These are the same Credentialed Media outlets who get upset over bakers refusing to make cakes for gay marriages, biological men told they can’t be on women’s teams, that crossdressers shouldn’t be reading to children, and that drag shows should not allow kids to attend, and they want to get government to force people to accept these things. But, if it a Christian group gets denied? I’m not finding any outlet that says it’s wrong
Restaurant refuses service to Christian group, citing staff ‘dignity’
A restaurant in Richmond last week canceled a reservation for a private event being held by a conservative Christian organization, citing the group’s opposition to same-sex marriage and abortion rights.
“We have always refused service to anyone for making our staff uncomfortable or unsafe and this was the driving force behind our decision,” read an Instagram post from Metzger Bar and Butchery, a German-influenced restaurant in the Union Hill neighborhood whose kitchen is helmed by co-owner Brittanny Anderson, a veteran of TV cooking shows including “Top Chef” and “Chopped.” “Many of our staff are women and/or members of the LGBTQ+ community. All of our staff are people with rights who deserve dignity and a safe work environment. We respect our staff’s established rights as humans and strive to create a work environment where they can do their jobs with dignity, comfort and safety.”
The group, the Family Foundation, was set to host a dessert reception for supporters on Nov. 30, the group’s president, Victoria Cobb, wrote in a blog post describing the incident. About an hour and a half before it was slated to start, one of the restaurant’s owners called to cancel it, she wrote. “As our VP of Operations explained that guests were arriving at their restaurant shortly, she asked for an explanation,” Cobb wrote. “Sure enough, an employee looked up our organization, and their wait staff refused to serve us.”
Now, if this was a pro-abortion or pro-gender confused group, the media would be freaking out, attempting to cancel the restaurant. Since it was a Christian group? Crickets. Because, apparently, there is dignity in supporting irresponsible, unprotected sex resulting in an unwanted pregnancy, using abortion as birth control. And it’s “unsafe” to…..serve people food who have different views on the subject of gay marriage and abortion on demand.
In an interview, Cobb said that since she posted about it, she has heard from people alarmed by the story and from other dining establishments making it clear they would be welcome. “A lot of people are outraged that a restaurant wants to make a litmus test at the door,” she said. “Everyone should be concerned that people are being denied service based on their politics.”
It’s pretty dumb, and, really, highlights that Americans, especially Democrats, have made politics the central point of their lives. Democrats are very, very Outraged and un-accomodating to those who do not toe the Leftist line. But, really, a business does have the right to refuse service, do they not? And then they can deal with the fallout.
Restaurants have made news for taking issue with their patrons’ politics. Sarah Sanders, then the White House press secretary and now the governor-elect of Arkansas, was asked to leave the Red Hen in Lexington, Va., in 2018. The owner of the restaurant, Stephanie Wilkinson, wrote that she thought Sanders was “a person whose actions in the service of our country we felt violated basic standards of humanity.” And a judge in 2018 sided with a New York bar that ejected a customer for wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat in support of President Donald Trump.
Notice that it’s almost always Leftist run places doing this. They’re just a bit unhinged.

Looks like political activism to me. They didn’t reject the reservation up front so the offensive Christians could seek accomodations elsewhere. They did it 90 minutes before start time. People would have already been in their cars on the way there. The restaurant should be sued for breach of contract. They can have their dignity, but they need to pay for it.
I wonder if any restaurants would be allowed to refuse service to black people for “making staff feel uncomfortable”.
Tolerance for me, but not for thee.
Well, yeah. ‘Cause that’s different. Somehow.
“We reserve the right to refuse service”
Maybe they were long haired Jesus freaks and were suspected of being hippies
Were super weird, you know, the type that wants public prayer before eating
One of those weird Mormon types always marrying each other’s young daughters like they did in the Bible
I mean, like, who would want to be seated next to them?
This is not the same thing as a baker who would provide normal, non-expressive goods to homosexuals but would decline to produce a specifically-messages wedding cake for a same-sex ‘marriage.’ These people were discriminating against the scheduled patrons for who they were, and is legally indistinguishable from refusing to serve them because they were black.
The waiters would have to make a case, as Joe Phillips did in Masterpiece Cakeshop, that simply serving those customers was individually expressive conduct, and that would be much more difficult to do.
If the customers arrived in Klan robes or Nazi uniforms, the waiters might have a better case, but that’s about it.
Prediction: The restaurant will get a slight but temporary boost because of woke people going there to virtue signal. But over the long term, people don’t want to go to businesses that go out of their way to score political points. Restaurants are for food that tastes good, not to have your face rubbed in the questionable virtue of the waitstaff.
The Lexington VA restaurant that kicked out Trump’s staffperson didn’t fare so well after a little while. Lots of locals won’t bother to go there now.
This Richmond restaurant is now one I will happily avoid. They are stepping way outside of their wheelhouse.
This is the nuNew America, where religious discrimination is Freedom!
Mr Dana claims:
At least Mr Dana saw the obvious incongruity between claiming religious freedom allows a baker to discriminate against gays but not a restaurant to discriminate against those who discriminate against gays.
If your business offers services to the public, can you discriminate against customers?
Should a gay-chef-artist be FORCED to grill a steak for someone who doesn’t support same-sex marriage?
Should a pharmacist be FORCED to sell ‘morning-after’ pills?
Isn’t it about time, in the FREE nuAmerica that businesses can pick and choose whom they serve? Does a hotel HAVE to serve Hindus? Does a restaurant HAVE to serve Muslims?
Isn’t this the true nature of true human freedom? We each decide with whom to associate or to offer services?
Since the nuRight has declared that global warming is a religion, can auto shops refuse to service gas guzzlers on religious grounds?
No doubt the reactionary Supremes will tie themselves in knots permitting discrimination against LGBTQ Americans but not ‘decent’ white ‘christians’. LOL.
Our sage from the Show Me State misinterpreted:
Nope, that isn’t what I said. What I wrote was:
In the Masterpiece Cakeshop case, the owner had no problem with, and had in the past, sold baked goods to homosexual customers; there is no particularly expressive message in selling doughnuts or cupcakes to people, other than, perhaps, “You’re hungry; have a cupcake.” Joe Phillips was not discriminating against homosexuals.
What he did decline to do is to produce an artistic piece which celebrated something he found offended his religion. That’s not discrimination against homosexuals, but a refusal to go along with their ideas that he opposed. The left try to conflate that with total discrimination against people of minority sexual orientation, and it isn’t.
A lot of people noted that the left trying to punish Mr Phillips was like trying to punish a Jewish baker for refusing to bake a cake to celebrate Naziism. That example is extreme, but many more common possibilities could easily be considered, such as a Catholic web designer who declined to create a website for an abortion clinic, or a Democrat who refused to design a website for a Republican candidate.
The filthy asshole dowd did not “misinterpret” anything. He deliberately convoluted your statement and lied to make his pathetic commie point. As usual. LOL
Dana ’24