We’ve always had a plan: implement every measure possible to stop illegal immigration. Stop incentivizing people to come to the nation illegally/showing up at the border demanding asylum (which most do not qualify for, but, it can take upwards of 5 years to run it through the courts, and many just do not show up). Deport those who are caught immediately.
Republicans talk of ‘chaos’ at the border without Title 42 but don’t have better plan: Padilla
California Sen. Alex Padilla on Sunday pushed back against what he called “Republican rhetoric” around the expected expiration of Title 42, a pandemic-era policy which allows the expulsion of migrants on public health grounds.
“Here’s the biggest frustration for all the Republicans rhetoric about chaos at the border: No. 1, they have yet to come forward with a plan of how to better handle this scenario,” Padilla, a Democrat who chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee’s immigration, citizenship and border safety subcommittee and the first Latino to represent California in the chamber, told ABC “This Week” co-anchor Martha Raddatz.
“No. 2, they have not been willing to commit the additional resources that the departments and agencies say that they need to handle this big influx,” Padilla said.
Huh what? The GOP is the party that has been trying to put more resources on the border, to hire more Customs and Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents. Democrats are the ones wanting to cut their funding. Protesting them. Stopping construction of the border wall.
On “This Week,” Padilla admitted that the rollback will be a challenge and hinges in part on the funding and operations of the departments that oversee immigration at the southern border. He also directed some blame at former President Donald Trump, claiming Trump’s administration underfunded immigration agencies.
Trump derangement syndrome. Trump doesn’t fund anything. Congress does. Anyhow, Padilla sort of has a plan
Padilla told Raddatz on Sunday that “we do need to invest more in border safety and security.” But, he said, “we’ve got to do it in a smart way” in contrast with Republican calls to focus on erecting massive, continuous physical barriers. “The years we lost to the ‘build the wall’ debate was foolish,” he said.
What is a smart way? Raddatz didn’t press for answers. It really is simple: border barriers in high entry areas, lots of agents monitoring the border, and, it should be that if you’re caught you’re put back across the border immediately. If you are caught in the U.S. anywhere, no matter how long you’ve been here, you are deported immediately. This includes all the ones who overstay their visas.
“We know that whether it’s migrants — whether it’s you know, whatever the Republicans are afraid of, contraband, etc. — comes primarily through ports of entry. And so that’s got to be the first and foremost focus on border safety dollars,” Padilla said.
Funding was increased. And, hence the need for Title 42.
He has authored a number of immigration reform measures and has led efforts to try to get an immigration fix into an omnibus spending bill that Congress is currently considering.
On “This Week,” Padilla said that immigration policy should continue to be discussed by lawmakers.
“An individual, a family, coming to the border seeking asylum today is very different than the millions of immigrants who are in the United States already and have been here for years. Yes, in many cases undocumented, but working, paying taxes, raising families, contributing to the success of our economy, working in essential jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic,” Padilla said. “They deserve better than to live in fear of deportation.”
Yeah, his idea is that if they’re here, let them stay. Which incentivizes more to come illegally. They’re supporting bad behavior.
NYC Mayor Eric Adams calls for federal, state help after Title 42 ends
New York City Mayor Eric Adams is warning that the city is expected to receive over 1,000 asylum-seekers each week, with Title 42 set to be lifted on Wednesday.
Although he does not say what authority has warned of the incoming surge of migrants, he said that NYC would see more people entering the shelter system as early as Sunday.
“The flow of asylum-seekers to New York City has slowed in recent months, but the tool that the federal government has used to manage those coming over the border is set to expire this week, and we have been told in no uncertain terms that, beginning today, we should expect an influx of buses coming from the border and that more than 1,000 additional asylum-seekers will arrive in New York City every week,” Adams said in a statement.
Hey, sorry, Sparky, but, you support illegal immigration and NYC is a sanctuary city. Suck it up.

Uh, maybe someone should tell Padilla,

“That’s Brandon’s job, dipshit.”
Bwaha! Lolgf
That’s just it: for the left, the idea that we turn back those who want to enter illegally, and deport those who have been successful in doing so, is simply outside their paradigm.
If a migrant/asylum seeker cross the border and present themselves for inspection they have not broken any law. It is illegal to cross the border
and NOT present yourself for inspection.Asking for asylum in the USA is not a crime.
The USA signed treaties agreeing to this.
Dana do you believe that the price of gas has dropped 2 bucks in 6 months because Biden has increased domestic oil production ? He was blamed for the increase in price, should he take credit for the drop? Or neither because he had no significant input in either the increase or decrease ?
Carbon Boy-thanks, I was worried you weren’t going to mention Brandon and the price of gas today, but you came through. But you still forgot to work Trump into the post somehow…
Asylum seekers must prove they fear for their lives because of: race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group.
ANY entry into the US by non citizens without a passport/visa is an illegal entry.
Again, why do you want 2 million refugees per year entering here? How does that benefit the US?
CarolAnn typed: ANY entry into the US by non-citizens without a passport/visa is an illegal entry.
That’s not the law. Perhaps the GOP can change the laws.
Carol Ann is correct unless you care to site a law.
Kindle strikes again, word should be cite.
#Bwaha! Lolgfy

Bwaha! Lolgf