…is horrible heatsnow that will soon disappear forever, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Geller Report, with a post on a boxing organization introducing a gender confused category for 2023.

…is horrible heatsnow that will soon disappear forever, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Geller Report, with a post on a boxing organization introducing a gender confused category for 2023.
Married to a Mexican

Bwaha! Lolgf
Trump has a great idea. Unless the GOP backs him all the way, he’ll run as a third party candidate.
That could be the beginning of a true far-right party. A party that goes scorched Earth on abortion finally, redefines marriage to comport with the Bible, that eliminates Social Security, Medicare, SNAP, Medicaid. Builds that wall! Ends EPA, NASA, IRS, FBI, CIA, SEC, FDA, NIH, Labor, State, Education, Energy, HHS, all wars. Repeal the 16th Amendment, institute a flat tax. Enact a balanced budget amendment.
Is he black?

Bwaha! Lolgf
The S&P 500 tanked 20% on the year as stocks had their worst year in 14 years.
Inflation was a 40-year high of 7.1%.

Bwaha! Lolgf

Bwaha! Lolgf
That’s because unlike the democommies Trump because of Patriotic love for America not to ingratiate himself, build a huge portfolio or have sexual dalliance’s with Chinese communist spys.
Trump “reported” losing money in 2015 ($32 million loss), 2016 ($32 million loss), 2017 ($13 million loss) and 2000 ($5 million loss). He “reported” gains in 2018 ($24 million) and 2019 ($4 million). The Teflon Don requested a $5 million refund for 2020 for overpayment of taxes from earlier years, LOL.
So, if he lost money being President, how did he “make” $24 million in 2018 and “lose” $32 million in 2015?
Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump made between $172 million and $640 million during daddy’s reign.
Ivanka got millions from her ownership in the Trump’s DC hotel which famously was used to entertain foreign dignitaries courting Trump favor. Jared borrows money, buys properties and sells them for a big profit. The Saudis invested $2 BILLION in Jared’s company while guaranteeing Jared with an annual $25 million management fee.
Does the nuGOP House plan to investigate Jared’s billion dollar deal with the Saudis, LOL, or will they be too busy with Hunter Biden’s dick pictures?
Apparently tubby little Rimjob doesn’t quite understand accounting or economics.

Bwaha! Lolgf
You took your corporation from $60 per share down to $1.50. My opinion is that most of that can be attributed to your fat ass decisions and hanging around blogs all the time. Don’t you feel any concern for the pensions of hard working Americans that trusted in you?
This Dowd post simplifies the narrative of the left in a nutshell. No one bothers to look for the truth anymore. They just simply believe something and look for ways to make that true.
That goes for both sides by the way. It is why most people in this country could care less about politics. Who cares if Trump and his millionaire kids circle the drain? Who cares if Biden is a bed-wetting, dementia-ridden leader who spent his entire life getting rich from the pockets of special interest groups?
It is all a game played by the powerful and the wealthy using the little man like You guys right here to fight their battles for them while they jet set around the world in exorbitant luxury and use the 3 letter agencies to keep all you shit for brains in line. That includes me by the way so I am not trashing any of you anymore than I am myself.
I just refuse to let them define me or change me.
that is all.
The zero-sum Mr Dowd wrote:
He lost money being President because he lost money two of the four years he was in office. It does not necessarily mean that he lost money over the four years.
Good heavens! He overpaid taxes and requested a refund! You write as though such a thing is unprecedented, when millions of people wind up having to do so.
Hey, at least the Saudis were investing money with someone who had a record of making money; the Ukrainians invested money in a drug-addicted vice president’s son.
The Senate, sadly enough, is controlled by the Democrats, so that body might waste their time doing so.
One wonders: when Donald Trump finally passes away, dying peacefully in his sleep at Mar-a-Lago, never having seen a single day inside jail, will the left finally give up their Trump Derangement Syndrome, or will it continue to fester?
In hind sight, this is paying off nicely for Zaleski.
Sure. Just like they impeached him after he was already leaving office.
You are stupid, full of shit and a liar.
Have you settled your malpractice suits yet?
What suits? You see, we know all about you thanks to your stupidity in doxing yourself, you don’t have a clue about the rest of us.
Frankly, David P, you and Skeeter are just not that interesting.