They’ll never let this go
Paradox between warming climate and intense snowstorms, say scientists
There is a complex, counterintuitive relationship between rising global temperatures and the likelihood of increasingly intense snowstorms across Canada.
Winters are becoming on average milder and warmer than they used to be, but there has also been a noted rise across the country in extreme weather events, such as intense snowstorms, said John Clague, a professor of geosciences at Simon Fraser University, in Burnaby, B.C.
People might think it illogical that parts of the country are seeing more snowstorms as the climate warms, he said. “What climate modelers are finding is that climate change involves more frequent extremes.”
“That means during summer, you can have extreme high temperatures, kind of life-threatening high temperatures, such as they’ve experienced in India and Pakistan in recent years. And you also can have, during winter, these extreme cold conditions.”
Yeah, yeah, polar vortex, blah blah blah. Does this mean that winters aren’t as snowy during cold periods? No matter what, the Cult of Climastrology will blame it on mankind’s release of greenhouse gases.
Feltmate said the symphony of winter storms from Vancouver to Toronto and the Maritimes can be attributed to climate change. He used a baseball analogy to illustrate the link between climate change and recent severe weather events — the heat dome, atmospheric rivers, post-tropical storm Fiona, and “mammoth” snowstorms.
“It’s a little bit like saying you have a baseball player who’s gone on steroids. And all of a sudden that baseball player starts to hit five times as many home runs,” Feltmate said.
“You can’t say that any single home run is due to the steroids. But if he or she is hitting five times as many home runs, then you can pretty much say cause and effect is going on between taking the steroids and hitting home runs. With climate change, we have extreme weather on steroids — and the steroids are here to stay.”

The press and the global warming crowd deliberately suppress the fact that ANTARCTICA has had record cold, snow and ice accumulation for decades. Even the last few years, ANTARCTICA cold, snow and ice have hit record numbers.
The number of catastrophic hurricanes and tornadoes has dwindled the last couple of decades.
The oceans have not risen appreciably other than the normal waxing and waning of ice melt and evaporation cycles. If you try to google it, the first few pages will be pro global warming but when you drill down to the more reputable “scientific” sites it says no global warming. Also droughts, cold snaps, and weather extremes are the rule all throughout recorded history. There are records clear back to the 1400’s verifying this fact. One has to dig for this data because the political and globalists agenda has big-tech, the leftist media, et al working at sequestering real facts as the “Brown Shirts” did for Hitler. Most folks don’t even go past the first page and these hyena Globalists at google know this.
Lastly, look up the sun-spot cycle which is an eleven year cycle. The weather patterns on earth are affected profoundly by this cycle.
They try to explain it away with all kinds of mental gymnastics but it doesn’t pass the smell test. Funny one never hears of this, but then again suppression of reality by ideologues is commonplace.
The so-called doomed Great Barrier Reef is thriving and growing.
Wanna see global warming-climate change disappear? Have the government hand out highly profitable grants to anyone who will claim global warming is natural. When global warming was first discussed the federal government issued lucrative grants to all who claimed global warming was real. Those who did not agree were denied lucrative grants.
Bingo! The little known fact that your average leftist “expert” is really an advocate for whoever pays her. Just like their “fact checkers” and “pollsters” are. The left always cooks the books and when that won’t work they just cheat, steal elections, change definitions and censor. That’s why they are comfortable working with the D?????????????M?????????????CRAT party.
It’s easy when you control all the means of communication from K-grad schools, churches, the military and lets not forget the unholy alliance between social and traditional media and assorted government agencies (that’s actually the definition of fascism).
Whatever government subsidizes it controls! Even speech on Facebook or Twitter. Look at the foul stench the FBI and DoJ emits now that they have become the partisan propaganda arm of the D?????????????M?????????????CRAT party.
Friggin crazy climate nutjobs.
Literally EVERYTHING now proves man-made climate change.
If everything proves a theory, then it isn’t much of a theory.
Do these people not understand what science is and how real scientists go about the search for truth?