In Liberal World, everything that thwarts Democrats is A Threat To Democracy. Anything other than one party rule and dominant government is a threat to democracy
The Electoral College is hazardous to democracy, Raskin says
Rep. Jamie Raskin said Sunday the Electoral College “has become a danger” to American democracy.
Speaking on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” the Maryland Democrat said: “I think that the Electoral College now, which has given us five popular vote losers as president in our history — twice in this century alone — has become a danger.”
Raskin said it is about time that Americans elect presidents the same way they elect other public officials, through the popular vote.
“It was a danger on January 6th,” said Raskin, who served on the House select committee that investigated the Jan. 6 Capitol riots, “There are so many curving by-ways and nooks and crannies in the Electoral College that there are opportunities for a lot of strategic mischief.”
Good grief. Will Dems be whining about J6 decades from now, like the do Bush winning, or, as they say, stealing, the 2000 election?
The Electoral College was created by the Founding Fathers in the U.S. Constitution; the Electoral Count Act of 1887 has guided practical aspects of how it functions for well over a century. Proponents of the existing system argue that it gives individual states an important role in national elections.
Yes, the Framers did include it, so, apparently they are A Threat To Democracy, right? Except, as anyone who’s not a lunatic Democrat knows, we are not a democracy. The system was designed to stop large states from running roughshod over small states. They all have a say. But, Democrats think it’s unfair that they can lose per the rules of the game.
Raskin said the Electoral College is one aspect of the American system that has little appeal internationally.
“We spend hundreds of millions of dollars every year exporting American democracy to other countries,” he said to host Margaret Brennan, “and the one thing they never come back to us with is the idea that, oh, that Electoral College thing you have that’s so great. We think we’ll adopt that, too.”
Name one country of our size that was set up as our Constitution did, with 13 states…that’s another word for nation, because each of the former colonies had their own needs and wants and governance, and were supposed to run on their own, with the federal government only given certain duties, like raising a military and controlling the monetary system….joining together. It was a beautiful system established, and would work better if the 17th Amendment was repealed, which would have Senators represent the wishes of the state general assemblies, rather than special interests on the other side of the country.
The system is set up to make it very, very hard to do anything big, and getting rid of the electoral college would require a Constitutional convention. It won’t happen. And Democrats will keep whining.

Many states have signed a compact pledging to give their electoral votes to the candidate that receives the largest popular vote.
That total of pledged electoral votes has now reached 72% it the 270 votes required to elect our President.
This would effectively do away with the electoral college.
This insuring the principal of “one man,one vote”
The GOP never wins the popular vote. Should a minority be allowed to elect the POTUS ?
The GOP never wins the popular vote. Should a minority be allowed to elect the POTUS ?
So you’d rather have a one party state? You mean like Nazi’s or communists? Or would you be “the good Nazis” and “The good communists”?
WE are NOT a democracy for a reason you fucking moron. That reason is spelled out many places. For one a democracy becomes a dictatorship of the majority, even if the majority is a cheating, lying, corrupt group of killers.
Jesus called the money-changers fucking morons, making it OK for today’s Christians to use the phrase ad libitum.
We democratically elect mayors, school boards, governors, prom queens, state and federal Representatives and Senators, judges, county commissioners, sheriffs, All-Star shortstops, secretaries of state, corporate boards, Academy Awards… in fact, everyone EXCEPT the President and VP!
The Elector Vote system was a compromise to gain support from slave states. Since the method of choosing electors is up to the individual states, there has been an evolution through various mechanisms that has settled now on the “winner take all” – a plurality of the popular vote delivers ALL the Electoral votes from that state. Nebraska and Maine distribute Electors proportionally which is clearly more fair. Even today rural whites view the Electoral College as a bulwark against getting outvoted by “them”.
How ironic that the winner in 2016, based on the Constitutionality of the Electoral College, now proposes suspending the Constitution because he lost the 2020 election!
Why have hardly any rightists criticized him for wanting to suspend the Constitution?
Johnny-if that’s not acceptable, then amend the Constitution
The far-right is rightly concerned about losing minority rule. tRump lost the popular vote bigly in 2016 and more biggerly in 2020. Yet, he became president tRump in 2017 and except for the Constitution would have stolen the presidency in 2021.
In what should have been a Red tsunami in Nov (unpopular Dem president, inflation, war, immigration, ‘horrible’ economy), the Repubs severely underperformed because 1) tRump and 2) abortion.
Right-wing nuGOPhers feel that black, immigrant, non-Christian, liberal, Jewish, LGBTQ votes are less important than white, male votes so they feel justified in making it more difficult for urbanians to vote. Red state nuGOPhers whine about votes coming out of Philadelphia, Atlanta, Phoenix, Tucson, northern VA, Milwaukee etc that end up overtaking ruralien votes.
A big problem is that we’ve allowed the executive branch to become dominant and Congress has abrogated their duties.
After the theft of the 2020 election by the demofascists/FBI/Censorship media and the cancellation of millions of votes through chicanery, the fascists took control and immediately set about “fixing” future elections so they can’t loose. Seems to be working.
Somehow the uniparty managed to transfer the responsibility for and execution of the state election commissions it pretty well solidified the ability of the fascists to control all elections. At least that’s what history will remember.
In the new banana republic of America, sorry, can’t say America any more fascist rules you know. Now that the USSA is a de facto reality and a shitload of dowd-like lunatics are busy thinking up new ways of oppressing us daily we can rely on a financial collapse forthwith since their contribution to economics is Marx, Bernie Sanders and dowd. None of which know shit about economics, business or finance.
Right-wing nuGOPhers feel that black, immigrant, non-Christian, liberal, Jewish, LGBTQ votes are less important than white, male votes so they feel justified in making it more difficult for urbanians to vote. Red state nuGOPhers whine about votes coming out of Philadelphia, Atlanta, Phoenix, Tucson, northern VA, Milwaukee etc that end up overtaking ruralien votes.
What you call right wing people (your stupid names make no sense since they are neither “nu” nor GOP) have had little success in bringing together those “groups” you seem so proud of whereas the left appeals to their sense of personal identity rather than their love of America and their patriotism. IOW, the radical left demofascists have made a business out of de-Americanizing groups of our people and turning them against us. Why? Power. Period. BTW, since the demofascists have ruled the urban jungles since the 60’s if voting is more difficult the fault for that falls on YOU! Once again you lie to cover up your failures as a human and an American. Voting in demofascist urban areas is exactly what you made it: corrupt, one sided and way too easy to cheat.
Red state conservatives complain about your fascist followers moving into our areas and corrupting them like you did the cities. Why is there no place we can call ours and no place where you will just leave us alone? Could it be that if you did everyone would see how bad it is under you and change sides? Then we can all look like the streets of San Francisco, Baltimore, Philly and all the other shit hole cities your demofascist policies have created.
Why do you want so much to destroy the middle class White Christian people?
Mr tRump’s election wasn’t stolen, he lost.
Conmenter asked: Why do you want so much to destroy the middle class White Christian people?
With rightists it’s always projection if not confession. Why do YOU want so much to destroy those who are NOT White Christian people?
Rimjob:Why do you want so much to destroy the class White Christian people?
Link isn’t working. That’s been happening a lot lately. Anybody smell the FBI?
Your good friend is on the left.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Oh, Rodney L!! LOL
Sorry to disappoint Rimjob.
Poor ShitLips aka Rodney La…
ShitLips’ aka Rodney Lan…’s patron can be found here…
Keep trying Rimjob.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Dear H:
Best I can tell there are 14 states that unless their citizens vote with the national majority, they will ignore their citizens votes.
That is not democracy. That is tranny.
And you, like a good little Leftie, want that.
Shame, shame, shame.
BTW, the majority of US citizens, especially Democrats, didn’t want to fight a war over slavery.
Dear Elwood:
I know you didn’t mean to but boy are you ever right.
“A big problem is that we’ve allowed the executive branch to become dominant and Congress has abrogated their duties.”
You can not make the statement that Biden had more votes than Trump until we ascertain if those “votes” are real. As to your other statements about conservatives restricting the vote, we do. We desire that all voters provide identity and only vote once. But your hysteria prevents you from reasonable discussion. That is why we feel any of your statements about the climate hoax are lies.
In fact, it is unlikely that tRump received as many votes as reported based on his unpopularity. Somehow the corrupt Republicans manufactured millions of votes. But your hysteria prevents you from reasonable discussion, which is why we feel your statements about anything are deluded.
Why look at you dowd. You managed to copy david7134’s comment and still debase yourself with pointless lies. Good for you little guy. Gotta keep the lies going or you may have to actually confront your corruption. That would be sad.
The electoral college is most definitely anti-democracy. That is because we are a republic and democracy is one of the worse forms of government.
Are the radical leftists among us still trying to push that election theft denial? How about an audit to prove which of us is right?
Do you commies still believe pedo joe got 81 million votes? LOL LOL