The most amazing thing here is that it’s actually necessary in the 21st Century for general assemblies to define what we all know and what science says
States aim to define sex, restrict care in new wave of LGBTQ bills
These are actual women
Republican-controlled statehouses passed a record number of restrictions on transgender people in 2022 — from sports to health care — and conservatives aren’t slowing down.
Take South Carolina, where the Legislature may try out a new tactic next year: defining what it means to be a woman. Other conservative states may follow.
State Sen. Danny Verdin, a Republican, filed a joint resolution this month that would amend the South Carolina Constitution to establish that male and female be defined “in the context of reproductive potential… without regard to an individual’s psychological, chosen or subjective experience of gender.”
The people against this constantly tell us we must believe all women, that we must respect them, take care of them, give them opportunity, then turn around and say that men with mental illness and dangly bits are women who can take everything that real, biological women have worked for. Anyway, Verdin is looking to get this on the 2024 ballot as an amendment. Can it pass in South Carolina? Most likely, and you could see this on many ballots in Republican leaning states.
On Capitol Hill, the Republican resolution was designed to thwart the Biden administration’s efforts to codify protections for transgender students by defining “sex” in federal law as the one a person is assigned to at birth. That measure, sponsored by Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-Ariz.), isn’t likely to get attention in the Senate, but at least six states have already queued up bills focused on LGBTQ restrictions for their 2023 legislative sessions, with others held over from the last cycle or still expected to be officially filed.
Why have Democrats jumped on the bandwagon of mainstreaming mental illness and taking things away from real women? What’s the endgame? Or, is it a case of “that looks cool, let’s back it”?
“This trend of trying to define what gender and sex is is not a new one. What’s new now is that they’re trying to push it in a legal sense,” said Devon Ojeda, senior national organizer at the National Center for Transgender Equality.
The center has been working to organize transgender advocates against these bills and is also focusing its efforts on school boards and medical boards where similar resolutions could be introduced.
“These women’s rights bills are not about women’s rights,” Ojeda said. “People define women in different ways, and I think it will go beyond just excluding trans people. This hurts everybody because everybody deserves access to gender-affirming care. Everybody deserves to get to shape their identity.”
There would be no need to define it if Democrats weren’t batshit insane
Beyond defining gender, there are signs that GOP lawmakers in Missouri and Indiana want to follow Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis’ lead with copycat bills of Florida’s “Parental Rights in Education” law, a measure dubbed “don’t say gay” by its critics. The law bars educators from leading conversations in public school classrooms about gender and sexuality for children in kindergarten through 3rd grade.
Other conservative fronts include banning books that discuss LGBTQ themes, as well as race or religion, and banning public drag shows.
Kids do not need to be exposed to what is essentially pornography. They shouldn’t be exposed to heterosexual porn in schools, either
Minors cannot enter strip clubs, they cannot purchase “dirty” magazines. Why are they allowed at these drag shows, which expose them to adult sexual situations? They shouldn’t be, and, by law, aren’t. If adults want to go to this stuff, have it. Let the kids be kids.

Republican incels are obsessed about the sex they are not having
Well, it’s about time the anal majority loses its ignorance and hate and accepts all brothers and sisters regardless of differences.
Our distinguished host asked:
When it comes to the ‘progressives,” they are required to take the furthest left position on everything, or they will be labeled as fascists.
The woke hate them some TERFs, trans exclusionary radical feminists, people very much on the left, but those who just don’t accept the cockamamie notion that girls can be boys and boys can be girls. J K Rowling drew tremendous praise from the left when she told us, many years after the books were written, and with nothing in them which indicated so, that Albus Dumbledore was homosexual. But then, shockingly enough, she expressed the opinion that no, ‘trans women’ aren’t actually women, and it was like the gates of Hell opened against her.