It’s a term that is actually embedded in federal law
NC State broadcaster Gary Hahn suspended indefinitely, officials say
North Carolina State University radio broadcaster Gary Hahn has been suspended indefinitely after making a degrading comment while announcing a bowl game score on Friday, CBS 17 has learned.
Hahn, an employee of broadcast company LEARFIELD Communications and the Play-by-Play announcer for Wolfpack Sports Network, referenced “illegal aliens” in Texas while announcing an out-of-town score during Duke’s Mayo Bowl. (snip)
CBS 17 has reached out to multiple N.C. State and LEARFIELD officials for confirmation on Hahn’s exact statement, that has been reported to have been made in reference to the Sun Bowl between UCLA and the University of Pittsburgh in El Paso, Texas.
“Several social media users reported hearing Hahn say ‘down among all the illegal aliens in El Paso it’s UCLA leading Pitt’ while giving the score of the Sun Bowl,” The News & Observer reported.
Hahn was recognized as the state’s Sportscaster of the Year in 2011 and 2020 and has been calling Wolfpack football, as well as men’s basketball, since 1991.
On one hand, why is he even bringing up illegal aliens while broadcasting a sporting event and reading out scores? On the other, it was very relevant in Texas, considering, as the News and Observer notes
The Sun Bowl canceled its annual fan fest last week because the city’s convention center is being used to house migrants awaiting immigration decisions, making El Paso a hot-button topic for political commentary.
El Paso is rather over-run with illegals at the moment. Back to the first hand: it wasn’t necessary, but, people say things that come to their brains that they should have skipped all the time, even professionals. Then, on the third hand, how often were we treated to planned and unplanned diatribes from sportscasters on major, national broadcasts on things like taking away our 2nd Amendment Right? You had wacky ESPN personalities like Jemele Hill yammering on and on about her abortion, supporting abortion, black supremacy, and other hardcore political issues. You had a planned Beyonce concert at Super Bowl 50 pimping police hatred and black supremacy. Broadcasters and players telling people to Comply with COVID lockdown/masking. The list goes on and on.
But, yeah, Hahn should have left that alone. He’ll be back on the air soon, I bet.

Teach apparently believes it is better for migrants to receive “welfare” here while awaiting their day in Immigration court than be allowed to work.
Abortion? Teach is back with that one? It was a major reason the GOP could not best a weak Dem nominee. In 2024 the Dems will again trick the GOP into running in that one, or risk losing their base who consider abortion to be murder regardless of the age of the fetus.
Let’s Go Donny!!
Trump 2024 and Ivanka 2028!!
Stop the Murders Now!!
Actually, our distinguished host believes that it is better for the illegals to be kept south of the border, to remain in Mexico while awaiting their immigration hearings.
Why did he say it?
Because it was the truth and he wanted to?
Private employer LEARFIELD Communications LLC may have calculated that Mr Hahn’s slur could negatively impact their business. Perhaps Mr Hahn felt the slur would be well-received in outstate NC.
Teach seems especially concerned that private companies with a public presence don’t abide by his ideals, but companies are forced by circumstance to make these determinations daily. Calling humans illegal aliens is OK, while mentioning abortion or his 2nd Amendment right to an AR-15, is not.
Thanks Rimjob for clearing that up.¤tIndex=1&linkUrlVersion=V1

Bwaha! Lolgf
Porter Good at
Private companies operating off of licenses from the public taxpayers should not offend those who own those licenses. In a just world we would tear the company down, hang the BoD and confiscate their property for defrauding the people.
White lives matter too mother fucker.
So, you want the government to regulate what broadcasters can and can’t say, because you may be offended.
And you would hang the Board of Directors and confiscate the property of any business that offends you? That would be funny is you weren’t such a violent Nazi PoS.
This is why Americans need to outvote Nazis like you.
Not ONLY white lives metter, mother fucker.
Don’t you have another teenager to rape today?
Dear Elwood:
The issue is simple. Calling an alien
….a foreigner, especially one who is not a naturalized citizen of the country where they are living……
…..contrary to or forbidden by law, especially criminal law….
is factual.
That you, and the Left who seek to change the meaning, merely points out what liars and America haters you are.
Mr/Miss Lewis,
That you like to piss all over people who are already down, merely points out what a liar and America hater you are.
So, Joseph and Mary WERE illegal aliens who carried baby Jesus to Egypt. To your knowledge did Egypt have a DACA program then? So, Jesus WAS an illegal alien. Thank Allah that Egypt didn’t deport Jesus back to Herod’s cruelty.
But since Jesus was an illegal alien, if you agree to call Jesus a criminal illegal alien, I’ll agree that families fleeing Venezuela are illegal aliens. Fair enough?
Another unforced error by Rimjob, the tubby theologian.¤tIndex=1&linkUrlVersion=V1
Bwaha! Lolgf
Porter Good’s lap-poodle, ShitLips (Rodney L), once again misfires badly.
Some silliness from St Louis:
You have assumed that Egypt had an immigration law at the time; can you cite a source for that?
From 1607 to 1921, the majority of our history — with a 1880s exception aimed at Chinese laborers — the United States had no immigration laws; people who wanted to come here, could. They were not illegal immigrants, and no DACA program existed, because we wanted immigrants.
It was the early 1920s in which Congress passed our first comprehensive immigration laws, at which point it was possible to be an illegal immigrant in the United States. That’s the part about being an illegal immigrant: there has to be an actual law being broken, and you have yet to tell us what immigration law of Egypt was broken.
Dear Elwood:
You can call me any name but not late for supper.
Of course, most intelligent people would assume that James H Lewis denotes a male member of the human race. Your failure speaks volumes.
Several others here have explained why Jesus was not an illegal alien.
I’ll just note that I find comparing anyone to Jesus is an exercise in futility.
Hey nazi boy, calling me a nazi back is not an argument. In fact it’s infantile. ou’re a heathen, an ant American commie pig. You know it and we know it and frankly I tired of you acting like you’re a big shot because you’re rich and “payed millions of dfollars in taxes”. You’re not.
So, you want the government to regulate what broadcasters can and can’t say, because you may be offended.
And you would hang the Board of Directors and confiscate the property of any business that offends you? That would be funny is you weren’t such a violent Nazi PoS.
I am tired of ass holes, nazis, commies, atheists, anarchists, perverts, liars, thieves and degenerates like you using our constitution against us. To ruin our children, our society, our government ,law, history and people. I for one have decided not to give it up without a fight. Yes, this is the hill I’m willing to die on. Are you?
Diversity is NOT what America is about. Diversity kills society. Our national motto is not “from one many” it’s E Pluribus Unum until the 1950’s. Why do you think it was changed just as the “diversity” crap started? Cause it’s bullshit that’s why.
Our country, our Republic can’t exist balkanized. It can only exist as a unified nation. One nation under God. That means the commies and nazis like dowd gotta change or gotta go. Their choice.
I will no more allow the enemies of America to use our Constitution to ruin us than I will allow atheist heathens like dowd use our Bible to ruin us. These pigs either go or America goes. We cannot live together and they know that. It’s what they want. Another civil war where White people slaughter each other so every shitfaced minority on earth can come in and pick over the bones.
Now they want us to separate: red vs blue. Fuck them. They ain’t gettin half of my country.
I’ve read that sperm swallower dowd for 3 years now as he called every honorable patriot here even Dana and Teach names and denigrated them. He even called Kye a Bronze Star recipient with two Purple Hearts a coward and his wife a whore.
I have eight fingers on my left hand. Lost the other two when a stairway fell on me saving a lady in a fire. During my 22 years as a fireman I’ve saved over 50 people. White, black, Mexican, Cuban and all religions. I fought fires in houses, in commercial buildings, on boats in the Gulf of Mexico and plane crashes. I’ve been burnt, almost died from smoke several times, attacked by crazed civilians and in accidents trying to get to fires.
Who has dowd saved lately? What part of America has dowd made better? Whose child has he pulled out of a flaming car crash and handed back to her mother?
America needs more patriots and a lot less atheist nazis. America needs more Teachs, Danas, daves and drowningpuppies. Not more dowds, AOCs, Bankman-Frieds, Epsteins or other criminals and perverts ginned up by the democrat party.
They have turned America from the envy of the world to a Freak show run by criminals. We want the real America back and 2023 is a good year to start.
I do not know anything about Mr Hahn, but if the man with the golden pipes, Cawood Ledford, the decades-long radio announcer for the Kentucky Wildcats had said something like that, his employer would have known that losing Mr Ledford would have meant losing a lot of listeners.
Alas! Mr Ledford eventually retired, and has now gone to his eternal reward.
And yet, they’re still illegal aliens. Funny how that works…
I prefer the term wet back. Sums up who they are.
We prefer the term peckerwood. Sums up who you are.
The term wetback refers to those who’ve swum the Rio Grande. So many of them cross illegally in New mexico, Arizona, and California with dry backs.
And American Indians aren’t from India but when a name sticks, it sticks.
Funny. The Sugar Bowl running “Jesus Was A Refugee” with pics of illegal aliens.

Maybe referring to Hay-Sues?
Bwaha! Lolgf
Well, his real name was Yeshua ben Yosef, so . . . .
Jesus was not a refugee. That’s a leftist lie to put legality into their fake Americanism. Jesus was a Hebrew-an Israelite under the control of Rome. He lived on land conquered by Rome. That made Jesus a Roman subject but not a Roman citizen. He was not an illegal alien nor was he an immigrant. He was by our standards “an indigenous person”. Anyone who says he was anything else is a dirty fucking heathen liar.
Jesus was an alien, at least according to Jesus.
John 8:23, KJV.
And he said unto them, Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world.
In addition, didn’t Joseph gather Mary and their child, Jesus, and flee to Egypt as commanded by God? I guess the migrant family was lucky that the Egyptians didn’t kill the invaders outright or at stop them at the border and send them back to be killed by King Herod. Pretty fucking lucky.
Matthew 2, KJV.
Lucifer 1:69, LGV. ‘Jesus saw them, got royally pissed and said, “Go to hell you dirty fucking heathen liars!”‘
I always roll my eyes when Mr Dowd quotes a scripture in which he does not believe.
There was, of course, no law against crossing into Egypt, so the Holy Family’s taking refuge in Egypt broke no laws.
Abu Sarga is a fifth century church constructed where the Holy Family supposedly stayed during their three weeks in Egypt.
In my recent, far too-short, visit to Jerusalem, I saw several sites which purport to be places where Jesus was, but who can really know? Kind of laughably, there is the birthplace of Mary, of whom we have no indication she was born in Jerusalem, and the tomb of Mary, of whom we have no indication she died in Jerusalem, and they’re only a couple of hundred yards apart. It is Catholic dogma that Mary did not die, but when the time for the end of her life arrived, she was directly assumed into heaven.
Jesus and his family went to Egypt for sanctuary not to immigrate. They were neither immigrants nor invaders. When it was safe THEY WENT BACK WHERE THEY BELONGED AND POSED NO THREAT OR EXPENSE TO THE PEOPLE OF EGYPT.
You lying filthy anti American mother fucker.
And you’re fat and ugly too. Pig.
Mr Dana gives Mary and Joseph free passage based on a technicality. The fact is they took baby Jesus to another land to avoid persecution in their land. That is, they were illegal aliens.
You lying filthy anti-American mother fucker.
And you’re fat and ugly too. Pig.
Lucifer God Brandon hard at work. That’s a weak stream, loser. You should have that prostate checked the next time one of your “colleagues” topping you.
Don’t you have a teenager to knock up today yet?
Tubby should talk.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Aw… my bad.¤tIndex=1&linkUrlVersion=V1

Bwaha! Lolgf
We’re sure Leith Honda pf Raleigh likes being associated with Porter Good’s hate site where all blacks are coons, all Hispanics/Mexicans are wetbacks, Ukrainians are Nazis, Democrats are motherfuckers, women are bitches or whores.
But then again, this is free advertising for attracting the white nationalists of Central North Carolina!
Rodney L (aka Rhonda Moorcock aka Shitlips) should talk, LOL.
Mommie’s girdle fits you.
Is Tubby getting a chubby?¤tIndex=1&linkUrlVersion=V1

Bwaha! Lolgf
Leith Honda – Where White Americans Get a Good Deal!
Ask for Porter.
ShitLips flatters “her”self.
So Tubby, what are you doing with your right hand?¤tIndex=1&linkUrlVersion=V1

Bwaha! Lolgf
Dear Elwood:
“The fact is they took baby Jesus to another land to avoid persecution in their land. That is, they were illegal aliens.”
Uh, no.
“Egypt was a province of the Roman Empire by the time of Jesus’ birth.”
Joseph took Jesus from one province to another.
You really are slow.
The sage from St Louis wrote:
The “technicality” being that it wasn’t illegal!
But, I suppose that we must understand our Democratic friends: they’ve been telling us that people are guilty, guilty, guilty of something when they have been neither indicted nor convicted of anything has become so deeply rooted in their brains that they don’t really have even a layman’s comprehension of the law.
If Mr Hahn has been calling Wolfpack games since 1991, odds are that he’s got plenty of money, so I wouldn’t worry too much about him.
Now what is wrong with the term pecker wood? I kind of like it. But I am comfortable with any name that identifies me with my white brothers and sisters, law abiding, hard working. Certainly not the scum bag wet backs invading our country.
Nothing wrong with peckerwood. It’s a good name to describe rednecks, brush apes, honkies, Aryans, trailer trash, white trash, bubbas, crackers, shorthose, Confederate, KKKers, Devils, goatropers, hicks, Grand Dragons, lynch-mongers, maggots, pinkies, whiteys, sheep dips etc.
I too like peckerwood to describe men such as you.
Brush apes is a racist term given to brown people. Get your hate focused.
You are incorrect. In the Ozarks, the Missouri Brush Ape was a white redneck livin’ in the woods.
You anti American racists even divide up White people into little groups. Unity is an anathema to you commies.
Again you seem t think repeating someone’s insult works. What are you, two years old?
Egypt was a possession of Rome. They were not illegal aliens dipshit. They went from one conquered territory to another conquered territory but remained on Roman land and remained Roman subjects. Ass hat.
The Archbishop of Denver disagrees with your learned interpretation.
Why does your idea about Jesus coincidentally happen to be consistent with your hatred of immigrants?
You white nationalists are so full of shit, hatred and proud ignorance.
Whereas you communists just hate America, Americans, Whites and Christians. BTW why would you care what the archbishop thinks or says? You are a phony, a liar and a hypocrite.
We suspect the Catholic Archbishop knows more of Jesus than you do, you dumbass.