Most Warmists try and keep this on the down-low, as they do not want to let the average citizen know that one of the goals of the climate cult is for government to fully control the economy. It’s all part of the Modern Socialist agenda. Yet, the peasants never wonder “hey, is this going to mess up my own life?”
Letters to the Editor: Our wealth and consumption are killing the planet. We must rethink capitalism
To the editor: Times reporter Sammy Roth raises an important issue with respect to the role of capitalism in exacerbating the climate crisis.
Changing capitalism will require more time than our climate can afford, thus the profit motive will have to be, for the present, a driving force in any climate solution. However, in the long run our economic systems will have to change.
Having huge mansions and private jets as a measure of status is contradictory to having a sustainable future. The profit motive and economic expansion cannot continue to be the primary drivers of our society if we want to have lasting solutions to maintaining a livable Earth.
Pro-tip, bub: the rich folks will still have all their mansions and jets and yachts and such if you manage to create a government run economy (of course, the letter writer fails to say how he wants to change capitalism). You’ll be left with scraps. The government will tell you what you can buy and when you can buy it, and what line to wait in to buy it. If it doesn’t run out. See Venezuela and Soviet era Russia, among others. Think you’ll be allowed to stream all those videos and movies, travel around to take your selfies and upload them? Think your small business will be open? Only if you allow government to run it.
To the editor: The free market has run amok with greed.
While the full price of a product is being paid, the seller is not telling the buyer what the full price is.
You are not told by the seller of plastic bags that they will eventually choke off all life in the sea. The oil companies are not telling you that you may die of lung disease if you use their product. Elon Musk is not telling you that the lithium he sells in his electric vehicle batteries causes destruction of the environment.
And economists are not telling you that our economy is based on an ever growing population and how that growth is not possible on a finite planet.
So, it’s Elon’s fault? What about the US states that are mandating EVs? That Brandon is trying to push these? That governments are mandating EVs?
To the editor: Roth’s piece illustrates that environmentalism is cut from the same cloth as socialism and communism.
Environmentalism, socialism and communism are all strains of the same virus. The common denominators include hostility to private property, massive propaganda, coercion instead of freedom, austerity instead of prosperity, and vast shortages of the essentials and desirables of life.
Environmentalism is dominated by an elitist class that accuses the struggling productive class of living too well, and wants to cheat the productive class out of having nice things.
Spot on.

You do realize that the obsolescence of lithium ion batteries is already
on the horizon? Likewise cobalt .
Battery technology improves quickly and constantly.
The Nissan Leaf’s range tripped in 10 years. If that happens again the 2033 model year Nissan Leaf will have a range of 750 miles
Killing capitalism. Again. Stupid pampered communists who live in capitalist countries. If they didn’t have capitalism to milk, who do they think will pay their bills?
That’s one of the ways that socialism/marxism survives. Through lazy liberals or people who have nothing but hatred and jealousy in their soul.
It is evil and destroys lives.
Capitalism is what saved this world.
More tax returns… Don Jon claimed the $130,000 hush money paid to his inamorata, Stormy Daniels, as a business expense!!
It would have been wise to NOT claim bribes as business expenses, but DonJon is just that greedy! No wonder he was keeping his returns hidden.
Gee, can’t find that anywhere and if true, so what. I know you are stupid Jeff, but allow deduction must be cleared by your accountant as if he were an agent of the IRS.
I don’t think you’re stupid, but you are ignorant – and worse, you are arrogant about your ignorance.
Sometime clients lie to accountants.
More Twitter files…Monday’s Twitter Files dump is about the government silencing anyone who dared question “the science” surrounding anything to do with the Hong Kong Fluey. . .
. . . We have learned that Twitter wasn’t only used by the FBI and CIA to spy on and silence Americans. It was also used to censor people — many of whom were doctors and medical specialists — who dared to question or disagree with the White House’s version of “science.”
The Biden administration got “very angry” when Twitter execs refused to suspend everyone the White House deemed to be a “problem,” but Twitter did squelch many medical specialists who questioned the official COVID narrative.
The bots and moderators were sometimes unable to distinguish actual CDC information from the medical opinions of dissenters, but the scorched-earth policy of silencing people could and did censor them as well.
Our government is using Twitter — and almost every tech company — to spy on us and to silence us when we question their version of “science.” Stalin would be proud. Dowd IS proud.
Dear H:
You will not only need a better battery, but you also need a better motor.
But the real hold back no one wants to discuss is the power grid. We’ve just seen TVA have to go to rolling blackout because of the cold weather’s demand on capacity. There just isn’t any spare capacity to charge EV’s. And given the promise to shut down generation to wind and solar the grid isn’t going to grow.
Oh. Wait. Solar panels don’t work with snow on them or at night. Plus, Texas showed us last winter that windmill generators can’t stand extreme cold.
As for that 750 miles, you’re just guessing but I hope you’re right.
Why? Because I, and most people like me, aren’t anti EV’s. We just don’t think the government should be involved in it.
Agreed! As part of our policies of deferring infrastructure upkeep, America has neglected the electrical grid.
But a quibble for blaming the Feb 2021 weather catastrophe in Texas on wind and solar: The state has its own electrical grid making it difficult to “import” electricity from the 2 major US grids. They may want to rethink their “Dont’ Mess with Texas!” mentality. That February, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) – a grid operator controlling almost all the state’s electric supply – announced it was experiencing “record-breaking electric demand” and started limiting distribution. The rare winter extreme cold snap in TX caused significant drops in natural gas, coal and wind power, none of which had been adequately winterized by ERCOT. Hundreds died. Houston issued its first ever “wind chill warning.”
Most Texas homes, which rarely see such low temperatures, are poorly insulated and are heated with inefficient electical resistance heat. Wind energy accounts for only 23% of Texas power output; five times more natural gas than wind power was lost in the 2021 catastrophe. Natural gas power generating facilities had equipment freeze up and faced shortages of fuel.
Dear Elwood:
The grid was not neglected. It was purposely not expanded because the environmental wackos wanted dams shut down, no more coal plants, no more nukes, etc., etc. This was despite the fact that power usage was going up every year.
The Texas disaster was caused by the natural gas line pumps failing when subjected to cold as well as the windmill generators freezing up. Failures cascaded. And yes, management failed. Do you think it won’t again???
Texas is a big state with a great deal of it having 4 seasons. Insulation is needed for air conditioning as well has heat. Heat pumps are heavily used.
So you have two problems. You Lefties oppose expanding the grid. You Lefties want to increase electric consumption to charge your EV’s.
And your solution is?????
We should expand and improve the grid infrastructure. As I’ve said.
We need to expand our use of non-CO2 generated electricity (nuclear, solar, wind).
Dear Elwood:
Solar and Wind will never be able to produce enough power to charge millions of EV’s.
Your solution is?
I don’t believe we need better motors for EVs. They’re already very efficient. Batteries are another story. Until they develop a battery with a 300+ mile range that can be recharged in 10 minutes – Like filling a gas tank – EVs will be restricted to cultists and poor slobs forced into the, by government regulation.
Having huge mansions and private jets as a measure of status is contradictory to having a sustainable future. The profit motive and economic expansion cannot continue to be the primary drivers of our society if we want to have lasting solutions to maintaining a livable Earth.
What an absolutely glorious, unimpeachable mandate to destroy the economies of the world and turn them into communists, once again.
Global warming and the fear of death from an unseen building block of life is the reason we should all live in high-rise apartments and shiver in cold misery during the winter and burn up during summers.
AGW….the biggest CON ever perpetrated on the human race. Well except for Trump you know, will scream DOWD and the left.
In general, the advantages of capitalism greatly outweigh the disadvantages. That said, we shouldn’t ignore the negatives associated with unfettered capitalism.
Most of us agree that restricting pollution is a good thing, although decidedly anti-capitalism. It is better for a company to be able to dump its waste rather than contain or neutralize it. In the long run clean air and water benefits society but disadvantages the corporate bottom line.
Do you feel that reducing air and water pollution is part of the global communist plan? The autos in the 50s and 60s emitted lead, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, particulates and volatile organic compounds. Government policies enforced on manufacturers have greatly reduced air pollution. Were these policies communism?
I think, like calling abortion murder, nuCons calling pollution controls communism is propaganda.
Another issue you mention is the increasing disparity in wealth in the US. Billionaires such as Bezos, Gates, tRump, Buffett, Musk, Scott etc are poster boys and girls for American excess with their jets, mansions and spaceships. But the greater problem is the increasingly widening gap in income/wealth between the working and donor classes – the American working class is suffering. Older folks can remember the post-WWII days when a blue-collar worker could support a family with a house, auto, vacation, mom-at-home, kids to college, Blue Cross/Blue Shield – while Americans built houses, universities, power plants, schools, hospitals, interstate highways, bridges, dams, the military, reduced pollution, rebuilt Europe – all with a top marginal tax rate of 90%+.
A highly progressive income tax financed the post-war boom. How can America support our working class today? Find ways to pay them more. Reduce their tax burdens. Healthcare support. Other ideas?
Interestingly enough, I once read a study that claimed that a modern ICE car is cleaner when running than a 50s vintage car shut off.
What “apocalypse”? After searching, did they find one in another computer model?
I wished I owned a private jet so I could really care about climate change, too