I’m confused. If the climate crisis is such a crisis why are they waiting till 2045? Shouldn’t they be implementing net zero measures for as soon as possible? And will all this net zero apply to the Elites? Perhaps they can start by restricting all People’s Republic Of California public employees, appointees, and elected officials from using fossil fuels
California approves roadmap for carbon neutrality by 2045
California air regulators voted unanimously Thursday to approve an ambitious plan to drastically cut reliance on fossil fuels by changing practices in the energy, transportation and agriculture sectors, but critics say it doesn’t go far enough to combat climate change.
The plan sets out to achieve so-called carbon neutrality by 2045, meaning the state will remove as many carbon emissions from the atmosphere as it emits. It aims to do so in part by reducing fossil fuel demand by 86% within that time frame.
California had previously set this carbon neutrality target, but Gov. Gavin Newsom signed legislation making it a mandate earlier this year. The Democrat has said drastic changes are needed to position California as a global climate leader.
“We are making history here in California,” Newsom said in a statement Thursday.
This would be the board that is unelected and unaccountable to the citizens of the PRC, right? I’m still waiting for any responsible journalists to ask the members if they have all purchased EVs and made their own lives net zero.
The implementation of the plan hinges on the state’s ability to transition away from fossil fuels and rely more on renewable resources for energy. It calls for the state to cut liquid petroleum fuel demand by 94% by 2045, and quadruple solar and wind capacity along that same timeframe.
Well, hey, no complaining, citizens of the PRC, you voted for your Betters to force this on you.
One of the goals is to achieve a 66% reduction in methane emissions from the agriculture sector by 2045. Cattle are a significant source for releasing methane — a potent, planet-warming gas.
The plan’s implementation would also mean less reliance by the agriculture sector on fossil fuels as an energy source.
Which means food production goes down and prices go up. And lots of farmers bail on the state. This will all end in tears.

Go for it! Just be sure that any electricity produced by “unclean” sources outside the state is verboten as well.
Or you can continue to be lying two-faced pony soldiers.
It ain’t just beef; it’s also milk production, and all of the products which come from dairy: Ice Cream, cheese, sour cream on their baked potatoes as they eat their imported wagyu beef steaks.
Of course, losing cheese, which is nothing more than rotten, sour, clabbered milk, is a gain, not a loss.
But hey, there’s always a replacement: soy milk for the soy boys!
Meanwhile, the PRC is building coal-fired power plants hand over fist. They 1,100 now and have ordered another 15 GW of coal-fired generated capacity.
They are also ramping up coal-based steel manufacturing.
Cali has determined that 2045 is the soonest that they can reach their goal
Teach lives in a world of fear. Fear that his future will be worse than the world he now lives in
Fear that gender neutral rest rooms will end Western Civilization
Fear that the mercury in CFL. Lightbulbs will sicken him
Fear that he will not be able to get cheap veggies from Cali because of no fossil fueled tractors ( Teach prices are much more likely to skyrocket :)
because of drought
And Carbon Offset Boy lives in a world of fear because of a CO2 molecule. I know, it’s really scary…
“Prices likely to skyrocket because of drought”. Drought in California is no worse than it used to be. If fact, it was much worse earlier with lower CO2.
Mr Teach typed: I’m confused. If the climate crisis is such a crisis why are they waiting till 2045?
We suspect Mr Teach pretends to be confused. Why wait? Reality. Transitioning ain’t just for trans people!
New infrastructure takes time. New products take time to develop. In addition, powerful interests oppose change.
China may be overbuilding those cosl plants. Remember that because of their short sighted 1 child policy they are entering a long period with an aged top heavy population
Some estimates are that China’s population could be halved by 2050
Certainly by 2075.
I find it amusing that the people most afraid of the future in 2045 are those least likely to still be alive at that time
Teach how important to you personally will vehicle fuel choices be in the year 2045? Will you be buying a new vehicle then ?
The Hirsute One wrote:
Will I be alive in 2045? If I am, I’ll be 93 years old, so not out of the realm of possibility. But my kids will (probably) still be alive, and they’ll be stuck with a world in which the poor choices of the left might exist.
More, the path from 2022 to 2045 will be one, if the left have their way, fraught with unnecessary and ridiculous expenses which will make us poorer. If you want to buy a Tesla, go right ahead; I wouldn’t dream of stopping you. But leave the rest of us alone!
Have you ever considered that your insight is wrong. Or that you don’t have enough background or education to make an informed assessment. Most of us here have less than 10 years life. But at the rate Biden is going, he will have destroyed the country in that short period. Certainly our children are in trouble due to decisions in voting and support rendered by you and Jeff.
Hairy wrote: I find it amusing that the people most afraid of the future in 2045 are those least likely to still be alive at that time
I presume you include yourself and that it is of national imperative that we have Gender neutral bathrooms in your new world order.
I presume you are including yourself when you reference CHINA as having a population half the size it is now as you suggest. Why is it that you and DOWD spend inordinate amounts of time DEFENDING CHINA?????
I wonder why you fear the weather and not the fact that we are taking food from the people. I mean most Chinese know what it was like in the great famine of the last century where 150 million Chinese died.
Higher prices vs lower population. That is some serious NAZI marching orders given by someone who themselves will not be around to deal with the repercussions of their small and anemic attempt at NAZI’FYING the world into a boot steeping led society.
Careful about what you wish for. I am pretty sure the Russians did not wish for what ensued during their anger and revolution against the wealthy and the privileged only to find themselves murdered off and enslaved into a boot-stepping society that offered them nothing and gave them the privilege to work for the state to make comfortable and wealthy a NEW TIER OF RICH TYRANTS.
Yep. More roadmaps.

Bwaha! Lolgf
The Hirsute One wrote:
Will I be alive in 2045? If I am, I’ll be 93 years old, so not out of the realm of possibility. But my kids will (probably) still be alive, and they’ll be stuck with a world in which the poor choices of the left might exist.
More, the path from 2022 to 2045 will be one, if the left have their way, fraught with unnecessary and ridiculous expenses which will make us poorer. If you want to buy a Tesla, go right ahead; I wouldn’t dream of stopping you. But leave the rest of us alone!
If you want to buy a Tesla, go right ahead; I wouldn’t dream of stopping you. But leave the rest of us alone!
The difference between a conservative and a leftist:
And if today’s right has their way, everyone’s children and grandchildren will be stuck in a world of scheisse.
I don’t like fascist stop signs, seat belt laws, speed limits or DUI laws. And who likes fascist length or creel limits when fishing? The fascists limit us to 3 shot shells, and no lead shot in our shotguns when duck hunting! The fascists were probably just grooming us so people would accept transitioning to reduced CO2 emissions like sheep!!
Again Rimjob with his false dichotomies.

The only “arguments” he ever has.
Bwaha! Lolgf
He seems to be getting worse
Well maybe this is the reason among others.


Bwaha! Lolgf
Every time you engage in a false argument like above you prove you are not worth the bother. Name one person who believes all that shit you listed.
If todays left has their way everyone’s children and grandchildren will be stuck in a world without freedom, honesty or hope. They will have a world full of perverts and degenerates as well as liars and thieves. They will have their fill of Epstein’s, Sam Brinton’s, Sam Bankman-Fried’s, Harvey Weinstein’s, Hunter’s, Pedos, and almost any of the assorted noxious demonazis currently undermining America.
They will be living in 900 SF homes costing a million bucks, driving unreliable EV’s they can buy for a cool $250 grand and they will have power, water and food on the “designated days” according to their social credit score.
Abortion will be determined by the state and according to state guidelines for approved life as will euthanasia. Useless masks and fake vaccines will be made mandatory because they are for our own good even though the dowd’s who run the show don’t give a rat’s ass about our own good. It’s all about the power.
Leftists have bread death, war and destruction all through the last century. Do any of you expect that to change with the “woke” in charge?
The pedo joe Regime is as decadent and cowardly as any I have read about in countries behind the Iron Curtain. And they will be every bit as dangerous and merciless when it comes to taking out those exposing them. They will try and do to Musk what they did to Trump. Remember: “By any means necessary!”
They still haven’t prosecuted any of Weinstein’s customers yet find the time to fuck around with old people who protested on Jan 6. They can’t secure our border yet send $100 billion to the Jew Nazi lover ZZelenskyy.
And all they do is lie, lie, lie. How about those latest job figures?
New infrastructure takes time. New products take time to develop.
And yet the Brandon administration thinks we can do it in the blink of an eye, with no downsides.
Keep trying, child.
Did you miss the point yet again? Your daddy Teach was whining that transitioning was taking too long, therefore it can’t be urgent!
Keep trying, little girl.