…is horrible heat snow which will get worse as the world warms, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The O.K. Corral, with a post on a guy who really, really likes soccer.

…is horrible heat snow which will get worse as the world warms, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The O.K. Corral, with a post on a guy who really, really likes soccer.
Thank you, sir! Love the photo!
[…] Thanks to The Pirate’s Cove for the link! […]
Take off, hoser.
35-Year-Old Chief of Canada’s Vaccine Rollout Dies Suddenly.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Mr Exton died December 9. His family and girlfriend asked that donations in memory of Adam be made to the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA).
An associate and friend responding to tweeting twits claiming that Mr Exton died from the vaccinations, responded:
“The young man did not die due to vaccination, (and) if you can’t tell from the context of my tweets or his obituary his cause of death, then you are an insensitive asshole”.
Who woulda thunk that nuCons could ever be insensitive asshole(s).
An acquaintance, a division head at FDA, died suddenly a few months ago. She was only in her 50s. Insensitive assholes suggested she died from vaccinations! She didn’t.
Insensitive assholes (nuCons) rely on myths and lies to form “thoughts” (such as they are). “mRNA vaccinations are causing young people to drop dead suddenly!” “tRump (and Lake, Herschel, Oz etc) won the 2020 and 2022 elections!!” “Global warming is a commie hoax/scam to force “patriots” to drive effeminate EVs!!”
Insensitive asshole DeSantis who last year was extolling the virtues of the vaccinations now wants a Grand Jury to investigate vaccination ‘wrongdoings’!! This is the equivalent of announcing he’s a nuGOP candidate for 2024. How stupid does he feel nuGOP voters are?
Rimjob harping on insensitivity.

That’s rich coming from you, asshole.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Lil skeeter buzzing about upset about having his latest lie exposed, LOL.
Mr Exton didn’t die from a vaccine.
Never said he did, dipshit.

Thanks again for your sensitivity.
Bwaha! Lolgf
And you know that how?
Because he took his own life you insensitive asshole.
Lil skeeter wants to believe he reported Mr Exton’s demise out of sensitivity. But skeeter is an insensitive asshole and a liar.
Anyone can read why was posted.

You projected something that wasn’t there but projection is a common trait with you (like all dipshit liberals). Again thanks for your sensitivity. And your boundless stupidity.
Bwaha! Lolgf
The vaccine has issues and some of these have been acknowledged by the CDC. People are rightfully concerned about this unique treatment and your calling everyone names only shows your immaturity.
daffy whining about name-calling, LOL. That’s rich.
Insensitive assholes (nuCons) rely on myths and lies to form “thoughts” (such as they are). “mRNA vaccinations are causing young people to drop dead suddenly!” “tRump (and Lake, Herschel, Oz etc) won the 2020 and 2022 elections!!” “Global warming is a commie hoax/scam to force “patriots” to drive effeminate EVs!!”
Insensitive asshole DeSantis who last year was extolling the virtues of the vaccinations now wants a Grand Jury to investigate vaccination ‘wrongdoings’!! This is the equivalent of announcing he’s a nuGOP candidate for 2024. How stupid does he feel nuGOP voters are?
First, by referring to millions of Americans whose only crime is disagreeing with you as “insensitive assholes” you in fact become an insensitive asshole and an ignorant boob. Second, if you are so vague your Tweets are being intelligible it is not the readers fault.
As usual your closed mind and tunnel vision precludes you from any semblance of intellectual scrutiny. Claiming a person died of the vaccine is about as insensitive as claiming they died of a heart attack. IOW, it’s not at all insensitive. It’s speculative based on today’s known facts. Just cause you don’t like it means nothing. Factually, you are an insensitive asshole for calling others one.
In case you haven’t been keeping abreast of the situation thousands of people have died and been maimed as a result of the vaccinations. That’s a fact, jack. Whether or not Exton was one of them only an autopsy could prove.
If you think GOP’s are insensitive assholes because unlike you they are tired of being lied to than think about this: you believe in the anti science of men having babies and through a magic act become women. And to make things worse you believe in vice versa. You also believe in fake MMGW with little evidence other than models made by people paid to make said models. You also believe after 3 years of complaints about ridiculous/impossible outcomes, videos of cheating, affidavits of witnesses to cheating and the almost pathological refusal to EVEN CONSIDER THE MANY OBSERVABLE SHENANIGANS which occurred as election interference, plus the numerous Twitter revelations showing outright illegal free speech crimes so I would suppose you to be a BIG FAT INSENSITIVE ASSHOLE!!!
I am quite sure if our tables were reversed you would be screaming like a little girl caught in the shower with pedo joe. Or his daughter, whichever.
You are a nasty, cruel, closed minded, belligerent, douche. As far as we can determine you have always been one and will continue to be one until that glorious day you join your god in hell.
Any douche that refers to others as insensitive assholes for not agreeing with them needs psychological help. Especially after calling another commenters wife a whore. Seek help you nazi bastard.
At least they haven’t been banned from Twitter yet. Thank you, FBI.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Top Maricopa County Election Offices Could Not Reconcile Disparity of Nearly 16,000 Outstanding Votes
Bwaha! Lolgfy
Goobernatorial candidate Lake gets to inspect 150 votes under a ruling by Republican Judge Thompson.
Maricopa County says they have 16,000 fewer votes to count than does the Sec of State office. Big whoop.
You’ve been an election fraud denier since day one so I guess finally admitting there was fraud regardless of how small is one small step for truth one giant leap for fair, free and honest elections. We are now in Soviet election territory. I guess when communists run things they act like communists.
Santa I want her for X-mas!
Substitute “Rimjob” for “Biden” and there ya go…

Bwaha! Lolgf