t you allowed to say?
You are kidding? You really can’t be that naive or ignorant, you must be lying.
You guys screw everything up then deny it’s screwed up. Amazing. If there wasn’t anything you weren’t allowed to say leftists wouldn’t have invented “fact checkers” to check the censors who limit speech to people they hate.
And just as one extreme example I can say nigger because I am one. You try it. If I say something as a patriot you don’t like it’s labeled “misinformation” if you do the same to me The View calls it policy.
Being criticized is not censorship.
WHO is stopping you from saying anything you wish to say?