…is an area flooded by rising seas from Other People refusing to give up their fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on a biological female getting a concussion at an NHL sponsored trans hockey tournament.

Header of the Day:

Bwaha! Lolgf
Democracy Dies In Pinkslips

Bwaha! Lolgf

Bwaha! Lolgf
Not a good week for the lying hater trannies (are there any other kind?)

Bwaha! Lolgf
Many people seem to be obsessed with the sex lives of other people. Does that indicate that something is lacking in their own?
Ask Rimjob.

Bwaha! Lolgfy
Glad you are with us on this. I am certainly sick of pervert and psychotic folks constantly pushing their sex lives on us. Trying to convince us that men are women and that these people are normal. What a joke right? Your hanging around here is beginning to change your perspective.
You connies are always conplaining that others are ramming their sex lives down your throats. How so?
Why do connies care? Why are connies so upset by same-sex marriage? Or where people pee?
It’s almost as if connies want to control how others live their lives. Some christian connies conplain that admitting that LGBTQ people have a right to exist is an affront to connie christianism, even violating connie religious freedom!!

Bwaha! Lolgf
Hey daffy,
Should states enact anti-public display of affection laws? Does seeing two girls holding hands or two men hugging offend you? Perhaps Louisiana could ban LBGTQ activities. And how about stricter public dress codes?
Been known for a while around here that Rimjob doesn’t have a problem with pedophiles or groomers…

Bwaha! Lolgfy
Jeff, problem reading again. Or are you trying to have one of your so called discussions. But that is a good idea about banning perverts,.
NOBODY is obsesses with the sex lies of other people on our side of the argument. We are concerned with the complete lack of empathy for parents LIKE ME who don’t want their kids exposed to trannies and queers, groomed, or convinced they are another sex or could become another sex which is a lie. Can you understand that ?
A generation ago parents LIKE YOU didn’t want their children exposed to black people. Anyway, don’t you homeschool your children?
We DO have empathy for those you demean and degrade. You find being lesbian, gay, bi, trans or queer disgusting. I find far right-wingers disgusting.
Generation ago? We still want to keep it white.
Of course, you do. But most white, christian nationalists aren’t as courageous as you. You at least own it.
Everything, big and little, comes down to connies wanting to conserve white privilege. My lib friends describe evangelicals as hypocrites for supporting men who pay for abortions, abuse women and children, same-sex married (jimhoft), politicians who would suspend the Constitution, commit adultery, curse etc… so long as they are conservative in what counts – protecting the social and economic status quo. I think evangelicals are just voting for what they find important. And it’s not abortion, grooming, adultery, lying etc.
Well, the hockey player thought that she was trough enough to claim to be a man, and she took her chances.
Watch the actual video.
Point out where, “Transgender athlete wiped out by larger player in horrifying video: A sickening video shows players screaming for an ambulance after a transgender player was taken out by a much larger competitor.”
There was little contact. Hardly “sickening”. Hardly “horrifying”. Hardly “shocking”, “brutal” or “savage”. Hardly anything but a strange accident.
Daniel Maki, the injured player said, “Once out, I was playing the puck, and I took a very odd fall into the boards, in which I needed medical attention to make sure my neck and extremities were okay.”
The video does not support the claims in the least.
You are an expert at falls? And here I thought you were just a pharmacist.
And here I thought you were just an LPN (who do more work than physicians).
Mississippi tRumpetista preacher Shane Vaughn on how to help the GOP:
from the mouths of bubbas… Couldn’t GOP state legislatures just declare that only Republicans can be elected?
Couldn’t GOP state legislatures just declare that only Republicans can be elected?
Just because you nazis would do that does not mean we patriots would. You’re projecting again nazi-boy.
Uber fascist,
Yet it’s you repubofascists who are trying to derail democracy.
It’s always projection with the repubofascists.
Hay nazi boy, “I know I am but what are you” is not an argument unless you’re 5 years old. What a dumbass you are.
We don’t steal elections, you do. We don’t put perverts, fags and trannies in positions of power, you do. We don’t have a party full of Epstein’s, Weinstein’s, and other assorted perverts and criminals, you do. We aren’t trying to destroy America by allowing 2,000 illegals in every day, you are. WE don’t support having queers and trannies groom our kids in schools, libraries and such, you do. We don’t deny science by saying men can have babies or that babies aren’t human, you do.
I could go on but this gets tedious with morons like you. We have explained the facts about everything from Covid lies to grooming lies to election steal lies but you just ignore them because your ignorant brains can’t grasp THE TRUTH.
But you are fun to make fun of.
How do YOU propose that nuGOPhers start to win elections since they are a minority?
Like the preacher proposed, how about awarding 1 electoral vote per county? That way the over one million people in Fulton County GA (Atlanta) would count the same as Jeff Davis County (pop 15,000)! Using a statewide electoral college format, tRump would have won Georgia 129 to 30!!! Just as the founding fathers wanted!
One county, one vote!!
Using this format, GOPhers could win almost every state in presidential elections and almost all Senate races!!
The founding fathers were afraid the “great unwashed” would become a majority and vote in their own self-interest. The electoral college format protects against that. Why not expand it to statewide elections?

#Bwaha! Lolgf
LOL! Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who tells us plebeians that we must reduce our carbon emissions, takes a jet plane every 3½ days.
Trump’s Big Announcement!! It was speculated he might announce a running mate!
[…] Cove has women, HOT women. Who want to know what you see. Did I mention these women are […]