Monthly Archives: December 2022

House Democrats Look To Get Around Privacy Laws For Trump’s Taxes

You had to know this was coming, right? When now-private citizen Trump’s lawyers made their arguments before the Supreme Court, did they use an argument that Democrats were sure to attempt to circumvent federal privacy laws and release his private tax documents to the world? House Dems poised to release Trump’s tax secrets House Democrats […]

Your Fault: White Christmas’ Are Less Likely In The UK

Remember this oldy but goody? CHILDREN JUST AREN’T GOING TO KNOW WHAT SNOW IS The Independent, 2000: Snow is starting to disappear from our lives. Sledges, snowmen, snowballs and the excitement of waking to find that the stuff has settled outside are all a rapidly diminishing part of Britain’s culture, as warmer winters – which scientists are […]

If All You See…

…is an evil world killing plastic bottle of water, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Real Climate Science, with a post on the “end” of Scottish skiing. Please make sure to recycle, folks. Environmental issues are real.

Excitable Democrats Look To Bar Trump Under 14th Amendment

Republicans should counter by filing legislation to bar Biden under the 25th Amendment, because he seems to be in the depth of dementia House Democrats introduce legislation to bar Trump from office under 14th Amendment A group of 40 House Democrats, led by Rep. David Cicilline (R.I.), introduced legislation on Thursday to bar former President […]

Say, What Will Your Climate Apocalypse Christmas Dinner Look Like In 10 Years?

Christmas dinner in 2032 might look different because Government keeps trying to force the peasants to change their behavior, as well as screwing up the food supply chain. Of course, that’s not what these climate doomers mean This Photo Shows How Your Christmas Dinner Might Look In 10 Years With Christmas almost upon us, many […]

Biden Admin Looks To Restrict Speed Of Large Boats In Ocean

Besides being a massive regulatory over-reach, this would cause lots of economic problems Biden administration boating proposal would be ‘greatest regulatory overreach’ of its kind, critics warn “This would be the greatest regulatory overreach in American maritime law” — that’s how Frank Hugelmeyer describes a proposal by the Biden administration to limit the speed of […]

Your Fault: Climate Doom To Fuel Humanitarian Crisis’ In 2023

Damn you. You just had to take all those fossil fueled flights as a peasant (it’s OK if you are an Elite), causing Bad Things in 2023 Climate change will fuel humanitarian crises in 2023 -study Climate change will accelerate humanitarian crises around the world in 2023, adding to the issues created by armed conflict […]

If All You See…

…is an area drying out from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Lid, with a post on Ron DeSantis asking a grand jury to probe wrongdoing over the covid vaccines. Doubleshot below the fold, check out The First Street Journal, with a post on […]

House GOP Releases Report Saying COVID Might Have Come From Chinese Bioweapons Program

This shouldn’t surprise anyone in the least. The only thing here is, do they have the facts to support the allegation COVID origins ‘may have been tied’ to China’s bioweapons program: GOP report Republican members of the House Intelligence Committee are alleging in a newly released report that there are “indications” that COVID-19 could be […]

Researchers Searching For Christmas Trees That Can Withstand Climate Apocalypse

It’s not like these trees survived multiple Holocene warm periods or anything. But, hey, if you have government funding, sure, why not The search for Christmas trees that can withstand climate change Drier summers and warmer autumns spell trouble for that iconic winter evergreen, the Christmas tree. Working to safeguard this important Pacific Northwest crop, […]

Pirate's Cove