There’s a post way, way back in the archives, and, the gist of the Washington Post piece was about moonbat Bush haters waking up and trying to decide what type of hit piece they’d write about
In the angry life of Maryscott O’Connor, the rage begins as soon as she opens her eyes and realizes that her president is still George W. Bush. The sun has yet to rise and her family is asleep, but no matter; as soon as the realization kicks in, O’Connor, 37, is out of bed and heading toward her computer.
“WAKE THE [expletive] UP,” she writes next, and this time, instead of pausing, she keeps going, typing harder and harder on a keyboard that is surrounded by a pack of cigarettes, a dirty ashtray, a can of nonalcoholic beer, an album with photos of her dead father and a taped-up note — staring at her — on which she has scrawled “Why am I/you here?”
Can’t you see the climate cultists at this point?
The calendar flipped to winter this week and promptly ushered in what the National Weather Service is calling a “once-in-a-generation type event” that will hobble holiday travel by air and road on some of the busiest days of the year.
While it may seem contradictory, climate change may be contributing to more extreme winter weather. Snow, wind and bitter wind chills for the states that are used to them are not news. But the fact that these events persist even while Earth is warming is a baffling phenomenon that some scientists are linking mostly to increased precipitation in a warmer atmosphere.
I’m not going to bother with their Typical Cultist Reasons why a warming world due to you driving a fossil fueled vehicle is causing big cold snaps and snowstorms. Cults always have Reason why everything supports their cult beliefs. Polar vortex breaking down, blah blah blah, and so many other sites are aping this same line, that this is not normal, and it’s all the fault of tens of thousands taking fossil fueled trips to climate change conference your fault.

Virtual BEACH VACATION anyone? Live streams of Deerfield Beach, FL – Hollywood Beach FL – Waimea Beach HI, Sunset Beach HI and Brit Virgin Islands
Teach will never say why JE thinks the planet is warming fast
Dear H:
This says it all.
” climate change may be contributing to more extreme winter weather.”
May be means they have no proof. It’s all guesses and BS.
It’s all guesses and BS. Just because we don’t know everything doesn’t mean we know nothing! Do we ever know everything?
Scientists recognize probabilities. Will you awaken tomorrow? Maybe. But it’s 99.9999% likely you will, and that’s the way to bet.
Is there a heaven? Maybe. Can it be proved one way or the other? Even if it’s only 0.000001% likely, is it worth “believing” in heaven and hell to avoid eternal damnation?
Will an Earth-killing asteroid strike the planet in next 100 years? Maybe. If it’s only 0.01% likely is it worth supporting NASA preparing for the chance?
Will smoking three packs of Marlboros a day give you lung cancer? Maybe. Is it proved that cigarette smoking causes cancer? Rush Limbaugh said no, since not every smoker gets cancer and many, many non-smokers do get cancer. Does the fact that smokers get cancers at much higher rates than nonsmokers prove that smoking causes cancer? If cancer from smoking is only 10% likely is it worth it to not smoke?
Is the 50% increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide over the past century or so responsible for this bout of global warming? Maybe. It’s consistent with the physics of electromagnetic radiation and radiation absorption by gases. The theory predicts that the long-term increase in atmospheric greenhouse gases will cause long-term atmospheric warming and it has. Is this theory proved? Of course not. What’s the likelihood that the theory is true? Does it need to be proven for any action to be taken? If continued warming is only 90% likely is it worth taking action?
Since 1960 (i.e., past 60 years), global databases of surface temperature (UAH, RSS, HadCrut, Berkeley, Gistemp) shown a mean increase of 0.17 °C/decade. Is there any reason to expect the global temperature to decrease? Suggestions are welcome.
Be honest. You know and I know that the objections from the right have nothing to do with science. The right hates science in general (It believes evolution! It claims the universe is 14 billion years old and the Earth 4 billion! It can’t find heaven!). The right hates concerted social action. The right hates government dictates. The right hates liberals. The right hates the poor. The right hates foreigners. The rates hates being proved wrong.
The Earth is warming. CO2 is the most likely cause. There is no reason to expect the warming will stop. The right used to argue the Earth wasn’t warming. They used to argue that CO2 was not involved. Now they argue that CO2 is involved but not by the mechanism claimed!
Well, I am cautiously optimistic about Arizona. Since they went to trial yesterday and Kari Lake showed proof that the judge accepted That roughly half of the ballots were printed 19 inches on a 20-inch ballot making them unreadable. Is that an accident? The professionals brought in to conduct the audit of the tabulators said that it is not an accident, that some ballot worker could not input the wrong code in a machine that caused one or two or a dozen machines to reject the ballots of SAME day voting.
It happened in 127 precincts….surprisingly in HEAVY GOP precincts in Maricopa COUNTY ONLY.
Since the vote was decided by only 17,000 votes in a district that cast 2.5 million votes then yeah, its pretty certain the outcome of the election was influenced.
The second bombshell to come out of the FIRST DAY of the trial was that chain of custody is lost from the time the votes leave the precincts until they arrive at the tabulation centers. In other words, the voter’s votes were put in a lockbox and told they would be counted later. But in reality, they do not count any ballots at the time of voting, the hard copy of the votes are sent to the tabulation center where they are then tabulated. There is NO idea about how many votes WERE cast at the precinct versus how many ARE TABULATED once they arrived.
Opens up the door for either party to cheat like hell. In this case, Katie Hobbs(D) was in charge of counting her own votes vs Kari Lake(R)
The judge allowed Kari lake to examine 117 ballots and of those 117 ballots 56 were found to be 19 inch ballots on 20 inch stock. Not possible as these ballots all came from many different voting precincts. They had to have been tampered with on a system wide scale.
This is another reason why electronic voting is and should be outlawed. We counted the ballots just fine when they were the good old-fashioned paper ballots back in the day. With the amount of hacking, spam, computer ransomware and so on that occurs on the internet for any State or local government to think their systems are immune are deluding themselves.
And now we have Ballot harvesting which the GOP has not exploded into existence a million-man team to do so in 2024. WHY? Because it is fuking legal and it should not be in any state. If the GOP wants to know why they keep losing when the Democrats are trash, they only have to look in plain sight. They are being ballot harvested into the ground in the last several elections.
Now I said all that to say this.
Is there any wonder both sides wake up angry every day? We are all being manipulated by the government and have been for 100 years. The problem now is with the internet they are losing control and it is starting to spiral down the rabbit hole for both sides.
Thanks. Could you document the claims out of Arizona? Thanks again.
[…] Pirates Cove covers the Crazy of Climate Cultists […]
Carbon Boy-Yes, we’re all going to burn up very soon. But please make sure you pay your “carbon offsets”, which will have absolutely no effect at all..
[…] (Fox News) The Democratic congresswoman then touted the spending provisions she added to the bill via earmarks that she ultimately voted against. […]