Now, just imagine this NY Times article was about Republicans passing legislation that makes sure that the person voting is who they say they are. How would that go? (Free at Yahoo News)
Democrats, Feeling New Strength, Plan to Go on Offense on Voting Rights
For the past two years, Democrats in battleground states have played defense against Republican efforts to curtail voting access and amplify doubts about the legitimacy of the nation’s elections.
Curtail = one person one vote. Might I remind the NY Times about the caterwauling from Democrats over 2000, 2004, and 2016?
Now it is Democrats, who retained all but one of the governor’s offices they hold and won control of state legislatures in Michigan and Minnesota, who are ready to go on offense in 2023. They are putting forward a long list of proposals that include creating automatic voter registration systems, preregistering teenagers to vote before they turn 18, returning the franchise to felons released from prison and criminalizing election misinformation.
Criminalizing? I’d like to read more about that. Surely the Times’ reporter will ask questions on that, right?
Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a fellow Democrat, said that while her office worked to carry out the election changes approved by voters, she would like to see sweeping new rules and penalties for disseminating and amplifying misinformation that interferes with voting — things such as flyers or mailers with the wrong dates for an election or deceptive language on petitions that are gathered for proposed ballot amendments.
“The greatest threats to our democracy right now continue to be the intentional spread of misinformation and the threats and harassment of election officials that emerge from those efforts,” Benson said. “We owe it to voters on all sides to ensure we are seeking accountability for anyone who would intentionally try to essentially block someone from voting through misinformation.”
Benson said she believed the measures she was seeking would withstand any challenges on First Amendment grounds.
So, if I make a joke about election day being on a Wednesday, that’s not just room for being permanently suspended from Twitter, but, being prosecuted for a crime? Deceptive language has always been a part of politicalspeak, including petitions, mailers, etc. You can bet that prosecutions will only go one way. And what else will they try and do? I doubt this survives lawsuits. But, this is what Democrats do: attempt to stifle Wrongthink, even criminalize it.
It’s a long piece, with all sorts of attempts by Democrats to make it easier to vote, some of which aren’t bad, such as
And in Oregon, the first state in recent years to institute a host of methods to expand voting access, including universal vote-by-mail, Tina Kotek, the governor-elect, said she would aim to enact limits on campaign contributions from people and corporations. Nike founder Phil Knight spent millions in an effort to defeat her.
I’m all for enacting monetary limits. I’d like to see donations from outside of the state blocked to virtually nothing. Why should other states have a say? And then there’s bad
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said at the recent governors’ gathering that she was considering backing automatic registration and making it easier for out-of-state students attending Michigan universities to register to vote. (Republicans in some states have sought to make it harder for out-of-state college students, who tend to lean Democratic, to vote, arguing that they should cast ballots in their home states.) (snip)
In Pennsylvania, Shapiro has rare powers to appoint the top election official, in contrast to most other states, where elections are run by other elected officials or appointed boards.
He pledged to pick someone “pro-democracy” and said he was optimistic that Republicans would agree to change the state’s law that forbids the processing of absentee ballots and early votes before Election Day.
Students should vote in the state where their license says they live. That used to be common sense. The Pa. law forbids vote by mail expect in very specific cases, even though Dem leaning judges have allowed it. Of course Democrats want to legalize it and expand it. It makes cheating easier, just like voter ID makes cheating harder.

So maybe they criminalize “Medical misinformation” at the same time”
Some red states had per Capita death rates 300% higher than some blue states
Bob, neither Ivermectin not hydroclorquine were effective. People who trusted in them died
Studies estimated that about 3x more Trump supporters died
???? No this was not a democratic conspiracy, it was red state stupidity
There are no red states or blue states when it comes to death. A so called Red state is just a state with a temporary 51% or more dominance of republican voters. I’m sure plenty of democratic voters in “red states” caught COVID and died too. No one puts political affiliation on death certificates so the premise that there could be such data is a lie. You are just repeating something you read on the internet.
Sadly Professor, he has been repeating that propaganda for a year now. He has now awareness of anything other than what he’s told. He fails to realize that just because a state is red does not mean it’s citizens are. Not even a majority. Take PA for example. Three cities, Philly, Pittsburgh and Harrisburg make the state blue everything else would be red by his reasoning (?).
If the vaccine actually worked as advertised every person vaxed would be protected and unable to pass it on. Therefore all the unvaxxed could do is be infected themselves and why would a demonstrable monster like H care if they did?
Since now it seems 90% of those infected have been vaxxed multiple times the point is moot. But H and the rest of the cabal lied to us for three years and still deny the facts of the flu. Still lyin’ even after everything was revealed by the CDC and substantiated by the Twitter Files. They just can’t speak the truth.
As much as I hate to intervene in your whipping of Hairy, I just have to point out that in 12/20 the CDC/FDA pointed out that the vaccines had an efficacy of around 90%, which meant their non-controlled effectiveness would be less.
That is, it could be expected that around 10% of those vaccinated would not be protected.
It was also pointed out that the length of protection was not known.
This didn’t fit the media’s ability to reduce everything to a two-minute spot and the Leftie’s were “concerned” that if the facts were known people would be less likely to get vaccinated.
After all, they knew better than “regular” citizens. (Sarcasm alert)
As the pool of vaccinated people increased, the number of failures increased along with the expected end of protection of the vaccine. So, the number of cases of vaccinated people who became infected increased.
As this became clear the health care experts should have been pointing out that this normal and that at the least symptoms and hospitalizations were reduced.
Instead, they doubled down with mandates and closures and lost all credibility.
Now please give Hairy an extra slap for me. He does so deserve it.
Carbon Boy, wrong again. The link doesn’t work, but Ivermectin does. 63 trials, 613 scientists, 26,398 patients. 31 randomized controlled trials.
86% improvement in 14 prophylaxis trials
69% improvement in 27 early treatment trials
40% improvement in late treatment trials
58% improvement in 25 mortality results
60% improvement in 31 randomized controlled trails
Jill, Who is responsible for the website? Let us know if you find out.
The very first “mortality” citation shows 85% improvement!!
Carvallo et al. 1/32 treated died, 3/32 untreated died.
Lopez-Me et al found 67% improvement!! 0/200 treated died. 1/198 untreated died.
Adding together multiple poorly designed studies, not randomized, not blinded, often conducted to find a positive effect is not helpful. Meta analyses that look at only randomized, blinded, sizable, intentioned studies find no significant difference.
People always want to find miracle cures… Zn, melatonin, probiotics, ivermectin, Vit D, distilled water, cannabidiol, curcumin, sleep etc. Who is responsible for the website? Let us know if you find out.
Probably the FBI. The democommies have them into everything.
J-you want more proof with other studies? Go to Google Scholar and type in American Journal of Therapeutics. Scroll down to the Ivermectin study.
Conclusions: “moderate certainty evidence finds that large reductions in Covid-19 deaths are possible using Ivermectin. Using Ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease”.
You’re welcome.
The American Jounal of Therapeutics has dozens of ivermectin studies.
There was this one from 2022.
Did you notice that most of the meta-analyses involved the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, those docs who pushed hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin from the get-go? The early meta-analyses included the Elgazzar (2020) study which showed the greatest positive effect – a study that was subsequently withdrawn for alleged fraud.
It is like this, the government has never interfered in the doctor/ patient relation. If a doctor felt a drug help and there are not serious side effects, then the state has no business criminalizing the treatment. A good study involving these drugs has not been done. Oh, and there are millions of studies promoting the benefits of cholesterol lowering drugs, but lowering the cholesterol does little to CV disease, Jupiter trial.
Jeff loves to quote meta analyses studies. Anyone in medicine is aware that these types of papers are worthless. If someone like Jeff quotes them, you know he is not very smart.
Teach is super-excited about vote cheating, yet there’s little of it. We would think that decent Americans would want MORE Americans to vote, not fewer.
But we DO have to be careful about criminalizing lies and disinformation. Should it be a crime if Teach “jokes” that election day has been moved from Tuesday to Wednesday? Of course not. Should he be identified as a ratfucker? Of course. Can a private company like twitter or facebook ban him for ratfucking? Of course.
Teach’s suggestion that college students should only vote at home is OK as long as he supports easy and available vote-by-mail. His objective is to reduce the number of college age voters since they tend to vote for Democrats.
For whatever reason Republicans want fewer voters and would eliminate all vestiges of democracy if they could. Probably, they recognize that their movement represents a minority of Americans, mostly white, Christian, ‘straight-ish’, conservative, and feel attacked by diversity.
Perhaps you could come up with proof of your baseless assertions..
That’ll never happen JL. He just tosses that hateful crap hoping it sticks on us. Our nation was NEVER A DEMOCRACY. Deliberately! Democracy is a deplorable form of government that basically means “thug rule”. Minorities ALWAYS run a country mostly because the majority are dumbasses. Look at Elwood and his minions. I’m a black inner city guy and I ain’t that dumb.
Elwood hails from a long line of oppressive Americans (in name only). Slavers, KKKers, lynchers, Jim Crow guys, separate buy equal clowns, ghetto builders, election cheats and activists and grifters. His current party supports the same policies as the communist party and they ally themselves with racists like the BLM and NAACP/ACLU.
They support psychotic sex proclivities ans illegal child abuse. They are thieves and liars. Just look at all the big shots like Sam whatshisname FTX, The Clinton and biden crime families, the Madoffs, Epstein’s, Hunter and all. The inmates now control the prison. They hate us and want to kill us.
We have a democratic Republic or a Representative Democracy. No disrespect, but to argue that the US is not a democracy is stupid. We clearly do not directly vote on every issue, but the president and VP are the only offices NOT democratically elected. We can revamp the House every 2 years and the WH every 4.
Anyway, get some rest, you seem especially agitated and angry.
I can assure you your life and liberty are more threatened by your so-called white, christian nationalist friends than by me.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Teach is super-excited about vote cheating, yet there’s little of it. We would think that decent Americans would want MORE Americans to vote, not fewer.
It does not matter how much there is , it steals someone’s vote! If you want to tolerate cheating just say so. How much is too much dowd? That’s the problem with you people: no morals=no limits. Commies have shown they have no morals.
Anyway, I think Teach is more concerned with election stealing than vote cheating. Either way you demofascists have a corner on the market.
The FBI reportedly paid Twitter $3.5 million dollars as compensation for staff fielding the agency’s requests between October 2019 and February 2021, as was revealed during Elon Musk’s ongoing “Twitter Files” series which leaked information showing Twitter’s hand in suppressing users. The files also revealed that the FBI had close relations with Twitter staff and was involved in the suppression of the New York Post article regarding Hunter Biden’s laptop ahead of the 2020 election.
Yet no dowd dare call it treason!
Would it be worth disenfranchising 1000 to find 1 fraudulent vote?
Out of 150,000,000 votes only a few votes are suspicious.
Amoral RepubliFascists like you accuse others of stealing elections, but with no evidence whatsoever.
As a dumbness you really have trouble with concepts. Conservatives desire that only citizens vote and they vote once and they have proof of who they are.
Amoral RepubliFascists like you accuse others of stealing elections, but with no evidence whatsoever.
There is nothing amoral about wanting free and fair elections. There is nothing amoral about demanding an audit when millions of voters believe they were disenfranchised. There is a lot immoral about refusing to thoroughly investigate and audit n obviously crooked election. That’s all we asked. Instead we were called “insurrectionists”. We learned decades ago when you leftists call us something you are usually doing it. Looks like your treason paid off….we have a pedo rapist for a senile pres.
The insurrectionists were then-President Donald J. Trump, the lawyers and Republican officials who supported his treason and the poor saps who trusted and believed him.
IF YOU feel that Trump was justified in trying to illegally overturn the election by enlisting “fake electors”, get the election “thrown” to the House, attempting to get VP Pence to not certify the vote, and inciting the Jan 6 mob to attack Congress “coincidentally” as they were certifying the vote, then you just might be an insurrectionist (h/t to Jeff Foxworthy).
But I shouldn’t make light of treason. This was a serious, albeit clumsy attempt by tRump and his henchmen to stay in power after being defeated bigly in the election. Scores of his Jan 6 foot soldiers either pled guilty or were convicted. It’s now likely that tRump himself will be indicted.
Dear Elwood:
The problem is simple. We don’t want the government telling the various social media and others what they should or shouldn’t publish.
That is censorship.
As for mail in voting and ballot harvesting… see 2000 Mules.
Should everyone vote?
If they meet the rules, yes.
I saw 2000 Mules. Just a bunch of unsubstantiated muleshit.
The government must not dictate what private businesses publish, which would be censorship.
Can a campaign ask them to not publish something? Sure. Can a candidate pay someone to keep quiet? Yes. Can a foreign agent publish campaign crap on a social media platform? Yep.
Every eligible voter should vote!
Every eligible voter should vote!
But every person should not be eligible. And being eligible does not require me to give up my vote security.
Once again you prove with your stupid “I saw 2000 Mules. Just a bunch of unsubstantiated muleshit.” comment that you don’t care about the truth or the facts, just winning. And no one here believes a partisan like you would even take the time to see 2000 Mules so cut the crap.
Image: Stacks of ballots in 2016 all addressed to people living in one elderly person’s apartment.
You’re a liar. So’s your corrupt junta.
Reading some of the crap you put in your comments amazes me. Rather than consider the inquiries and concerns of fellow citizens about voting and election fraud (which even a moron knows occurs and almost all one-sided) you just dismiss it all with a wave of your hand. Very Soviet of you.
Anyway, see if you can force yourself to read this 2 minute article and just think about it. Actually I doubt you have the mental discipline to do so but try.
Read it and have heard it all before. What’s lacking is any evidence that there is voter or election fraud.
We believe that you really feel that election results you don’t like are fraudulent. You call anyone who disagrees with your assessment a “moron”, LOL. Fortunately for you the GOP will run the House in just a few days and can conduct a massive investigation of the Democratic election crimes. We look forward to it!!
But if Democrats in every state are so effectively cheating why do they ever lose?
We fully understand how frustrating losing is. Your feelings must be further complicated by the revelation after revelation that your Leader tRump has feet of clay. These are trying times for your “team”.
Do you really/actually believe/feel that tRump won the 2020 election?
The distinguished Mr Dowd wrote:
No, we wouldn’t think that at all. We want intelligent Americans to vote, we want self-supporting Americans to vote, we want law-abiding Americans to vote.
Democrats? Mostly too stupid. Welfare recipients? They’d just be voting for more welfare. Convicted criminals? They’d just be voting for fewer police and less law enforcement, because it makes their ‘professions’ easier.
If I have to pay taxes to support someone else, why should that someone else have influence on government to demand that I pay more taxes to support his lazy ass?
A person from Lexington KY wants only those that agree with ‘them’ to vote. All Americans, including the KY person receive government welfare.
This person has also expressed the “thought” that America was a better place before women, blacks and people without property could vote.
If enough American who “think” this way are able to snatch power would they attempt to put their “thoughts” into action? That’s rhetorical.
America is chock-a-block with Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, disability recipients who we supported and continue to support with our federal taxes! And these lazy-ass people vote! Many of them live in “taker” states like KY, AL, LA, AR, MS, MO, OK etc.
If we have to pay taxes to support someone else, why should that someone else have influence on government to demand that we pay more taxes to support their lazy ass? Fortunately, great Americans like multi-billionaire Don Jon tRump pay taxes (he paid $0 in 2020) to support people like those in KY.
Some guy from St Louis wrote:
We’ve had absentee voting for as long as I’ve been alive, so that part is answered.
However, the notion that they should vote only in their hometowns is problematic, because while it would reduce the number of Democratic votes in cities, it would increase the number in some of our smaller towns and rural areas, possibly tipping more local races toward the Democrats. The concentration of votes for Democrats in fewer, more compact urban areas is a good thing.
Some person (man?, woman? – we need a karyotype to be convinced) continually expresses their desire to reduce the impact of votes for Democrats.
We’re surprised they don’t support our idea to count urban votes at 3/5th of a vote.
We’re doubly surprised they didn’t propose it.
We also suggested a state level Electoral College-ish system where each County was accorded one vote, meaning Jefferson County KY would have 1 vote as would Harlan County KY. Since election law is devised at the state level, a state legislature could do this! This would have tRump winning KY 118-2 (98%-2%) over President Biden (63%-37% by individual vote)!
This would matter little in a backward, taker state like KY (except in gubernatorial elections) but in more normal states like Pennsylvania it would guarantee rural dominance forever! Even one person-one vote states like NY and CA, previously dominated by voters, would now see the reemergence of rural values! One acre! One vote!
Wouldn’t my plan make America great again?
The doctor of diversity wrote:
When voting was restricted to white, male property owners, we had Presidents like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. The property-ownership restrictions were mostly gone by the time that Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln were elected. When everyone could vote, we wound up with Presidents like Jimmy Carter, Barack Hussein Obama and Joe Biden. Clearly, the earlier methods produced better government.

So, what do we have today? We have a ‘diverse’ government in which an Assistant Secretary for Health does not even know what sex he is, where a ‘non-binary, gender-fluid’ psychotic was responsible to the management of nuclear waste disposal, and where (purported) Catholics not only support prenatal infanticide, but wanted to use government power to force those who were pro-life to provide prenatal infanticide services anyway. We have a government which wants to not only tolerate the people who don’t know what sex they are, or what normal sexuality is, but wants to use the public schools to push children in those directions.
We’ve gone from a nation which could mobilize nine million men to fight and defend our nation and the other democracies to one in which there aren’t enough non-pantywaists to conquer Iraq and Afghanistan.
We have gone from a nation of mostly law-abiding people to one in which your own hometown, which is not majority black, has produced these kinds of homicide numbers, which has, in effect, normalized shootings and violence and crime, and no one is even willing to talk about it honestly, because they’ll be attacked as raaaaacists.
By any sensible measure, we are weaker and worse off.
But Dana, we’ve become exactly the type of “America” Elwood wants. A self hating junta. He thinks everyone should vote. Of course he does because everyone includes every moron, insane, criminal, minor and illegal alien the left can phony up. IOW, clowns like the ones you listed and even more can get elected because the electorate are idiots.
Everything Elwood supports from perverts teaching grade schools to killing prenatal humans is based on POWER for his commie party. Let’s just ask: If illegals voted R would our borders be open? If trannies voted R would he support 100 genders? If felons weren’t mostly dem would he support them voting?
I also love how he berates people from garnering the money the feds dole out. He fails to realize it’s OUR MONEy we are just trying to get some back.
L’Roy and CarolAnn,
Speaking of self-loathing…
Mr Dana states that Black men and all women voting has been bad for America.
Do you agree?
Good troll job.
Anyone voting Democrat has harmed our country.
Mr KY typed: When voting was restricted to white, male property owners, we had Presidents like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.
True!! But we’re surprised that Mr KY failed to mention that part of the property owned by these men included other human beings!
Now we’ve had Presidents like George Bush, Barack Obama, Donnie tRump and Joseph Biden! Who would white, male property owners have given us? Certainly not any Dems and certainly not squishes like Bush, McCain or Romney, LOL. What tough, white males would they have elected instead (nu-tRump was a given for 2016, 2020 and beyond)?
It’s clearly a gedankenexperiment but give some thought to how America would have been different if only white, male property owners had been allowed to vote over the past couple centuries.
It’s easy (fun too!) to imagine what America would have been like by attributing all subsequent events to have resulted from one event. For example, since October 11, 1905, America has experienced the 16th through 27th Amendments, WWI and WWII, the Great Depression, the development of atomic bombs, the New Deal, the Vietnam War, man in space, air and water pollution, global warming, race riots, suburban sprawl, crime, the Great Society, Roe v Wade, 9/11, cell phones, facebook, Iraq and Afghanistan wars, Presidents Obama and tRump, Amazon … all after what happened in the Bronx on October 11, 1905.
What happened in the Bronx on October 11, 1905? Sounds like we went to shit.
Agreed. Frederick Christ Trump was born.
Good one-“did you notice most of the analysis involved the Critical Care Alliance, those docs that pushed Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin fro the get go?” Did you notice that most of the “studies” done on the COVID vaccine were done by the pharmaceutical companies, the ones selling the vaccines?
Good one. The US FDA approved the vaccines for Covid, but not so much for ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for Covid. Did you notice most of the “studies” done on ivermectin were inadequate?
But then rightists don’t trust any government, corporation or doctor.
Sorry-if “most of the analysis of Ivermectin being done were by those docs pushing for them”, and that created a possible conflict of interest, then obviously the drug companies doing testing on drugs they were selling is the same. Can’t have it both ways.
And studies being done by those pushing for them doesn’t necessarily taint the studies, and that’s true for both sides.
Anyway, “most of the analysis” obviously means some weren’t done by those advocating for them, and some of those studies definitely showed Ivermectin as working.
It doesn’t matter Jl. As we discovered with the election fraud debacle Elwood doesn’t give a rats ass about evidence, only power.
But I DO give a rat’s ass about evidence, which is why I ask that you supply evidence to support your “arguments”, such as they are.
A claim, regardless of how many times you repeat it, is not evidence.
“Everybody knows”, besides being untrue, is not evidence.
We all have been printing, copying and linking evidence here for over a year. You just ignore it. We can’t make you consider the truth, only present it.
Funny-you want evidence? Then where’s the evidence for “Republicans want fewer voters and would remove all vestiges of Democracy if they could”? Good luck
Donald J. Trump, colluding with Russian intelligence, stole the 2016 election.
Also, Jill typed: where’s the evidence for “Republicans want fewer voters and would remove all vestiges of Democracy if they could”?
Please read the comments at The Pirates Cove.
Please look at what Republicans are doing state by state.
Elwood P. Dowd says:
December 29, 2022 at 12:20 am
Agreed. Frederick Christ Trump was born.
So everything that happened after that was his fault? You are truly a deranged leftist.
Lucifer Gonad Brandon,
Mr Dana averred that allowing anyone other than white, male, property owners to vote led to all the problems in America today.
I’m suggesting that the birth of Frederick Christ Trump led to all the problems in the 20th and 21st century.
We understand that you feel 2+2=3, but which hypothesis is crazier?
Nazi boy pedo putz,