Again, I do not want to sound like I’m in the #NeverTrump or Trump Derangement Syndrome group. I like The Donald, and what he did legislatively and for getting some elected Republicans to get tough on the media and Democrats, among others. I’ve always been a little tired of his mouth and Twitter. He needed to be more like Kayleigh McEnany, who battled the media while making sure she brought the receipts. Here’s Alfredo Rodriguez III
As a Republican who supported Donald Trump, I now say it’s time to move beyond him
I supported Donald Trump in 2016 before it was popular. I supported him again in 2020 for the accomplishments he achieved in his first term as president, despite his brazen, off-message rants, and conflicting declarations and statements.
Trump’s achievements and the direction he was leading our country outweighed his shortfalls. But since the 2020 election, it has been time to move on from Trump.
But the “Trump-under-any-circumstances,” supporters, conspiracy theorists, and disillusioned Trump acolytes refuse to do so. Although those who continue to think this way grow smaller in number, they still account for approximately 25% of most Republican primary voters — the type of plurality victories that led to Trump earning the Republican nomination in 2016.
He won’t be able to pull the same tricks/campaign in 2024.
Trump served a purpose. He served it well, and beyond many expectations. Now he is entirely self-absorbed (more than before) and obsessed with the past, with no original thought or vision for the future of our country.
Trump grew the Republican Party. He brought more Hispanics, African Americans, Asians and other minority groups into the GOP. We are now losing those increases largely because of his preoccupation and inability to talk about anything other than massive and widespread fraud,” “stolen elections,” “deception,” “fake news,” and himself.
Trump cut taxes. He strengthened U.S. energy independence. He held China and our enemies abroad accountable. He cracked down on illegal crossings along our southern border. He unrelentingly supported our military and law enforcement.
The economy was excellent pre-COVID, with historic low unemployment for blacks, more women CEOs, hiring was happening, businesses created, things were going well
Trump served a purpose, accomplished a great deal, but his time has passed. He has become a huge distraction in the political arena, his ability to contribute to America’s future faded, and now his overt disregard for the U.S. Constitution is embarrassing.
Now more than ever it is time to move on, because if we do not Republicans will continue to lose and under-perform in elections as we have for two consecutive election cycles.
Unfortunately, a lot of Republicans backslid, and forgot the lesson of standing strong, fighting back. That politics is a dirty business with a veneer of civility, and you have to fight back. That the Credentialed Media is not your friend. That Democrats will backstab you.
Should Trump be the 2024 nominee, we will lose the White House again, we will not secure a majority in the U.S. Senate despite a favorable map, we will lose our slim majority in the House, and likely lose governorships and state legislative seats across the country. (snip)
It is time for a generational change in the White House. It is time for a Republican nominee who truly wants to serve the American people rather than obsessively litigate, talk and relive the past without any regard for tomorrow. It is time for Republicans to put forward a candidate for president who has new ideas, real conservative solutions, and the talent to grow the GOP and appeal to independent voters.
It’s all about the electibility. Trump no longer has it. We won’t be saying “OMG, he actually won” like in 2016. And, he will most likely blast all the other Republicans in the primaries, hurting them if they win the primaries. Idiots nominated Mitt Romney for 2012, an election that was ripe for winning. He was the wrong guy. We could have killed Obamacare before it started. Trump cannot win 2024. Perhaps some Trump Train members will finally realize this.

The problem is that the Republican party is the Washington Generals of Globetrotter fame. They exist only so that there is an opposition. Establishment Republicans HATE Trump for upsetting their applecart almost as much as Democrats hate him for the sun rising in the East. The Republican party can’t wait to get back to loosing gracefully and sacrificing core beliefs in the hope more democrats will vote for them.
The problem with Trump is that he showed that everything Republicans failed to deliver was possible except that Republicans themselves were standing in the way. The problem with Trump is that he is only one guy, not a party. He can’t be President, and SECDEF, and Speaker of the House, and Sec DHS, And AG, And Senate leader, And 5 supreme court justices. There are no other Trumps on the bench and only another Trump is good enough. Rubio/Bush/Christie lost hugely to Trump in the primary for an important reason: No one wants them.
As long as unchecked mail-in balloting is allowed Trump nor any other conservative R doesn’t seem to have much of a chance.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Let us not forget that Trump had 3 branches of government and got almost ZERO DONE thanks to a RINO Republican leadership. Tax Cuts….The Holy Graille for RINOS. Not even wall funding thanks to a RINO GOP leadership.
Obama had 3 branches of government and got Ogama care and DODD FRANK which was the Holy Graille for the Democrats….At the Time, though most of DODD FRANK has been repealed under Trump.
So there is that. Ryan and McConnell pretended to want to help Americans. Shumer/Reid and Pelosi Pretended to want to help Americans.
In the end I think the elections are being rigged. Don’t forget Trump said the system is RIGGED and a HUFFY PRESS said……HOW DO YOU KNOW? He responded…Because I USE IT TO MY BENEFIT ALL THE TIME!!
Don’t let anyone tell you these elections are not being stolen. LEGALLY. Ballot harvesting. Hell GOP’ers won 5 seats in California this session because they legally GAMED THE SYSTEM by BALLOT HARVESTING IN THEIR DISTRICTS.
Everything Trump pointed to is True. His biggest problems were from the big name lawyers who jumped on the burning wagon and turned the right RABID for several months and even now their is smoldering anger under the facade of Lets go along to get along.
IF YOUR NOT WILLING TO FIGHT FOR THEM….THEY WANT NO PART OF YOU. DeSantis knows this and its why the DEMS are all over him like flies on shit right now.
Oh look! The mission charter statement of the GOP! Reminder to the Mittens-McConnell-McCarthy divide-and-conquer strategists of the pretend right: We didn’t put Trump in office in 2016 because he was a Republican. Democrats didn’t cheat him out of 2020 because he was a Republican. Hey, I’ve got an idea! Why don’t the Republicans nominate a lesbian Haitian immigrant? She would win in a landslide! Yeah, that’s the ticket! Or, you know, ¡Jeb! Strategery!
Trump received fewer votes than his opponents in both 2016 and 2020. If the Democrats are fortunate enough to run against him in 2024, he will lose again. But then a Republican has not won the US popular but once in the past 8 presidential elections (2004).
Republicans are not abandoning tRump because of his incompetence and assholery but because he has been revealed to be a loser. He is the leader of a nascent authoritarian fascist movement in the United States, a movement that re-emerges every few decades. The movement is looking for a new figurehead, who is likely DeSantis. (Welcome to the shitshow, Ron!)
We suggest you form a new party, The Viertes Reich. It will steal far-right GOP voters and science deniers and also recruit non-voters from the skinheads, KKK, neoNazis, OathKeeper, frustrated rural whites, trumpetistas, sovereign citizen, etc movements.
Blah, blan, blah…

Rimjob continues to remind us that he holds the crown for the “stupidest”… un, man on the “interwebs”.
Bwaha! Lolgf
I see nazi-boy is blathering again. What a douche. Go choke on your hate for fellow Americans you nazi pig.
Trump is done. His big mouth did him in, finally. Of course it was with help of the deep state and their ability to steal elections. And if you think anybody else will be treated fairly you are dreaming. The demonazis have been stealing elections since the Civil War. They were just plain democrats then but still…
We cannot win until we stop the left from stealing. We cannot win when non-citizens, unregistered, with no actual address, many with felony records, few with actual proof of ID can vote 12 times or when the dems run the voting machines like a casino runs a slot. Or if election day is election month. Or when early voting and ballot harvesting is allowed. If a citizen can’t be there then he can’t vote. We need to have secure HONEST elections and we won’t as long as scared RINO’s allow themselves to be pushed around every time some slithering snake of a demonazi says that tightly controlling the honesty of ballots and voting is some sort of “voter suppression”. Truth, honesty and accuracy is only “suppression” if you’re cheating. Screw them.
The evidence of election fraud is all around if you care enough about our republic to open your eyes. But if we keep letting the left to cheat we can run Jesus and we will loose.
I think it would be highly unlikely that if Jesus ran he would run as a Republican.
Even Republican judges have never found significant fraud anywhere That is a fact. If there was significant fraud don’t you think that someone would be informing the GOP how it was done in exchange for millions of dollars?
Instead wild claims of “Italian based satellites” were used to change the results of voting machines
Fraud ???? Prove some to something illegal.
You all were mouthing off about Biden restricting drilling in the USA and driving the price of gas up. Well we are pumping only 0.08 percent more now but the price has fallen by 1/3. And now you are going to have your nose rubbed in your mistake every week of blaming Biden for the gas price
As pointed out before there are numerous reasons for the drop in gas prices but none of them are because of Brandon.
Have another toke, johnnie boy.

Bwaha! Lolgfy
As pointed out to you numerous times, all cases have been dismissed on shakey technicals. The evidence has not be presented or judged. The elections have multiple irregularities. This should be evaluated but has been stopped by the uniparty. Biden is clearly not legit.
Fuck you H. We have spent 2 years showing you and your commie lawyers etc. all kinds of video, pics, and sworn testimony about fraud. You dismiss it all with a swipe of your hand because you are ALL LYING CROOKS!!!
You pigs see the same questions and irregularities we do but ignore it because it benefits your side. Sadly your side is evil, communist and racist. As are you.
I have a hard time seeing any republican candidate winning who is backed by the current McRepublican regime, including DeSantis. It will be hard to hide also. Only Trump has the cash to run an independent campaign. Everyone else has to appease the money-men first, or they don’t get any money. McConnell and Romney-McDaniel aren’t shy about pulling funding for “wrong” republican candidates.
The RNC is the real problem here. If they alienate too many Trump voters, it’s game over for whoever The RNC nominates. Many republican voters will simply stay home and not vote for a Bush! or Paul Ryan agenda ever again. And The Party isn’t attracting many democrats. “At least he’s not the republican!” just won in Pennsylvania.
And even then, are the McRepublicans going to do anything about mail in ballots, ballot harvesting or what not? Or are they just going to complain about it the day after they lose an election like they normally do?
And besides, I’m tired of hearing these “principled” commentors not hold the entirety of the DNC to the same standards they’re holding the Bad Orange Man to. Get over it already. Trump is Trump and he’s gonna have hella support in 2024 like he did in 2016, vulgarities and all. It’s up to the republican party to present a viable alternative. For now the RNC elders believe DeSantis with a Nikki! backer is the play. I remember when Jeb! was their play…so do you.
The RNC play was never and will never be Trump or Trump voter.
Trump will win in 2024, and finish the job to drain the swamp. The only other path is civil war and the extermination of all socialists, democrats, pedophiles and illegal aliens.