You had to know this was coming, right? When now-private citizen Trump’s lawyers made their arguments before the Supreme Court, did they use an argument that Democrats were sure to attempt to circumvent federal privacy laws and release his private tax documents to the world?
House Dems poised to release Trump’s tax secrets
House Democrats will likely unmask new details about former President Donald Trump’s long-hidden taxes following a key meeting now set for next week.
That would be a highly unusual move sure to ignite another post-presidential controversy surrounding Trump, who is running again for the White House.
Ways and Means Committee Chair Richard Neal won access to Trump’s filings in November, after a long court fight, but they remain closely held, with only a handful of lawmakers and aides allowed to examine them. They’re still protected by strict privacy laws that make it a felony for anyone to divulge even basic details about Trump’s taxes.
But there is a way around those rules: Neal’s committee could vote privately to make them public, and that’s what the Massachusetts Democrat wants his colleagues to consider in a closed-door meeting now set for Tuesday at 3 p.m.
Democrats intend to release specifics from the returns, though what exactly will be unveiled is unclear. They could release Trump’s entire returns or perhaps something more limited, such as a summary.
So, it would be fine for the incoming GOP House to release all of Biden’s tax records, right? How about Hunter Biden’s? Or Nancy Pelosi’s> Did the Supreme Court even consider that the House Democrats would do this? Did they forbid this from happening? Will they hold an emergency session to discuss the House Democrats playing games with a private citizen’s private tax returns?
I don’t think this is going to go the way they plan, and could set a standard where the citizen’s tax returns can be used for political purposes. And could potentially lead to lawsuits against elected Democrats.

other then normal rich person tax deductions, probably nothing in there that any other rich person has/does…if the left hadn’t been such asses he probably would have released them…he just made it hard for them to get them…and in the end, who really gives 2 fucks except the left…no one…
Once again the left games the system out of pure hate. Right out of the Lavrentiy Beria playbook. The demofascists become more and more like communist tyrants every day.
So after a full blown 21/2 year investigation costing $40 million, two additional years of harassments including attempts by state AG’s to indict, two failed impeachments, one when the guy already left office, the illegal and unconstitutional ban from social media by government/business collusion to help steal an election and a continued stream of harassments they just can’t let it go.
There is something psychotic about all this. The left is turning our great country into a gulag bit by bit.
Funny but I heard that guys like Trump are under constant IRS scrutiny so why all the hubbub? Just because?
The average liberal would not know how to read and analyze the returns any way, witness the Rachael on NBC.
Donald Trump’s tax returns are heavily scrutinized every year, due to his wealth. More, when he first made noises about running for President, in 2012, you can be absolutely certain that the Infernal Revenue Service, then under the thumb of Barack Hussein Obama, scrutinized every tiny bit of those returns, yet no charges were ever brought.
Billionaires don’t do their own taxes or rely on TurboTax: they have accountants go over every receipt and every bill, and those accountants, whose own licenses depend on doing things right, file the returns.
More, those tax filings are quarterly, not annual, four times the chances of a mistake to be found, yet nothing serious ever was.
William Teach: So, it would be fine for the incoming GOP House to release all of Biden’s tax records, right?
Oh, gee whiz.
Dana: you can be absolutely certain that the Infernal Revenue Service, then under the thumb of Barack Hussein Obama, scrutinized every tiny bit of those returns, yet no charges were ever brought.
Oh, gee whiz.
The Z people are back, call themselves zachriel. For those new here, they are a debate club at a progressive high school. Basically they desire to be lawyers and for some reason think lawyers use debate skills, they don’t. So they are very liberal and think they have some intelligence, they don’t. No life experience, still live at home and don’t work, never have.
No life experience, still live at home and don’t work, never have.
Then they should make excellent lawyers,