Let me ask: do you really have confidence that Republicans are going to attempt to really do something? Even knowing that there’s little chance the Democrat run Senate will even vote on most House bills, and, even if they did, Brandon would veto them, will the House Republicans even try? Sometimes you have to vote on the legislation and put it out there for Americans to see. If they were smart (snicker), they’d pass lots of little bills that are easy to understand
Republicans get a louder voice on climate change as they take over the House
As Republicans prepare to take control of the U.S. House of Representatives next week, the highlights of their approach to climate change and energy issues can be summed up in a Toby Keith song.
“Made in America” centers on an aging farmer with “dirty hands and a clean soul.” The song says it “breaks his heart seeing foreign cars, filled with fuel that isn’t ours.” The video shows an older white man, flags waving and builds to a crescendo of, “He ain’t prejudice, he’s just made in America.”
The song, released more than a decade ago, played as Republican House leaders strode on stage near Pittsburgh in September to announce their “Commitment to America.” In addition to issues like crime and immigration, energy and climate policy comes under a section on the economy on current Republican leader Kevin McCarthy’s website.
That country song makes the uber-Elitist “journalists” at NPR very upset. All you rubes, ya know
The plans include boosting domestic oil and gas drilling, building more climate-friendly energy sources like nuclear and hydropower, changing environmental permitting to make construction easier, securing supply chains so other countries — notably China — can’t dominate them and planting trees to pull more carbon from the atmosphere.
Like Keith’s song, the plans may sound straightforward but dig deeper and it’s more complicated. It’s not clear these efforts would lead to the greenhouse gas emission reductions scientists say are needed to keep warming less than 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and avoid the worst effects of climate change. Beyond that, it’s unlikely the slim Republican majority in the House will be able to pass the legislation proposed, because Democrats still control the Senate and the White House.
Because most Republicans do not care about the climate scam, and are not going to tank our economy to Do Something. Further, they are more interested in keeping the cost of energy low for American citizens along with making it dependable
Another way Republican leaders plan to use their new voice is by scrutinizing a budget law Democrats passed this year, called the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). It allocates the most money ever for climate change efforts, about $370 billion.
Some Republicans are particularly interested in a Department of Energy loan program designed to advance cleaner technologies the private sector won’t yet fund. Under the IRA, the program will be expanded.
“It’s Solyndra on steroids,” says Washington Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, who is the Republican leader on the House Energy and Commerce Committee and likely will become chair.
I really do not have faith Republicans will do anything. How about you?

It’s quite clear that all the wasteful spending already passed claiming to fix “Climate Change!” won’t have any effect either.
How can you say that? The families of politically connected people will be wealthy for generations thanks to all that money. They will even be safe from inflation, safe from government health care, and safe from immigration. It will make a huge effect on them. Thanks to that money, tens of thousands of climate activists can also dip their snouts in the trough and be free from having to work for a living for decades. Anyone who says that spending has no effect is just using the wrong measure of effectiveness. The bill is doing exactly what it intended to do.
CO2 is 0.4% of the atmosphere and 3% of that is man-made. That means 0.12% of the CO2 is coming from humans, and 99.88% is naturally occurring.
And for that, we’ll dismantle our industries, our farming, our transportation? But only in the US/Canada/Europe–Russia, China, India can do whatever they want.
Check your math. 0.4% of the atmosphere is CO2. 3% of that is not 0.12%, it is actually far less, only 0.012%!!!!!
It’s all a huge money grab from low and middle income folks to the rich and protected class.
Thanks Dan! Missed a decimal point there with the percentages!!!
Currently, the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is 420 parts per million (ppm, which is molecules/ million molecules). You may recall from college that the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere is:
Nitrogen (781,000 molecules/million), Oxygen (221,000), Argon (9339), Carbon Dioxide (420), and smaller amounts of Neon, Helium, Krypton, Hydrogen, Xenon, Hydrogen. And don’t forget water vapor which varies greatly based on time, place and temperature.
Normal serum potassium is about 190 ppm. But 250 ppm would be very dangerous!
Carbon dioxide is a potent absorber of infrared radiation, so even 420 ppm can and does cause warming. There is no scientific question about CO2 causing warming. None.
Over the past million years or so, CO2 was about 200 ppm during glacial (cold) periods and 280 ppm during interglacial (warm) periods. The 50% increase in CO2 in the past century brings Earth to the highest point in several hundred thousand years. Carbon isotope studies of CO2 and fossil fuels (coal and oil) are consistent with the added CO2 coming from the burning of fossil fuels.
I don’t often watch youtube videos without context.
Can you supply context?
Dear Elwood:
In case you’ve been asleep, the subject has been the false claims of manmade global warming.
Dear Elwood:
You may recall the during the Middle Age Warming period… That was around 1100AD… Wine grapes grew in Northern England and Greenland was green.
Yet there were no cars. No power plants.
And no bunch of Leftie Liars wanting to make money and destroy western civilization.
That was a bit before my time. The Earth is warmer now than during the MWP and continuing to warm with no scientific basis to expect the warming to stop. (Magic is not scientific).
Atmospheric CO2 is not the only input is it?
There is a bunch of Rightie Liars wanting to exaggerate the temperature record to support their opposition to science. Partly, it’s because reducing fossil fuel use interferes with some making money. Partly, connies oppose change. Partly, because connies reject scientific findings that complicate religious beliefs.
There is a bunch of Rightie Liars wanting to exaggerate the temperature record to support their opposition to science. Partly, it’s because reducing fossil fuel use interferes with some making money. Partly, connies oppose change. Partly, because connies reject scientific findings that complicate religious beliefs.
Not a word of that is true you fat ugly lying hateful bigot.
Dear Elwood:
So if you were around then you don’t believe??
Okie dokie.
Actually there are various other reasons given for climate change… Sunspots….star waves…earth rotation variances…cosmic rays..
Climate change has never been the issue. The issue is if and now man can affect it.