It’s a nice gig if you can get it, and you do not really even have to do anything for the citizens who are paying your salary
Nancy Pelosi boosts maximum pay for House staff to $212,000 as she ends speakership
Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Friday issued a new directive raising the maximum rate that lawmakers can pay House staff to $212,100 annually — $38,000 more than what members of Congress make.
The move comes after Pelosi already issued a directive earlier this year raising the maximum pay staffers can make from $199,300 to $203,700. At the time, Pelosi also instituted a minimum salary level of $45,000 for House staff.
The move was seen as precedent-breaking since for decades there were no official House rules governing staffer pay. Instead, House offices were free to negotiate staff pay individually. (snip)
The new salary cap means that senior staffers can make more annually than the lawmakers who serve as their employees. Both House and Senate lawmakers are paid $174,000 annually.
And what, exactly, are We The People getting out of these exorbitant salaries?
Overall, Issue One found one out of eight congressional offices were not paying wages that are comparable to the cost of living in Washington, D.C. The report estimated that there were roughly 1,200 congressional staffers making less than $42,610 annually.
Well, hey, that’s their problem. They took the job knowing the salary and the cost of living in the Democratic Party run city of D.C. And, come on, you can’t tell me they aren’t getting all sorts of massive government perks, not too mention all the insider trading tips.

Teach are you unhappy/disappointed at your current job and maybe wish that you had instead chosen to work as a staffer for some conservative Congressperson? Higher pay, proximity to the vibrant night/social life afforded by the proximity iof Georgetown ? Is this middle-aged/gen X angst for an alternative life ? A workplace renewed each year with hot interns in their 20s like on TV ?
It’s interesting that conservative/Republican elites all live in horrid cities run by liberal Democrats! Why not live with and employ “their” people? Seems almost as hypocritical as a connie accepting government assistance!
DC (Repubs, Daily Caller, Examiner), Florida Gold Coast (tRump, Newsmax), NYC (FOX News, Epoch Times, The Blaze, NYPost), Raleigh NC (Teach), Long Island NY (Sean), St Louis MO (Gateway Pudendum), Nashville (Daily Wire), Austin (Infowars), LA (Breitbart), Lexington KY (Mr Dana).
Why in Democratically run cesspools and not in small town, white Christian, patriotic America? There’s no reason that Jim Hoft couldn’t run Gateway out of Poplar Bluff MO (pop 16,000). Breitbart operations could work out of Alturas CA in Modoc County (72% tRump in 2020) instead of LA. And Alex Jones in Austin (perhaps America’s most liberal city)!!!
Connies HATE big American cities, yet winger influencers, thought leaders and key provocateurs prefer the luxury of urbanity!!
It’s not her money so why would Nanzi give a shit?

Bwaha! Lolgf
Dear Elwood:
Why do they live where they do?
Why do reporters go to fires???