Of course, this only effects the law abiding, rather than the criminal element who doesn’t care about the vast amount of laws on guns
New Jersey lawmakers pass gun carry legislation after ruling
New Jersey lawmakers gave final approval Monday to legislation overhauling rules to get a firearm carry permit after this summer’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling expanded gun rights.
The Democrat-led Senate passed the measure in what is scheduled to be the last voting session of the year, sending the legislation to Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy. In an emailed statement, Murphy spokesperon Tyler Jones said the governor would “swiftly” sign the bill.
“Since day one of his administration, Governor Murphy has been vocal about his support for stronger gun safety laws in the state of New Jersey,” Jones said.
Is it good legislation if it was passed on strictly party lines, with one Democrat in the Senate voting against it?
The legislation scraps New Jersey’s current requirement that those seeking a permit to carry a firearm show “justifiable need” and be of “good character” to reflect the Supreme Court’s June ruling.
That’s the only part that is good
Other changes in the legislation include disqualifications for those who have been confined over their mental health, people who have had restraining orders as any “fugitive from justice.”
Didn’t they already have that?
The measure calls for the end of a paper permitting system that used quadruplicate documents to register applicants. It also would establish a yet-to-be created online gun sales portal.
So everything would be in the system down to the tiniest detail
It increases from three to four the number of endorsements from non-family members in order to get a permit. They would also have to be interviewed by law enforcement officials as well.
Huh what? Pretty sure that isn’t in the Constitution, or the NJ Constitution.
The measure also boosts training requirements, calling for online, in-person classroom and target-shooting instruction. And it would require permit carriers to carry liability insurance.
I’m not necessarily against training requirements, especially for those who are going to have open and/or concealed carry. Or, hell, for just keeping it at home. Liability insurance, though, is going to be a big, big problem, as you know it is going to be really expensive. For one thing, there really aren’t many who offer it. Having the insurance doesn’t really save lives. And it is an unconstitutional tax on an enumerated Right.
And none of this will reduce shootings and murders by criminals, who pretty much do not get any sort of permit. This will be going back to court the minute Murphy signs the legislation. It might fly if there were serious penalties applied to the actual criminals who illegally own guns and use them, but, NJ is soft on those people.

Be aware. The rules about owning firearms are being RANDOMLY CHANGED BY Tobacco and Firearms that enforce these rules.
They just willy-nilly redefine what is legal and what is not. At least they are publishing their changes which in most gun owners’ minds, is illegal. You do not make the law, you ENFORCE THE CURRENT LAWS if you are the Tobacco and firearms division of America.
For example. AR pistols. If you put a stock on a pistol it is now considered an Assault weapon. Made even worse by the fact that this was legal and permitted because of those with disabilities, such as one arm, etc.
If I was a cop I would rather face an AR pistol than a long rifle. Why? Because AR PISTOLS shoot rounds that a VEST STOPS. A long rifle will zip through your vest like Butter.
But no…..Those evil pistols with a grip look evil.
Keep an eye on the laws folks. They are coming for people, knocking on their doors and hauling them away to jail. When they bought these guns they were perfectly legal but NOW THEY ARE NOT even though NO NEW LAWS BY CONGRESS WERE PASSED.
We all know ignorance of the law is no excuse. A good example of what they are doing would be changing the speeding limit for a Mustang or Charger ONLY to 10 miles per hour lower than the posted speed and not really telling anyone, just publishing it in their own set of rules OR making it illegal to own a GAS GUZZLING TRUCK BECAUSE OF AGW…….WITHOUT A LAW PASSED AND SIGNED BY THE PRESIDENT.
I fully support people in other states doing whatever they like in their own states. The sad thing is that politically, Live and Let Live is not an option for Democrats. Communism is harder if you let people escape it or choose something different. Communism/Democratic Party-ism/Progressivism are ideas so good we all should be forced to do them.